Saturday, August 31, 2019
American mindset Essay
Cheri Register earned a PhD and pursued the career of a professor, yet she cannot get over the fact that she had been raised by parents who belonged to the working class (Register 10). Their work is â€Å"revile[d]†by affluent Americans, including those that belong to the same class as Register, now that she has escaped life in the small town of America that she grew up in (Register 19). Her old town continues to appear as â€Å"working-class in character†(Register 17). Her daughters, who have been raised in a city, miss the presence of the likes of Gap and Contempo in the working class town (Register 17). According to Register, class consciousness is an integral element of the American mindset. Even as those Americans who do not have to provide cheap labor for their children to achieve â€Å"something different and better†find it convenient to look down upon the labor class, Register believes that the services provided by the poor people of America are â€Å"essential†albeit â€Å"unpleasant†(Register 19). Somebody has to work in the packinghouse, just as somebody else is required to work in a food processing plant at the minimum wage rate. Those who escape the working class lifestyle are individuals like Register who find it easy to perform mental labor and obtain the academic degrees required to climb the ladder of material success (Register). As the example of Gap and Contempo shows, people from different socioeconomic backgrounds in the United States must needs have different buying habits. When unemployed people from Register’s small town are invited to a Christmas store, some of them refuse to purchase â€Å"‘anything nice’†(Register 21). A sense of â€Å"deprivation†has been built into their mindsets (Register 21). Yet, those who are able to afford luxuries are conscious of the differences between a â€Å"paper-thin deli turkey†and â€Å"a frozen turkey loaf†(Register 13). What is more, people from the working class, perhaps because they are exposed for long periods of time to disagreeable working conditions, have come to believe that the rich and educated people are amoral. Register writes: â€Å"My dad once paid this great compliment to my brother-in-law: ‘Rog is such a nice guy you’d never even know he was educated’†(13). She further describes the teaching of her father thus: Hadn’t he taught me that rich people aren’t happy, that Republicans will do you in for money, that â€Å"we . . . the little guys . . . the ordinary working people†are little and ordinary precisely because we are too moral to do what it takes to get rich? (Register 6- 7). Of course, the major part of Register’s book is a description of the labor union strike that she observed as a youth in small town America. The working class felt exploited by the rich. Register was confronted by the following question being worked on for a solution: â€Å"Whose rights should prevail, those who supply the money or those who supply the labor that keeps towns like Albert Lea vital†(Register 20)? It was the first time that the author was exposed to the word â€Å"Unfair†being applied â€Å"to weighty questions of justice that may be in dispute forever†(Register 20). This is to say that the poor would continue feeling exploited by the rich, who may or may not be concerned about ethics and equality as they seek greater profits by offering low wages to those that work hard to sustain their families, hoping for their children to have a better life. The author writes about â€Å"powerless workers up against a heartless adversary†(Register 163). On a similar note, her great-grandfather had written about the picturesque landscape being destroyed because of the greed of those that hoped to make money, whether they did so through deforestation or construction of manufacturing plants (Register 18). Thus, people from low socioeconomic backgrounds express themselves as ethical as compared to those who compete against each other to get richer by the day regardless of whether they must usurp the rights of others in the process. As mentioned before, those who are well-off, on the other hand, continue to look down upon the kind of work performed by the working class folks even though their services are equally important, according to the author. Although Register would not like her children to be exposed to unlikable working conditions that her parents had survived, she would not stop respecting the dignity of people from low socioeconomic backgrounds. She understands their mindset better than those individuals from the rich class who have never seen their parents as low wage workers. People who have never seen their loved ones in difficult conditions may continue to exploit the poor. As Register writes, this conflict may be never-ending. In other words, the capitalists of America may continue offering low wages to labor in order to enhance profits. For this reason, Register’s book offers lavish food for thought to educated Americans. Due to their efforts in the right direction, that is, to reverse the plague of inequality, it is possible that in future working class Americans would stop feeling belittled by the capitalists even as the latter would stop usurping their human rights.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Book Review of Drinking Essay
Caroline Knapp writes eloquently and honestly, yet often starkly, about her life as a â€Å"functioning alcoholic. †Ms. Knapp graduated Magna cum laude from Brown University, was a contributing editor at New Woman magazine as well as the Boston Phoenix. She wrote for many other magazines as well and was the author of Alice K’s Guide to Life. She was born into an upper-class family, one of two twin girls, daughter of a psychoanalyst father and an artist mother. Yet despite all the gifts seemingly bestowed upon her, from her earliest memories Ms. Knapp felt that she was different in some way; that she needed something to sustain her and help her travel through life; her particular crutch became alcohol. Carolyn’s family, though a model of respectability and stability on the outside, had their own particular demons to deal with. Carolyn’s father was described as â€Å"cold, remote, and inaccessible, an alcoholic involved in extramarital affairs. †(Handrup, 1998, p. 1). Her mother seemed to be â€Å"preoccupied with breast cancer throughout much of Knapp’s childhood,†and â€Å"was seemingly unaware of the inner life of her children. †(p. 1). Carolyn relates stories of her father’s previous marriage which produced three children, and the confusion that came along with the ex-wife and the younger son who was born with fetal alcohol syndrome and whose erratic behavior frightened Carolyn. The theory of nature causing alcoholism pretty much goes out the window on this particular case as Carolyn’s twin sister Becca never turned to alcohol or any other addictive behavior to cope with a life that virtually mirrored Carolyn’s own. The disability of any alcoholic seems to be an intense need for protection; an inability to weather the storms of life alone, the absolute craving for a friend, a lover that will carry them through the rough times. In fact, Ms. Knapp felt about alcohol the exact same way she imagined others felt about their lovers. It was something she craved, obsessed over, and thought about constantly. Ms. Knapp’s â€Å"rough times†in life soon translated into absolutely anything at all, good or bad. The sun was shining, or it wasn’t, the cashier at the grocery store was unfriendly, or perhaps too friendly, somebody died, a baby was born. Every nuance of life became too difficult to deal with, the emotions that accompanied normal day-to-day living were too much to process without a drinkâ€â€or two, or three, or four. Ms. Knapp wryly notes that living without alcohol is like being â€Å"forced to live alone without the armor. The armor, of course, is protection from all the things we might actually feel, if we allowed ourselves to feel at all;†(Knapp, 1996, p. 113) Comfort became an absolute necessity, and Caroline remembers that from the time she was able to sit in her mother’s lap she would rock herself back and forth, and that this bizarre behavior continued for more years than she cared to remember. â€Å"Later I developed a more elaborate system: I’d get on my knees and elbow and curl up in a ball on the bed facedown like a turtle in its shell, and rock away, for hours sometimes†¦I was deeply embarrassed that I did this, ashamed of it, really, but I needed it. I needed it and it worked. The truth? I did this until I was sixteen. The rocking was just like drinking. †(Knapp, 1996, p. 62). So, from the comfort she derived from rocking–for hours sometimes– Caroline â€Å"graduated†to a more sophisticated form of self-comfortâ€â€alcohol. She never came to a satisfactory conclusion as to why that comfort was so essential to her. â€Å"I still don’t know, today, if that hunger originated within the family or if it was something I was simply born with. In the end I don’t suppose it matters. You get your comfort where you can. †(p. 61). While Knapp faced few serious medical issues as a result of her alcoholism, she nonetheless suffered through the physical challenges her addiction brought such as the soon-daily hangovers, headaches and nausea. She suffered blackouts on occasion, and another woman one day remarked about all the tiny broken blood vessels on her noseâ€â€a classic sign of the habitual drinker. Knapp combined two addictions for a period of time; anorexia and alcoholism. She felt like the anorexia gave her control over her life, and the alcoholism made it possible for her to continue the anorexia. She notes during her anorexic phase that â€Å"I simply couldn’t stand the starving anymore, couldn’t go on without some kind of release from the absolute rigor and vigilance and self-control, and I’d go out and eat like crazy and drink like crazy. These episodes were usually preceded by some glimmer of insight into my own loneliness, some gnawing sense that my hunger was more than merely physical. †(Knapp, 1996, p. 141). The psychological consequences of this intense need for protection in the form of alcohol were many; Knapp notes several times how impossible it was to maintain any type of intimacy in relationships when she had a whole secret life that nobody else knew of. She felt she was one person at work– the responsible, hard-working, intelligent and dedicated writer– another with each of her boyfriends, another with her parents and siblings, and perhaps could only let her true self come through when she was alone with her lover, her glass of bourbon. Caroline felt an emptiness deep inside, that nothing could counteract except alcohol. She also felt an enormous sense of powerlessness in her own life, and described it in this way: â€Å"As a rule, active alcoholics are powerless people, or at least a lot of us tend to feel that way in our hearts. †(Knapp, 1996. p. 178). Perhaps because she was a classic example of the functioning alcoholic, few people in Caroline’s life ever mentioned her drinking to her as being a problem. When her mother told her that perhaps she was drinking a bit too much, Caroline promised she would only drink two drinks a day, no matter what. When she was unable to keep that promise, she found one excuse after another. Her own sister, while realizing the problem, skirted the issue with Caroline. While Becca didn’t come right out and say that she thought her sister was an alcoholic, Caroline felt shame because she knew on some level her sister knew. Friends and boyfriends alike, seemed to accept the fact that Caroline drank, never seeing much below that superficial level of awareness. Although there were moments of clarity when Knapp realized she must stop drinking, (such as the time she was drunkenly swinging her best friend’s two daughters around and fell down, narrowly missing injuring the children), in the end it was no one thing that prompted her to enter rehab. She felt that it would take â€Å"great courage to face life without anesthesia,†(Iaciofano, 2004, p. 13) yet, in the end, she was able to pull that very courage from somewhere deep inside herself. Ms. Knapp’s story, full of bad relationships, years of self doubt and pain, strong addictions and family issues, psychologically goes far beyond the disease of alcoholism itself, and offers tremendous insight into the gut-wrenching need for something to ease the pain that life inflicts. Ms. Knapp notes that â€Å"You take away the drink and you take away the single most important method of coping you have. How to talk to people without a drink†¦.. How to experience a real emotionâ€â€pain or anxiety or sadnessâ€â€without an escape route, a quick way to anesthetize it. How to sleep at night. †(Knapp, 1996, p. 254). References Handrup, Cynthia Taylor. (July-September 1998). Drinking: A Love Story. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care. Retrieved April 20, 2006, from http://www. findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_qa3804/is_199807/ai_n8791537/print Iaciofano, Carol. (June 16, 2004). Lyrical Essays Trace a Woman’s Short Yet Rich Life. Globe. Retrieved April 21, 2006 from http://www. arlindo-correia. com/061203. html Knapp, Caroline. (1996). Drinking: A Love Story. New York, Bantam Dell, A Division of Random House.
Limited Power of the People
Man's destiny is at his own hands. Certainly true nowadays for most people, but there was a time when, and presently in some areas where, people do not decide their own destiny. Destiny of those people was decided upon by their masters or their rulers. In the early modern period (1500's – 1700's) most people do not have the luxury to choose their own path. Take for example the Africans and the people under some monarch. During this time, Africans were compelled to be slaves and imported to Europe and America. While in the case of people under monarchy, their laws are under the authority of their ruler. According to the True Law of Free Monarchies written by James I of England, the king is responsible for the whole land and his subjects. He is the master of every individual residing in his kingdom. He had the power over the life and death of his people. In a monarch, rules and laws made by the king were crafted at his followers' advise or proposal but it is still subjected to the king's discretion on what to implement when times arises. His authority solely made these laws official. Implementation or revoking of certain laws or policies is within his bounds alone. The people are put to oath to be loyal followers of their king and his predecessors. Generally, a king's subject has a sort of liberty as long as they follow the rules of the land and whatever the king wishes them to do. Most of the kings give very harsh punishment to those persons who do not follow his orders. The king is not bound to anything except his conscience and his goodwill to his subjects. As for the slaves, they do not have the conveniences savored by the followers of the king. They absolutely do not have the freedom to do their own will. Slaves were commonly captives or prisoners of war. The victors, rather than killing them, prefer to make use of them or profit from them. Later on, slavery was brought about by racial discrimination. Slavery trade soon flourished when civilization progressed. They use/bought these slaves for the manpower needed to produce the needs of their people, especially for doing arduous tasks. They were usually traded in exchange for money, foods, goods or ammunitions. The slaves were usually kept inside the cages or tied around a tree. According to Bosman, the slaves were first examined by a physician before they purchase them. All those handicapped were set aside, only the physically fit ones were bought. They were also branded for easy identification of their buyers. With regards to food during the voyage, the slaves were fed thrice a day, the food much better than the food that they were eating at their place according to Bosman. Their sleeping area is divided per gender. One part is designated for men, the other is for women. They usually lie very close to each other because they are usually crowded due to the large number of slaves shipped. Majority of the slaves were treated poorly and cruelly by their masters. Very seldom will you find masters that are good to their slaves. Some who are lame were beaten to death. Slaves were not allowed to marry their masters or mistresses but there are some secret relationships that transpired. The world of these people was very limited especially the slaves. They do everything that was asked by their master or ruler and they do not have the right to complain. Some even kill themselves when told to do so by their masters. Their lives were literally on their master's hands. Over time, slavery trade dwindled down because of some resistance and laws enacted upon by humane individuals, monarchy had also been lax with their subject. But if you look around, the idea of slavery or ruling over somebody has not been totally obliterated, some people still do not have the power to choose their own destiny. In the present years, slavery is not so obvious. Though it still exists but it operates discreetly. It is demonstrated by ruling class or rich people by using their money power to influence and dictate the lives of the poor. They have all the power to manipulate them, a discreet demonstration of slavery. Works Cited Page Bosman, Willem. A. A New and Accurate Description of the Coast of Guinea Divided into the Gold, the Slave, and the Ivory Coasts. James I. True Law of Free Monarchies. Lain, Zachary. All Men Are Created Equal: Or Are They? The Triangular Slave Trade. ;
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Hearing Sounds Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Hearing Sounds - Assignment Example The outer ear is composed of three parts which are the pinna (or auricle), the external auditory canal (or external auditory meatus), and the tympanic membrane (or eardrum) (Net Industries and its Licensors ,par.2). The pinna is the organ on the side of our heads that we commonly call "the ear". The external auditory canal is a passageway in the temporal lobe of the skull that begins at the ear and extends inward and slightly upwards. The outer one-third portion of the canal is lined with a membrane containing ceruminous (ear wax producing) cells, and hair cells which protects the eardrum by trapping dirt and other foreign bodies. The purpose of the cerumen and hairs is to protect the eardrum by trapping dirt and to keep the canal moist. The tympanic membrane or eardrum is a thin, concave membrane stretched across the inner end of the external auditory canal and serves as a transmitter of sound by vibrating in response to sounds traveling down the external auditory canal, and beginni ng sound conduction in the middle ear. The middle ear starts from the inner surface of the eardrum. It is connected to a chain of three small bones called the ossicles, known as the malleus (hammer), incus (anvil) and stapes (stirrup). These bones conduct sound waves from the tympanic membrane to the inner ear.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Marketing plan continues 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Marketing plan continues 2 - Essay Example This could include adding insurance services and even expanding overseas. The key success factors focuses on services and SISCO has to develop differentiation by offering tailor-made products. Customer retention in the highly volatile market is essential and SISCO should devise packages to retain the customer base. SISCO needs to be cognizant of the fact that at any point of time, should the oil prices crash, the market for all its products could come down drastically. The company has to be prepared for this contingency while devising their ambitious plans. During their operation in the financial and mortgage industry, SISCO has developed its own customer base, thus cultivating its own niche market. An aggressive marketing will however lead to a growth of its customer base, thus making its presence widely known in Jeddah. SISCO’s core business shall be the supply of financial services to both individuals and business owners, who have interests in the mortgage and property development industry. Following a study of the target market, the information acquired will hence help the company to better serve the needs of the customers. Jeddah, the geographic target is situated near the red sea. The total targeted population is a little over 3 million â€Å" A year on year increase of 4.48% (the population growth during this time was 2.83%).†(ameininfo) The kingdom is witnessing a change in demographics of home development. Previously, individuals build at least 98 percent of the homes, whereas developers only handled the remaining 2 percent. The trend is however rapidly changing owing to a drastic rise in both the building materials, and a corresponding increase in development cost. â€Å"Suggesting an increase in nuclear families. Thus, demands for all kinds of household goods - white goods, automobiles, bank loans, furniture - will increase.†.(ameininfo) There is a dire need to supply
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Employee Development Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Employee Development - Research Paper Example Employee development leads to employee motivation and job satisfaction. A growth-oriented workplace culture works on improving small occurrences so that overall growth is guaranteed. Growth relates to each and every employee at the workplace. The development in the quality of existing employees’ skills and the quantity of skilled workers leads to overall organizational growth. The most precious asset that a company may cherish is its employees, and it needs to be seriously concerned with all issues that may dissatisfy, frustrate or depress them. Without happy employees, no strategy is going to work, and no progress will be seen in the long run. Also, employee development programs result in job retention which is necessary to save organizational finances. Opening new opportunities for employees, so that they can develop expertise, makes them stay happy with their jobs. This can be done through training and learning sessions, along with providing such avenues to employees where they can practice new ideas. In this paper, we shall discuss what research suggests about the benefits of employee development, both for the employee and the employer. Discussion Gallie et al. (2010) describe in their research how teamwork can be used as a strategy to enhance employees’ skills and, ultimately, organizational success. They have explained the benefits of teamwork in task discretion, skill development, organizational commitment, discretionary effort, and employee welfare. Talking about employee development, they state that teamwork creates such an environment in which employees can learn new skills and competencies. This is because the employer distributes tasks on multi-functional basis, requiring different people with different skill sets. This system of work organization requires employees to work on a collaborative platform on which they share their ideas, and get motivated by each other’s talents and capabilities. This makes them bring the best out o f their skills to accomplish the tasks assigned to them. Constructive criticism, feedback, and further appreciation motivates them, leading to successful employee development. The researchers found that employees, who were the participants of their research, stated that their jobs required them to learn and help other employees learn new things, when they worked in semi-autonomous or self-managed teams. Ellinger et al. (2008) prove our thesis statement in their research, by stating that employee development strategies, such as training, coaching and empowerment, lead to successful employee development that is beneficial to both the employees and the employers. They conducted their research on 123 logistic service provider firms using multi-survey design methodology, and found that firms which employed employee development programs performed better than those which did not value employee development. They emphasized that service-related training is the most important thing that impro ves employees’ skills. Training, which occurs after orientation, is a process in which employers intend to enhance employees’ performance through teaching them new skills and competencies, with the use of which, they can enhance their performance in their job areas. Training modifies the thinking of employees, and is a never-ending process. It makes employees efficient and
Monday, August 26, 2019
Criminal law in UK , problem quastion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Criminal law in UK , problem quastion - Essay Example will also be a discussion in relation to the administration of the overdose of painkillers in a situation where the patient has been diagnosed with a terminal illness, and whether the outcome would be any different if the overdose had been administered by the nurse instead of the doctor. This will require a discussion in relation to whether the nurse would have been aware that the higher dosage would cause the death of the patient. As the doctor is more likely to be higher qualified than a nurse, a greater degree of care would be expected of the doctor. Having considered all of the above, it should then be possible to determine the liability of each of the parties. The actus reus of an offence refers to the act of the accused, which, when combined with either the recklessness or intention of the accused causes the crime to be committed. For each crime, the actus reus of the offence will alter. For murder, the actus reus would be the direct act of the accused that caused the death of the victim. This means that the actus reus of an offence is the external element of the crime. The mens rea of a crime is the fault element of the offence and translates as the ‘guilty mind’. When a man of sound memory and of the age of discretion, unlawfully killeth within any country of the realm any reasonable creature in rerum natura under the Kings Peace, with malice aforethought, so as the party wounded, or hurt†¦, die of the wound or hurt, †¦ within a year and a day after the same1. Through legislative changes2 and case law precedents 3 the element of malice aforethought has now been restricted to narrower terms4. Prior to these changes, the courts needed to be convinced that an element of ill will or premeditation existed in order to find a defendant guilty. Since the changes the prosecution now only needs to prove that an intention to kill5 or an intention to cause grievous bodily harm6 existed. The wording of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 has also altered the level
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The Shallows Agreement and Partial Disagreement with Nicholas Carrs Essay
The Shallows Agreement and Partial Disagreement with Nicholas Carrs Approach to Internet Privacy - Essay Example For purposes of this particular analysis, the author will analyze Nicholas Carr’s â€Å"The Shallows†. Rather than delving into it point by point agreement for rebuttal of Carr’s piece, this author will attempt to integrate the analysis based upon Carr’s of the means by which more and more websites such as Google and Facebook seek to track their online users and glean potentially harmful levels of personal preferences and surfing history. As a means of such an analysis, it is the hope of this author that the reader will be able to integrate with one of the most important issues that exists within the realm of technology during the current era; the right an expectation to privacy. Although it is always been a policy of firms seeking to maximize their profits to endeavor to gain valuable information with regards to their client base, the extent to which websites such as Facebook and Google have gone to extract this information from their users is unprecedented. One of the trade-offs to the readily available information and use of social networking that both of these sites, as well is a host of others, display is the facts that they provide lengthy, nuanced, and ultimately confusing privacy policies that are written in what can only be described as many pages of legalese (O’Brien & Torres 69). Naturally, such privacy policies are intended not towards protecting the privacy of the individual Web server; rather, they are designed to protect against any liabilities that the firm may incur based upon their otherwise unscrupulous gathering of information of their users. It is the belief of this particular researcher that such practices are highly unethical and represent breaches of consumer confidence that in any other industry would be taken as an affront to consumer privacy and respect. Unfortunately, the level to which government is willing to safeguard the users of these monolithic and highly lucrative firms are extraordinarily limited (Carr 105). Although it is beyond the scope of this analysis to offer an in-depth discussion of why this might be, it is the belief of this particular researcher that the line between industry and government is particularly blurred both with respect to Facebook and to Google. This blurring has not helped the consumer/web surfer whatsoever; rather, it has only helped these firms to further market their products and seek to gain valuable information with regards to the habits and preferences of the millions of individuals that use their services on a daily basis. In the past, cooperation between the government and private firms has rarely turned out to the overall benefits of the end consumer. Although s uch a situation is possible, the level and extent to which government is currently reliant and highly cooperative with the likes of Google, Facebook and others does not bode well for the right to privacy from the end user/consumer (Gilbert 8). Naturally, the key concern is not center necessarily upon the fact that Google and others are seeking to track and retain this information; rather, the key issue becomes what did they intend on doing with such information/how will they use it/for how long will they keep it and who ultimately has access to it? Recently, I was so troubled by the level to which so many websites sought to place tracking cookies on the computer that I downloaded an ad on to Mozilla Firefox which is called â€Å"Ghosteryâ€
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Iran's Foreign Policy Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Iran's Foreign Policy - Research Proposal Example The election of President George Bush in 2000 dampened these hopes as he left moderate Iranians puzzled by his demonizing of Iran and the inclusion of the country in the 'axis of evil' along with North Korea (Katz, 2005, p.59). This set the stage for the election of the conservative Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, an Islamic nationalist that is suspicious of the US and capitalist countries, and has increased the tensions between the countries and elevated the risk of direct confrontation (Pirouz & Reed, 2005). The possibility that Iran may have a nuclear weapons program has made them a threat to the national security of the US. Iran poses a significant threat to the US national security from Islamic extremists that have considerable influence on the Iranian government. This has placed the advocates of a 'Holy War' against the United States in a position to disrupt trade or Iran's vital supply of petroleum. Regional disputes could spill over into Iran and involve a nation that may have nuclear capability. The current administration has professed the belief that Iran is going to get a nuclear weapon or the necessary resources to build one sometime in the near future (Sagan, 2006). If the US administration believes that Iran poses a significant economic or military threat there is a risk of the US taking preemptive action to prevent Iran from destabilizing the region or the world economy. The last 60 years have seen considerable swings in our relations with Iran. In 1951 Iranian Premier Ali Razmara, who was open to trade and favorable relations with the West, was assassinated and replaced by Mohammad Mossadeq. Mossadeq was a hardliner that planned to nationalize the country's oil reserves and limit the power of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, a pro-western Shah (Chronology US-Iran relations, 2005). In 1953 a joint operation between the CIA and British intelligence overthrew the Mossadeq regime in a military coup that put the Shah into power (Chronology US-Iran relations, 2005). This began a period of favorable relations with Iran that lasted until the Shah's removal in the Iranian Revolution of 1979. The Iranian Revolution was accompanied by the taking of the American embassy and the kidnapping of its occupants in Tehran. This resulted in the Carter administration implementing sanctions against Iran and an embargo on Iranian oil. In 1995, Clinton banned all trade with Iran. These tough sanctions were temporarily eased as companies were allowed to sell food and medical supplies in 1999 (Chronology US-Iran relations, 2005). The current US policy has labeled Iran a terrorist nation and in 2002 Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld stated that Iran was responsible for, " inspiring and financing a culture of political murder and suicide bombing" (as cited in Chronology US-Iran relations, 2005). This policy has continued with tougher sanctions and a policy of non-negotiations. The Bush administration has continued to escalate the rhetoric against Iran and Iran has responded by taking provocative military actions against the US and British interests in the region. This has led to the curren t policy of economically and politically isolating Iran in an effort to get them to curb their nuclear ambitions (Katzman, 2007, p.2). Faced with a hostile nation that may possess a nuclear weapon in the near future highlights the importance of having an effective policy in regards to
Friday, August 23, 2019
Effective Management of Service Processes Essay
Effective Management of Service Processes - Essay Example The aim of this assignment is to show how the effective management of the service processes, its service, people and resource utilisation has contributed to the success of Bellagio. Management of Service Processes Bellagio follows focus strategy for its services. It is the first hotel in Las Vegas which has shown remarkable quarterly sales revenue and has set record for the same. Bellagio tries to attract the upper middle class of the society or the wealthy customers, by providing them with the best services. Las Vegas is a land for architects. This is because all the hotels here are built in such manner, that they appear to be unique in some or the other way. Bellagio being one of them is not an exception. The quality of its architecture attracts many customers. Bellagio portrays Italian Architecture (Bellagio, 2012a). Its goal is to create such an ambience so that the customers can sense the value of the hotel through its construction (Inland Architect, n. d.). The aim of Bellagio is to focus on the presentation in order to impress its visitors. The hotel should always offer the best infrastructure to its customers, so that they can feel the quality of services offered by the hotel owners. It is due to this reason that Bellagio always tries to advance itself in all aspects so that it appears to be unique to those, who are visiting Las Vegas for the first time. Gaming has always been an important centre of attraction for Bellagio. The main challenge for Bellagio was to attract those visitors who are non-gamers. Apart from its architecture and gamming section, Bellagio is also famous for its wonderful fountains. These fountains were designed by special designers (Bellagio, 2012b). Musicians and expertise performance artists were also invited to choreograph these fountains. In front of Bellagio’s building more than a thousand fountain dances are shown to the visitors. In order to provide satisfaction to the visitors, the hotel organises tours to different destinations. Guests feel the uniqueness of Bellagio as soon as they enter the hotel. The lobby is admirable in its design as well as in its scale. Throughout the hotel colourful flowers have been planted to provide a wonderful feeling to the visitors. The beauty of the garden attracts many visitors and guests. Moreover, Educational Wine Classes have also been introduced by Bellagio in order to provide a better knowledge about wine through different interactive sessions. The wine classes are led by Jason Smith who is the Director of Wine. The program was conducted with the help of various presentations including open discussions with the high profile industrial professionals. The conservatory and botanical gardens of Bellagio make it a holiday destination for most of the visitors (Bellagio, 2012c). The visitors are inspired to get rid of the heat of the East Coast by enhancing the seasonal ambience throughout the resort. The winter displayed at Bellagio is eye catching. Exposure to different seasons inside the resort was a new concept introduced by Bellagio. The rooms of the hotel are redesigned in an advanced way to enhance the guest experience. The entire remodelling of the hotel was done by the design group of MGM Resorts International. The rooms were designed with brighter lights and colours so as to bring a variation in them. It has renovated 2568 rooms in the main tower of the hotel. The approximate cost of remodelling of the rooms was $70 million. The availability of three different colour palettes has further enhanced Bellagio to be one among the world’s iconic resorts. (Source: Hospitality Net, 2012) An interesting fact is that Bellagio also organises art of cooking shows for its visitors. The kitchen is well equipped with proper
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Living in the promised land Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Living in the promised land - Essay Example In an interview segment one, Grace Kapuro a physician from Philippines living in America gives a viably different approach to life in America. She alluded that in Philippines she had an easy life compared to the life in America. She claimed that life in America could be described as busy life where one has to do all chores compared to Philippines where she could get house maids. The adjustment in language, foods, dressing and customs as she puts it, was not as easy but was worthwhile. In the career field in Philippines she was a doctor but had to do some academic adjustments to fit if the medical field in America which later became very fulfilling (Luis canjura.segment 1) According to Kapuro the Philams (Philipine Americans) were different from the Philippino immigrants in some aspect of maintaining culture. The immigrants had been able to maintain their culture but the American born Philippines had already been integrated into the American culture. After the adjustments the physician said America is the country filled with milk and honey (Luis canjura.segment 1) Benito Vergara argues that relocating to the United States for their own individual interest is a betrayal to the Philippines because they are only immigrating for their own material success. Grace grabbed the opportunity and struggled the first few years she settled in. Immigrating to America, Grace saw it as an opportunity because she wanted to fulfill her American dream (Luis canjura.segment 2). After settling in America, Grace petitioned for her husband later her father. For the majority of Filipinos, it is true that they immigrate to America for their financial requirements which according to Grace seemed different in the early years of living in America. Homesickness was a common feeling in America, based on the fact that America had own cultures, food, language and the busy life in the city (Vergers, 46). Grace stated that she attended public school where the ratio in the classroom
Analysis the Song The Way We Were Essay Example for Free
Analysis the Song The Way We Were Essay There is a songâ€â€a love song that has touched several hundred thousand audiences’ hearts; it expresses the overflowing feelings of a woman who used to live in her intense true love. â€Å"The Way We Were,†by Alan Bergman, Marilyn Bergman, and Marvin Hamlisch illustrates the innermost emotions and regret of a middle-aged woman when she reflects on the youth which she had gone through. This song has a light beat and slow tempo forming delightful sensations for the listeners, but it also leaves audiences a profound message to think about. Sophisticated audiences may find themselves in the song. It brings out fervor, especially for people who have been living in love. Marilyn Bergman uses simple words, but it is very touching and emotive. Basically, it is a classical song which was played by symphony orchestras and performed by Barbra Streisand. By just looking at the lyrics, one would feel the sentimental soul and an introspective mind of a sensitive woman. In the first line of the song, she writes â€Å"Memories, light the corners of my mind. Misty watercolor memories of the way we were. These memories have been engraved in her heart; they are neither gloomy nor euphoric, but they are vivid images which she wants to repress in the most innermost sphere of her mind. It is not just something very hurtful; it is not blissful to think of either. Her feeling is a mixture of nostalgia, melancholy, and a little bit of regret that is rushing through her body. Former familiar scenes were depicted in her mind, but, somehow, t hey are both painted with watercolor and blurred, symbolizing a mystical ethereal world that solely exists in her imagination and belongs to her only. Near the middle of the song she wonders, â€Å"If we had the chance to do it all again. Tell me would we? Could we? †She already knows her former love would never come back again; the melody sounds like she is missing and regretting her loss of love. The term â€Å"Would we? Could we? †is deliberately sung slowly and softly as mumbling is also a way to convey her thoughts. Despite her haunting regret, she prefers keeping that regret to making up her love again because she knows wistful moments and romantic longings that she has right now wouldnt exist if her love remained today. It is such an uncanny feeling and an agonizing struggle between the logic and the sentiment of a human being. The last couple lines expose changes in her mood, â€Å"Memories may be beautiful and yet whats too painful to remember. We simply choose to forget, so its the laughter we will remember whenever we remember the way we were. †She used to live in love with both happiness and bitterness, but she had to learn how to forget unpleasant experiences to keep the most exquisite feelings inside herself. Does she â€Å"simply†choose to forget? It is not something easy to do. The way Barbra Streisand sings shows internal struggling when she decides to get rid of mental pains. The word â€Å"laughter†here is not simply something funny and delightful to laugh at; it is also a pang of remorse and regret about the love and the youth that are gone from her life. Marilyn Bergman used simple words to describe emotion of the woman in this song, so it is quite easy for listeners to apprehend the meaning; however, its melody and the way Barbra Streisand performs it, the most essential factor, helps the song convey the message to audiences . The intended stress in every single word of her lyrics is absolutely touching. For example, the word â€Å"smiles†in the second line was purposely lengthened to give a hint to the audiences so that they can comprehend the whole significance of the song. It is a beautiful song evoking diverse memories for listeners. Each listener will feel and interpret the song in different ways depending on their character and their personal experiences. However, one thing for sure is that these audiences will feel more appreciative of people around them so that they will not be regretful later on.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Frank Lloyd Wright: Literary and Architectural Legacy
Frank Lloyd Wright: Literary and Architectural Legacy Introduction: There is a depth in each building that surpasses the visible physical characteristics of its structure. The philosophy that derives the experiences created within is an essential element in understanding each building or structure. It is this philosophy that differentiates an architect from another. And it was the organic philosophy in architecture that lifted Frank Lloyd wrights status to be called the greatest American Architect of all times. Through the study of his various writings, this paper explores his philosophy and analyses it in light of his design process and some of his constructed works. The Principles of the Organic: It was Lao Tze, five hundred years before Jesus who declared, that the reality of the building consisted not of the walls and roof but inhered in the space within, the space to be lived in.[1] For Frank Lloyd Wright, the center line of organic architecture was form and function are one. They become one, they are integral. He conceived this integrity, from within outward, as the modern architects guide and opportunity. Out of the ground and into the light was an opportunity. The nature of material was also an opportunities. All three opportunities were limitations but they were also a condition of success. Human nature was one of these materials, as well, served by the building and serving it.[2] In his various writings Frank Lloyd Wright explained the principles guiding and driving his organic architecture. He believed that the knowledge of the relations between form and function was essential for the practice of architecture and could only be achieved by studying nature and its principles.[3] From the simplicity inhered in nature he deducted certain ideals for organic architecture. First, that a building should contain as few rooms as possible. The ensemble of these rooms should be considered for comfort, utility and go hand in hand with beauty. Second, the openings should be integral features of the structure and form, providing it with natural ornamentation, instead of rich looking decoration. He also argued that the appliances, furniture and fixtures should be should incorporated in the general scheme of the structure. [4] For Wright simplicity was not in itself an end but it was a means to an end. The reticence in ornamentation in these structures is mainly for two reasons: first, they are the expression of an idea that ornamentation should constitutional, a matter of the nature of the structure, beginning with the ground plan. Second, because buildings perform their functions in relation to human life within, to develop and maintain the harmony of a true chord, broad simple surfaces and highly conventionalized forms are inevitable. According to him, these ideas take the building out of school and marry them to the ground, make them intimate expressions or revelations of the exteriors; individualize them regardless of previous notions of style.[5] Natures principles also formulated other ideals in organic architecture. Frank Lloyd Wright maintained that the individuality of a person should be reflected in the style of the house he inhabits, therefore there should be as many styles of houses as there are kinds of people. He also asserted that a building should grow easily from its site and be shaped to harmonize with its surroundings, making it quiet, substantial and organic. The use of colors was also an important aspect, for they had to fit to live with the natural forms they do. Therefore he encouraged the use of soft, warm tones of earth and autumn leaves in preference to the blues, purples or greens and greys. Bringing out the nature of material was an essential ideal to organic architecture, describing them as friendly and beautiful. He believed that following the prevalent traditions leads to structures that become soon out of fashion, stale and profitable, insisting that each house should have character of its own.[6] T herefore organic principles grew out of nature and its principles; however there are other aspects that have partially led to its growth. Rejection of Classical and Renaissance Architecture: I deliberately chose to break with traditions in order to be more true to tradition than current conventions and ideals in architecture would permit. [7] The principles of organic architecture, though they seemingly developed out of natures principles were also partially born from Wrights critique of previous classical and renaissance styles. In the First evening of his London lectures in 1939,Wright declared that the classic was more of a mask for life to wear rather than an expression of life itself. [8]He strongly critiqued the view of architecture as a fashionable aesthetic, arguing that modern architecture rejects all grando-mania, every building that would stand in a military fashion. [9]He encouraged architectsto abandon the cherishing of preconceived form fixed upon them, and to exhale to the laws of common sense to determine from them the form and material of the building in light of its purpose, resulting in a differentiation between the different forms of the building due to their varying function, asserting that Form and Function are one.[10] Wright criticized the tall interiors that were divided into box like compartments, where the architecture mainly involved healing over the edges of the curious collection of holes that had to be cut in the walls for light and air to permit the occupant to get in or out. [11] Wright observed that, in nature, the individuality of its attributes are seldom scarified. Unlike the classical buildings in which an order is establishes, for example a colonnade, then walls are added between them, reducing them to pilasters, with the result that every form is outraged, the whole an abominable mutation. The Approach to Design: All architecture must begin there where they stand[12] Out of the principles of the organic, Frank Lloyd Wright maintained a design process throughout his career that he describes in his book the Future of Architecture. He strongly believed in building from within outward. To achieve this vision he started by determining which consideration came first in the design process. The first determinant was the ground. By this he meant the nature of site, soil and climate. The next consideration was the choice of available materials taking into account the financial cost. The third was the choice of means of power for construction. Man, machine or both? He believed that what rendered his buildings as creative was this process of from within outward, giving life the whole, and giving life to the structure by adopting the ideal of form and function are one, or organic.[13] Wright believed that the character of the site is the beginning of any building which aspires to architecture. He argued that architects ought to accept the fact that the ground already has form. This to him was a gift from nature to be cherished and accepted.[14] Therefore, in designing his domestic architecture he was careful about considering and incorporating certain elements. First was free association with the ground. Second, sunlight, vista and a spaciousness that conforms to a modern sense of demanded space. The third element was privacy. Fourth was a free pattern for the arrangement of rooms to be occupied by the families. He argued that as families vary so must the houses. However, he affirmed that these requirements should be incorporated in the architecture of the building in an integral harmony of proportion to the human figure, so that the building protects and cherishes the individuals vital necessities and fine sentiments.[15] The Logic behind the Plan: I have great faith that if the thing rightfully put together in true organic senses with proportions actually right the picturesque will take care of itself.[16] Frank Lloyd Wright believed that all the forms in his plans are complete in themselves and frequently do duty at the same time from within and without as attributes of the whole. There was a tendency towards a greater individuality of the parts emphasized by more and more complete articulation. Moreover, the ground plans were the actual projection of a carefully considered whole. The architecture wasnt thrown up as an artistic exercise, a matter of elevation from a preconceived ground plan. The schemes were conceived in three dimensions as organic entities. Wright ventured to let the picturesque perspective fall how it will. With a sense of the incidental perspectives, he believed the design will develop. [17] In the Future of Architecture and in an article in the architectural record he describes the logic behind the plans in his architecture. He mentions the most important factors in designing the plan which are materials, building methods, scale, articulation, expression or style. The logical norm for the scale of the building was the human scale. He believed that the unit of size of the building varies with the purpose and material of it, therefore he adopted a unit system for the plan, establishing a certain standardization. By adopting the human scale, he trusted nature to give the proper values to a proper whole. Materials also affected scale. He used the most natural material suiting the purpose. Using wood led to a slender plan, light in texture narrow in spacing. A stone or brick plan was heavy, black in masses and wider in spacing. In cast block building, the scale was done to be adequate to the sense of block, box and slab and there was more freedom in spacing.[18] In his domestic architecture, he designed that house with a garden that arranges itself about and within it so that the individual can enjoy the sun and view while keeping privacy. He gave priority to the living room, given its status as the room common to all, adding a fireplace to it. The modern industrial developments allowed him to make the kitchen a part of the living room relating it to another part of the same. He occasionally added an extra space for reading or studying. By creating this association between living and dining he ensured the convenience and the privacy of the members of the family. Wright gave importance to the bathrooms making them large enough to accommodate for dressing rooms, closets for linen, occasionally a wardrobe with perhaps a couch in each. He made the bedrooms adjacent to the bathroom unit, designing them to be small, airy and easily accessible from the living room. [19] His logic is derived from the ideal of form and function are one. The inspiration of his ideal grew from nature, not its form but its principles. In nature, an organism is a living one when all is part to the whole and whole is to the part. Wright argued that this correlation which is found any plant or animal is a fundamental principle in organic architecture. He also maintained that any building should come to terms with the living human spirit.[20] Considering the individuality of the owner in the design process, led to certain puzzlement regarding the notion of style. The Question of Style: Styles once developed soon become yardsticks for the blind, crushes for the lame, and resources for the impotent.[21] Frank Lloyd Wright asserted that he had enough types and forms my work to characterize the work of an architect but certainly not enough to characterize an architecture. To him there was no worse of an imposition than to have some individual deliberately fix the outward forms of his concept of beauty upon the future of a free people or even a growing city.[22] The form may differ, he asserted, but in every case the motif is adhered to throughout so that it is not too much to say that each building aesthetically is cut from one piece of goods and consistently hangs together with an integrity impossible otherwise. In a fine art sense the designs grew as natural plants grow, the individuality of each is integral and is as complete as skill, time, strength, and circumstances would permit. The method in itself does not necessarily produce a beautiful building, but it does provide a framework as a basic which has an organic integrity.[23] Wright believed that style came as a byproduct of the process he maintained in his design. The way an architect achieves an integrity in his design came, first, by studying natures material to find the properties most suited for the purpose, then, by using organic architecture as guide, to unite these qualities to serve that purpose.[24] In his plan Wright did use a form of standardization, a unit of size for the building. However, he warned against the tendency in the human mind to standardize. He viewed standardization as a mere tool, though indispensable, should be used to the extent that it leave the architect free to destroy it at will, to the extent only that it does not become a style, or an inflexible rule-is it desirable to the architect. It is desirable only to the extent that it is capable of new forms and remains the servant of those forms. He believed that standardization should be allowed to work, but never to master the process that yields the form.[25] In his various designs Wright took into consideration the individuality of the occupant and his needs. Wright responded to the critics who suspected that individuality of the owner and occupant of the building is sacrificed to that of the architect who imposes his own upon everyone alike, by saying An architect worthy of the name has individuality, it is true, his work will and should reflect it and his buildings will bear a family resemblance one to another. The individuality of the owner is first manifest in his choice of his architect, the individual to whom he entrusts his characterization. He sympathizes with his work; its expression suits him and this furnishes the common ground upon which client and architect may come together. Then, the architect with his ready technique, he conscientiously works for the client, idealizes his clients character and taste and makes him feel the building is his as it really to such an extent that he can truly say that he would rather have his ow n house than any other he has ever seen[26] In order to fully understand wrights methodology, it is essential to look at how his principles have formed his designs and buildings. Looking at the Prairie house style and Taliesin, the examples show how Wright succeeded in maintaining his philosophy, while providing diversity of forms. Prairie Houses: In his book An American Architecture, Wright describes his love and fascination with prairie, along with the elements of the prairie that guided his designs. I loved the prairie as great simplicity. And I saw that a little of height on the prairie was enough to look like much more. The natural tendency of every ill- considered thing on the prairie is to detach itself and stick out like a sore thumb in surrounding by nature perfectly quiet. All unnecessary heights have for that reason and the human scale, (other reasons, economic too) been eliminated. More intimate relation with outdoor environment and far-reaching vista is sought to balance the desired lessening of height.[27] The Prairie style was an attempt by Wright to create an architecture that suited the American lifestyle and landscape. Strongly horizontal plan of house with a low sheltering roof, bands of art glass windows, stucco walls with wood banding, and outreaching garden walls had many of the features that characterized this version of Wrights organic architecture.[28] The Little house on Lake Minnetonka (figure1) is an example of how organic architecture is reflected in the house. The living room is the dominant space in the house. Mrs. Little was an accomplished musician and wanted the room to double as recital space. The height of the ceiling adds to the rooms grandeur. Flanked by two long walls with more than a dozen art glass windows on two levels, the room has the lightness of an outdoor pavilion. Clear glass was used in the leaded panels so that the views, the lake to one side and the forest to another, would not be obstructed. The delicate designs of lines and triangles, concentrated on the outer edges of the window, reach across several panels, creating a larger composition than on just the one window. The art glass skylight, an intricate checkerboard of tiny squares and triangles, are framed by heavy wood moldings.[29] Wright focused on using an appropriate kind of furniture. The rectilinear Prairie Style furniture with the sturdy oak shapes of tables, cabinets, and chairs adapted easily to the houses scale. The vertical spindles of the radiator covers are repeated in the base of the print table and seem to capture the rhythm of the wood marking strips across the ceiling. The strong horizontality of the entire house and the room itself pulls the scale back down to a more human level.[30] The Taliesin: No house should be a hill or anything or anything. It should be of the hill. Hill and house should live together, each happier for the other.[31] This is Wright famous quote regarding the Taliesin in Wisconsin (figure2). In studying Wrights architecture it seems interesting to look at building he designed for him personally. This specific house is consistent, rich and appropriate in its management of prospect and refuge. It is also a gentler, more intimate, and more freely composed house than any others of wrights works.[32] In designing domestic architecture Wright regarded the house as refuge from two generalized and impersonal threats. One is climate the other is the social intrusion by the community.[33] When Wright built the Taliesin, he considered these two universal threats along with two personal threats, one external from his feeling of societal hostility for leaving his wife, the other internal from an inner sense of disorientation and confusion. [34] This attests to the individuality in his design. He built the Taliesin encircling the side of the hill, with its back to wall, making it seem as if it was of the hill. However this placement and his famous quotation about this house dont apply to previous prairie houses like the Hardy, Little, Ennis and Morris houses. Perhaps this placement was more related to the nature of the site, since in Taliesin the hill was inappropriate, partly because of Wrights sense of it sanctity, but partly because he needed to have his the therefore, its back against the wall, for which purpose the hilltop could not work. Therefore he chose the hillside around which the living spaces were arranged.[35] The dominant image was that of roofs which emerged randomly from the hillside vegetation, with a repetition of gentled shingled spaces, taking the slopes of the hills as their slopes. The deep overhanging eaves were all at uniform level, forming a continuous eave line.[36] Wright argued on many occasions that he was trying to destroy the box, by which he meant the self-contained room of traditional domestic architecture. He used the open plans in the prairie houses. However in Taliesin, in spite of the fluid disposition of the rooms, there is no sense of an open plan, rich and complex but a box nevertheless. Unlike prairie, this living space did not open through articulating devices to any contiguous space, nor did any other rooms. This was appropriate at Taliesin where containment was deliberately sought and consistency developed in so many other ways. Also, the terrace did not extend from either range of windows that released the view. It lay rather behind the scenes. Probably this issue was a provision of view downward to the valley from the living room. This view would have been frustrated by a terrace, especially by one with a solid plastered rail.[37] The way Wright treated Taliesin in its particularity, attests to his claim that he didnt adopt a style. The particularity of the site, the nature of materials, individuality and function were the determinants of the form of the building. Conclusion: Wrights philosophy revolved around the organic. He articulated his philosophy clearly in his various writings that totaled to more than one and half million words. He defined the word organic as an entity, part-to whole- as whole- is to part, intrinsic.[38] The ideal of the organic was form and function are one. This ideal guided his design process, the logic behind his revolutionary open plans and is reflected in his different works. And despite the differences in his works, he managed to maintain an organic integrity in his designs. Image index: Figure 1 [39] Figure2 Bibliography: Hildebrand, Grant. The Wright Space: Pattern and Meaning in Frank Lloyd Wrights Houses. Seattle: U of Washington, 1991. Lind, Carla. The Wright Style. New York: Simon Schuster, 1992. Klinkowitz, Jerome. Frank Lloyd Wright and His Manner of Thought. Madison, Wisconsin: U of Wisconsin, 2014. Wright, Frank Lloyd. The Future of Architecture. New York: Horizon, 1953. Wright, Frank Lloyd, and Andrew Devane. In the Cause of Architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright: Essays. New York: Architectural Record, 1975. Wright, Frank Lloyd, and Donald D. Walker. An American Architecture. New York: Horizon, 1955. [1] Frank Lloyd Wright, The Future of Architecture. (New York: Horizon) 1953, p 226 [2] ibid, p 297 [3] Frank Lloyd Wright, and Andrew Devane. In the Cause of Architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright: Essays. (New York: Architectural Record) 1975, p54 [4] ibid [5] Ibid, p60 [6] ibid, p55 [7] ibid, p123 [8] Frank Lloyd Wright, The Future of Architecture. (New York: Horizon) 1953, p 225 [9] ibid , p226 [10] ibid, p227 [11] Frank Lloyd Wright, and Andrew Devane. In the Cause of Architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright: Essays. (New York: Architectural Record) 1975, p55 [12] Frank Lloyd Wright, The Future of Architecture. (New York: Horizon) 1953,p299 [13] ibid, p297 [14] ibid, p299 [15] ibid, p315 [16] Frank Lloyd Wright, and Andrew Devane. In the Cause of Architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright: Essays. (New York: Architectural Record) 1975, p59 [17] ibid [18] ibid, p154 [19] Frank Lloyd Wright, The Future of Architecture. (New York: Horizon) 1953, p 316 [20] ibid, p 298 [21] Frank Lloyd Wright, and Andrew Devane. In the Cause of Architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright: Essays. (New York: Architectural Record) 1975, p163 [22] ibid, p 124 [23] ibid, p59 [24] ibid, p124 [25] ibid, p 163 [26] ibid, p60 [27] Frank Lloyd wright and Donald D. Walker, An American Architecture. (New York: Horizon) 1955, p193 [28] Carla Lind, The Wright Style. (New York: Simon Schuster) 1992, p 72 [29] ibid, p84 [30] ibid [31] Frank Lloyd Wright, and Andrew Devane. In the Cause of Architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright: Essays. (New York: Architectural Record) 1975, p11 [32] Grant Hildebrand, The Wright Space: Pattern and Meaning in Frank Lloyd Wrights Houses. (Seattle: U of Washington) 1991, p 64 [33] ibid, p62 [34] ibid, p63 [35] ibid, p64 [36] ibid [37] ibid, p72 [38] Frank Lloyd Wright, The Future of Architecture. (New York: Horizon) 1953, p 323 [39] Carla Lind, The Wright Style. (New York: Simon Schuster) 1992, p 72
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Core Aspects of Marketing
The Core Aspects of Marketing Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. Kotler P Marketing is the set of human activities directed at facilitating and consummating exchanges. CIM The Chartered Institute of Marketing define marketing as The management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably According to my point of view AMA (American Marketing Association) says that marketing is an activity, which an institute does a process like communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings to have a valuable customer or clients. According to my point of view Kotler P says that marketing is a human activity which facilitates in doing their final activity in exchanging their products. According to my point of view CIM (Chartered Institute of Marketing) says that it is a management process which is responsible for identifying and satisfying the customer requirements very usefully. Small history about my selected organization -LG (Lucky Gold star) The company was originally established in 1958 as Gold star, producing Radios, TVs, Refrigerators, Washing machines, and Air Conditioners. (LG-MARKETING-Mix) ( According to these three definitions LG is following AMA (American Marketing Association) definition. AMA defines as marketing as the institution which does the social service to the customers. This is what LG is following; their main aim is also todoa social service to the public. TASK-1.2 Out of the orientations that exist, try to identify to which orientation the organization belongs to and justify your selection with appropriate examples taken from the organization Orientation Orientation means persons attitude or adjustment in relation to a particular event. (Dictionary) Orientation is a function of the mind involving awareness of three dimensions: time, place and person. Problems with orientation lead to disorientation, and can be due to various conditions, from delirium to intoxication. There are four types of orientations those are: Product Orientation Sales Orientation Market Orientation Production Orientation Product Orientation Product orientation means an organization which mainly concentrates on their products to make profits at the same time to fulfill the customers needs. When the production process is going on the employees who are working their will mainly concentrate on the proper packaging method the best quality method. E.g.: If we look upon the example, because of the proper packaging method customers will get attracted to a particular product they will buy it without any hesitation. We can say magi noodles are best examples for that. When a business bases its ability to make profits on the high technical quality of its products, rather than on customer needs. (Lexicon) Sales Orientation Sales orientation means an organization which mainly concentrates on their sales on a particular time period like a year, month and week. In any organizations their main view will be their sales volume their sales cost etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. E.g.: If we look upon the example in sales orientation we can say LGs phone business as a best one, because of their standard products people get attracted they will buy automatically. Market Orientation Marketing orientation means an organization which mainly concentrates on how to market their product to the customers. In this method the organization will target a particular group to increase their profits. E.g.: If we look upon the example in market orientation we can say Babies are a good target group in which we can earn more profits than the other target group. Production Orientation Production orientation means an organization which mainly concentrates in the production line. Where they mainly concentrate on the needs and wants of the target market, rather concerning about the production techniques etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ E.g.: If we look upon the example in production orientation LG is following the Market sales orientation method because to capture the customers to their selves. They are actually targeting their groups at the same time they are producing different products. They are feeling very comfortable with the market orientation method. TASK-1.3 Examine how the selected organization is responding to the emerging new trends and compare the orientations exist in the market place by taking examples. According to LG, new trend system is not a big matter for them because they are always analyzing the customers needs wants according to their environment. LG is an organization which always looks for their opportunities. LG is providing advanced technological equipments to develop their products according to their latest trends, which is available in the market they are proving that they are market oriented organization. Their new technology has proven that is a big driver for the new product development development for their existing products. So, their new technological trends are always proving that their ultimate opportunities to the firms to develop their products in a new way. If we consider about new trends that LG organization had followed to satisfy their customer, we can see several new things that they are using in their organization. There are some examples for it. LG planning to introduce all new experimental e-paper. In the field of electronic display LG organization is in a higher place. Because LG organization is in the field of electronics for nearly 40 years. They are always trying to do new experiments on new technology items. So, LG have planned to introduce two new experimental methods those are e-papers which will be available in the market in the form of a 19 inch flexible e-papers display a 9.7 inch color e-paper display. (LG trends update) LG electronics introduces the worlds slimmest OLED 3D TV at IFA 2010 LG has designed its new product in concord with 2010 borderless TV series home theatre system with new colors patterns. According to the LGs display search method, North Americans Blue-ray players market forecast is bright; in 2009 up to 4.44 million were sold, Blue-ray players expected that it will get sold up to 7.85 million in 2010, but it did not. Because of that they will continue to increase intensely by 17 million by 2012. In response to this huge growth of Blue-ray market, LG has doubled their sales to 2.5 million which followed from last years profit of one million sold. LGs ambitious plan is to sell 1.2 million Blue-rays players to North America, Which is a largest market in the world. One of the biggest names in the field of consumer electronic products, LG Electronics, has taken the IFA 2010 export system in Berlin, Germany; they have taken the 3D revolution to new heights. (LG Trends Updates) LG unveils an all new residential solar power Hybrid Air conditioner Nowadays there is a great concern about Green House gases in the atmosphere about the depletion of the ozone layer. Because of the heavy storm many products are getting green treatment, especially in the consumer electronics good, where now many companies are introducing highly energy well organized products which provides 100% reliability to do their best to save the environment.(LG Trends Updates) LGs Promoting New Blue-ray Players in US Whats LGs grand plan for promoting their new Blue-ray players? Target the US market. LG Electronics launched their brand new inventive Blue-ray players of 2010 at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES). LG electronics has strengthened its strategic alliances by developing the enterprise thus they will target the Blue-ray players market. LGs head Kang shin-ik, said that The combination of our technology and partnerships with content-making corporations has paved the way to control over the Blue-ray players market.(Digital trends) LG will start the source of power to dominate the Blue-ray players in the market of North America; Because of the advanced Blue-ray players they can run the movies, music, can show lots of other entertainment, like showing the weather forecast via internet this a great plus for the organization. Furthermore, we can use various contents by simply pressing the shortcut button on. By the net cast method LG is mechanizing the whole content services which are applied to broadband TV, Blue-ray players the home theatre system. LG introduced the Blue-ray system method in the second half of 2008, which also permitted Netflix contents. We can say that Americas number one online movie rental website is Netflix. Also LG added YouTube, the worlds popular video website of UCC in the first half of last year; their fore all the users can watch the videos in YouTube of the definition of Blue-ray players. As a result LG is providing some usefulness to the customers, where can watch more than 12,000 high-quality movies, TV programs UCC videos etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ This technology method will get uploaded by 13 hours capacity where in their own living room or bedroom. What we have to do is just to click the Blue-ray player it will do all the work for you. LG is further expanding their Blue-ray network. They will expand their Blue-ray system to a higher level thus in the near future. LG is tempting to the Blue-ray player, which is connected to the internet other multimedia devices such as Wi-Fi Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA). Through this method users can use the network by their PCs they can use to run movies other files. (Digital Trends) Conclusion-In my point of view I would say that always LG is moving to the new trends, because to invent new technologies other items. Their main is to satisfy the customers by their wants according to their environmental culture. TASK-1.4 In your view point explain the cost and benefits of the marketing approach of the selected organization If we see upon this topic this is an interesting exiting topic.Cost benefit of an organization plays a major role in an organization. Cost means how much amount that is paid to purchase a product benefit means how much advantage we too ked from that product. For this procedure organization is using lots of method to increase their benefits. When we are considering about LGs cost benefits procedure they are using different kind of cost techniques at the same time they are also getting the benefits too. If we buy a LCD TV in LG in the big size like 32 inches more we can have a small home theatre system for free. If we buy any high rated product from LG the employees who are working will give a good service to the buyer like taking their product keeping in their vehicle. There are providing best facilities for their customers. Facilities like Air conditioning the full place it means keeping the entire place cool allowing the customers to park their vehicles They are using some new technologies communication method like hoarding, posters, banners other methods to grab the attention of the customers. If we see upon the benefits LG organization is providing to the customers giving special discounts in the festival time. In the above category there are some costs benefits which are provided by LG. The Awards which LG got If we see upon the awards which LG has achieved, we can say many things like LG got the award for the innovative organization for their creative thoughts in the years of 1989-1994. LG got the green products award in 2009 for their step towards better environment. LG got an award of CES wireless handset which is for the electronics. Like this LG organization has got many awards. Customer Satisfaction If we see upon the customer satisfaction level in LG its really good, because all the employees who are working in LG satisfying the customer needs perfectly according to their requirements. For the second consecutive year, LG has got the highest rank in customer satisfaction with the clothes washers dryers according to the J.D Powers method. Market share LG is a worldwide company where moreover employees are working to satisfy the customers. LG has a biggest market share in the world. If we see upon the market share of LG it is having about 65% in the world Strong brand name If we see upon the LG it is a reputed international firm which has a diversified product line in the electronics field, so LG has a strong financial position which is big strength for the firm. Conclusion- In my point of view I would say that LG is charging only few of money, but they are giving lots of benefits to customers. They are getting more awards for their creativeness, satisfying the customers in a best way, keeping a good market share in the world having a strong brand name in the world. TASK-2.1 The macro and micro environmental factor influences of the selected organization marketing activities. Macro Environment Macro environment means the external factors which will affect a companys planning and their performance which are beyond their control. Micro Environment Micro environment is an environment which covers a small area of a particular organization. This studies about the individuals, household and firms that make decisions to all to allocate the limited resources, where goods services are being bought sold. In the micro environment there will be customers, competitors, suppliers the public (marketing Macro Micro environment in LG This is the environment which effect the organization externally. By analyzing this environment you can get the opportunity avoid the threads. Macro environment Political factor Economic factor Socio-cultural factor Technological factor Political Factor If we see upon the political factor there is being a major issue in Pakistan. There political conditions have made industry very unstable. Because of that issue all the other LG firms around the world are getting affected. Economic Factor If we see upon the economic factor Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is an important thing to any organization. If the GDP is high then the disposal income will be high at the same time spending power will also increase. So, we have to mainly consider on the inflation method because if the inflation increases products prices will increase this will affect the customers buying pattern, but if the inflation decreases products prices will go down this will help the customers to buy more products at the same time. So we should carefully handle these problems. Socio-Cultural Factor LG is a company which originated from Korea according to that other countries adapted Koreas culture. There are social forms of society which contain of Upper class, middle class lower class. Every country has cultural standards, values, beliefs and religion which can affect the organization. Technological Factor Nowadays we can see that technology is improving a lot. Due to the new technologies internet, communication system other methods are introduced. Because of these technologies people are getting more benefits like sending the messages very quickly by internet, speaking to their relatives other well-known people who are in abroad. Because of the improvement of new technologies LGs products became cheaper their quality of product has been increased. Micro environment of LG Employees The number of employees of LG electronics stood at approximately 82,000 at the end of 2007. Many of the people are working overseas in the LGs firm. The people who are working in overseas should try to increase the localization strategy. In the world 16% of female employees are working as total domestic workforce. The average of the total male female workforce is 33.8 years; totally 0.8% of the disabled people are working in the total workforce. (Market share of LG) Suppliers In the LG firm all the management people are well skilled they are keeping a good relationship with the other members. LG is a qualified organization so they always go to the qualified suppliers. In this all the suppliers are from different countries like China, Italy, France, Japan USA, So supplier is a main part in an organization. LG is getting the supply products from Abans. Customers LG is a worldwide organization, so according to the brand name many customers will come to buy the product to satisfy their needs wants. LGs products are most probably suites for the people who are interested in the product. Competitors In every field we can see there is a big competition among the organizations. If we see upon the competitors in LG there are many of them. We can say Samsung, Sony, Singer, Whirlpool many companies for the competitors. Management Managers are the people who are responsible for the managerial work. So, Managers role is very important to any organization. If we see upon the LG management it is very good in solving its risks. LGs managers are very helpful to the customers, because if there any problem occurs managers will try to understand the customers problem theyll try to solve it. Conclusion- In my point of view I would say that LGs macro micro factors are really helpful to the employees who are working their to the customers who are coming to buy the product. TASK-2.2 Identify and explain the segmentation criteria used in the domestic marketing approach (both B2C and B2B) Segmentation Segmentation means a company which operates in a broader market to target a group of customers with their specific characteristics. In segmentation we cannot satisfy all the customers needs at the same time, because all the customers buying pattern will be varied in according to their requirements. There are four types of segmentation criterias Those are: Geographical Segmentation Demographical Segmentation Psycho graphical Segmentation Behavioral Segmentation Market segmentation of LG is very simple easy to understand. Geographic: If we see upon the LG firm in the region wise they have it in different countries. They are following this method to capture the market all around the world. If we see upon the LG firm in the city wise they have the companies 80 km distance another company to keep up the team sprit among the members. Demographic: Second base is the demographic segmentation method where it will mainly consider about the income level. If the organization is targeting a higher class company LGs segment will be consumers with high income levels. Psychographic: Third base is the psychographic segmentation method where it will considers about the classes like upper class, middle class the lower class. Psychographics includes some variables those are: Activities- If we look upon the activities which are LG is currently doing we can say many things like LG doing after sales service to the customers other activities. Interests-If we see upon the interests that an LG person has, to create new things like creating a new technology item into the market. Behavioral: Behavioral is another method in which where the firm will mainly consider about buyers behavior. In this method the organization will give lots of benefits to the customers like giving the products in a good quality one. Conclusion-In my point of view I would say that segmentation means a company which will have a broader market targets a group of customers who will have the specific characteristics. These four criterias are helping the organization to be in a good position. TASK-2.3 Outline the factors which influence the choice of targeting strategy for the selected organization. Targeting LG has targeted the market on the basis of the product that they are offering to the customer they are also targeting the consumers who are more concerned on their safety health issues. They are Targeting: Upper class segment-Targeting the upper class people who will buy more of the product. Upper end-Targeting the middle class people who will buy a some of product. They are also targeting those consumers who are taking more concern about their life style product. Because LG is a world class company all the consumers are thinking that they need quality products. LG Company is having the LCD plasma television the TV DIOS refrigerator for the premier segment. LG is now going to shift from middle class segment they are moving their product to the mass market. Basis of selecting the Target Market Basis of selecting valuable customers, that means selecting the best customers who are buying their products at LG without looking their costs. LG organization is targeting people like this to earn the profit at the same time to give a good service to the customers. Conclusion- TASK-2.4 Explain the activities undertaken by the organization to influence the buyer decision process and based on your findings explain the organizational and business buyer behavioral characteristics affecting the selected organization. TASK-3.1 Analyze the different product/ services offered by the organization and explain how the products and services are developed in order to achieve a competitive advantage. Product If we see upon the product it is the main important function in the 4ps. LG is striving to gain the market leadership position so they have thought to bring new innovative products to the market. To gain the market leadership position they are introducing new products to the market like the Quadoor refrigerator other new products. If we see the products in LG they have categorized into four that is Digital Appliance, Digital Display, Digital Media, Mobial communication. In this four types we can see which product is in which category, the products are showed below Digital appliance- Air conditioner, Refrigerator, washing machines, vacuum cleaner, Microwave ovens etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Digital Display- TVs, Monitors, video tapes, DVD-R Disc etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Digital media- Optical storage, Audio, notebook, PC, DVD player etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Mobial communication- Mobial telecommunication, WLL handsets, Telecommunication systems etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ In this four category we can see all the products which are available in LG. we can always expect that the products quality will be good at the same time we can say that that the products will be in the latest technology. TASK-3.2 What are the distribution channels used by the organization in order to increase the customer convenience and evaluate it. Currently LG is using the distribution channel of Pak Electron (Pvt.) Ltd. that is very intensive and strong distribution channel that enables company to make its products available company wide. So there is strong distribution network owned by LG. (LG Quadoor) According to the places of LG it has many outlets in Sri Lanka Distribution channels-Teleseen marketing
Monday, August 19, 2019
Fuzzy Logic :: Essays Papers
Fuzzy Logic "So far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain. And so far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality." -Albert Einstein, Geometry and Experience â€Å"It’s funny how when we’re the recipients of pain we’re clear that it’s black and white. But when we’ve got something to gain there are shades of gray.†– Dr. Laura Schlessinger Fuzz adds extreme choices of black and white, between shades of gray. Claim ness is given with fuzz; it does not make us choose. Fuzzy logic is a superset of conventional (Boolean) logic that has been extended to handle the concept of partial truth -- truth values between "completely true" and "completely false". It is also reasoning with vague concepts. There is a new math behind fuzzy logic and it took many years to find it. With this logic there is a goal, the goal is to get computers to work out just the round off black and white concepts. The Fuzzy Theory- A branch of logic designed specifically for representing knowledge and human reasoning in such a way that it amenable to process by computers, Thus fuzzy theory is applicable to *experts systems knowledge of engineering and * artificial intelligence. The fuzzy theory is concerned with the stud of *sets and * predications of this kind. There emerge such concepts as fuzzy sets, fuzzy relationships, and fuzzy quantifiers.[1] â€Å"There are certain rules and theorems that the fundamental concepts of a binary systems which are known as Boolean algebra. The understanding of Boolean algebra is considered very vital because its applications directly lead to the techniques that are essential in designing efficient digital systems. Boolean algebra serves as the basis for moving form verbal descriptions of the functions of the desired digital device to an unambiguous mathematical description.†[2] We shouldn’t regard the fuzzy theory as a single theory, rather the process â€Å"justification†as a methodology to generalize any specific theory from a crisp (discrete) to a continuous (fuzzy) form. Thus recently researchers have also introduced "fuzzy calculus", "fuzzy differential equations", and so on. We us binary numbers to represent the mathematical and logical operations that circuits perform. These Binary numbers allow us to represent everything as two states.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Europeans And Aborigines In The 1700s Essay -- Australia Australian H
European ships chiefly began sailing into southern Australian waters in the 18th century. These left human cargoes behind and, unlike earlier visitors, had an immediate impact on the Aborigines, who suffered interference with their economy and lifestyle as the colonists sought and secured for themselves good sources of water, sheltered positions, and access to fishâ€â€all of which were also vital to Aboriginal people. The perception that Australia was quietly â€Å"settled†without conflict with the Aboriginal people, an idea that, it has been argued, enabled the concept of â€Å"terra nullius†to be maintained, has been substantially revised in recent years. It is now generally acknowledged that resistance took place right from the first tentative encroachments by European nations into Australian waters. The Dutch sailed into the Gulf of Carpentaria in 1606 and one Dutch sailor was killed by the Tjungundji (whose hero was the warrior Sivirri). Another Dutch ship visited the area in 1623, but in attempting to kidnap people was met by 200 warriors who drove the sailors away. James Cook, in spite of the popular misconception, also met with some resistance in Botany Bay. Two Tharawal men, after sending away the women and children, stood firm against Cook’s landing. According to Cook’s account of the incident: â€Å"We then threw them some nails, beads etc. ashore which th ey took up and seem’d not ill pleased in so much that I thought that they beckoned to us to come ashore, but in this we were much mistaken, for as soon as we put the boat in they again came to oppose us upon which I fired a musket between the two which had no other effect than to make them retire back where bundles of their darts lay, and one of them took up a stone and threw at us w... ..., and movement controls and restriction of ceremonies meant that Aboriginal people were much more isolated from each other than they had been before. This, together with the influences and impact of European culture, resulted in the development of new artistic styles. In some areas gospel music with a uniquely Aboriginal (or Torres Strait Islander) flavour was written and performed, in others country-and-western music or blues styles developed. More recently have come rock music and modern dance groups such as Bangarra. From the 1950s, new materials and styles came to be used in the visual arts, including watercolours, acrylic paints, pottery, photography, landscape, abstract art, and sculpture. These also reflected the radical changes in lifestyle and economy resulting from permanent European settlement, although the effect varied considerably across the continent.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Imaginative Experience in a Music Concert Essay
I believe everyone’s been through a stage of life where you eat, sleep, dream, walk, talk, breath and hear your favorite artist or the band you love [well, would be an understatement] play their number in front of millions of people, amides which you stand singing the lyrics sung on stage without a thought of what may happen tomorrow, it’s just the song and you at the moment. Oh! Just the thought of it makes me want to quiver. But that didn’t last long until last November, few weeks after my birthday, my father came home with the brightest smile on his face and those twinkling eyes which I think would light up the street that I was living on. He said, â€Å"Guess what†and my heart started running at the speed of Usain Bolts 100 meter sprint. Then he finally spoke those magical words, which till date brings a smile to my face, â€Å"I GOT YOU TWO TICKETS FOR THE MUMFORD – AND – THE – SONS CONCERT.†My heart at the very moment crept inside my mouth with the outburst of such excitement. I think I passed out for a minute or two but quickly re-collecting myself I asked him how? He then explained, it was a small gesture of appreciateation from the people from Delhi whom he had helped in their short stay in Gangtok. Those long explanation didn’t really matter much as I was taken back to what would I wear, whom would I take? Which reminded me that I had to make a phone call to my friend? On the phone was my best friend Pema and with such difficulty to hide my excitement I busted out in giggles asking her to join me for this trip to Goa, where the concert was happening. She, at first couldn’t believe what she was hearing but after all we are diehard fans of the Mumfords so she happily agreed. After few days of packing and bickering we were on our flight to Goa. My inner goddess was doing back flips and dancing with pom- poms in her hand. Soon we were good to go and ready to check in a hotel near the beach where the whole set up was going to take place. The show was the day after we arrived so we had enough time to chill in the beach and arrange our already arranged outfits for The Day! All of it seemed like a vague dream to me, nothing seemed real and when the day finally arrived my body started to get really numb every passing second. Soon it started getting really dark in the horizon and the view from the hotel window was breathtaking with the sun slowly being swallowed by the ocean in the far distance. I heard my heart pumping louder than ever making the last few countdowns for the show to start. Pema was standing beside me looking at the picture perfect moment, we stood there saying nothing rather just inhaling the fresh ocean breeze and preparing for our dream to shortly turn into reality. From a distance we saw groups of youngsters approaching towards the stage and we noticed we were getting late to mark our sports. So Pema ran out of the door and I quickly followed her locking the door behind me. Moments later we were out of the hotel and on the golden sand beneath our bare foot trying to surpass those ahead of us, straight towards the peak of where the golden sand drew its line and the stage was set up. We stood panting right before the youngsters whom we had noticed from our hotel window, it felt like a great victory to stand before then although soon we were on our knees tired after the run we had made. After regaining our breath we noticed the different colored lights, instruments and people running around the stage for their final touch up and in seconds they were good to go. I looked down at my watch and it was 6:30 and the whole sandy area was filled with blondes’, brunettes, red heads, mow hawks, bald and every possible look that a human can pull off the runway. The music kept filling our ears and soon there was a man on stage with a mike on his hand doing the usual check 1-2-3. The exquisite melody faded but continued to play in the background. The man then introduced himself as the host for the night and thanked us for being a part of such a wonderful project to raise fund for the children in Africa and India and no doubts we were in high spirits to be there. He then called on stage the band we had been waiting our whole life to see them play for us. Oh and that was the moment! My inner goddess with much excitement did a triple back flip and cartwheels all around the stage. The whole waiting was done with and the very next moment they were on stage The Mumford, leaving trails of goose bumps along my skin despite the heat. It was a bittersweet feeling over all, melancholy and a great deal of joy for having the opportunity to stand and watch the beauty of Indie. They started the night by singing their number on hit song on iTunes- I will wait. Although, my voice not so soothing and heavenly like theirs I closed my eyes and sang along. I thought to myself, â€Å"Surely, life in the clouds feels unreal.†Just as they sang the last verse I opened my eyes to see light everywhere, bright warm, piercing lights, endeavoring it, I kept it at bay for a few more precious minutes. Soon they played numerous amounts of tracks and we tried keeping up with the high spirited people just having to fail every time. Nevertheless, it was a night to be remembered and cherished throughout my life and be grateful to my father without whose generosity toward people got us to this days. So be kind to one another
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