Thursday, August 27, 2020
Beauty and the Labor Market
Since old occasions, man and lady the same worth excellence in a similar level as they esteem their assets and even their family. This is effectively found in show-stoppers, in works of verse and different types of writing that acclaim magnificence. Balladeers have sung its capacity to inebriate more intense than wine and its ability impact man and his numerous endeavors.The subject of magnificence is significant in mankind's history in light of the fact that humankind is given to marriage and it is the generation of kids that permits the said specie to constantly command the earth. It is subsequently to be expected how much cash and exertion is given to the quest for magnificence and the festival of the same.In the late twentieth century, two men, Daniel Hamermesh and Jeff Biddle were likewise blasted by the appeal of excellence yet sought after it from a one of a kind edge. These two specialists proposed the possibility that if segregation †with respect to race, nationality, a nd so on †exists in the work environment then there is doubtlessly separation with regards to a representatives decent looks or the need thereof.Both men went further as to state that great looks not just permitted people having of this fortunate quality to land great positions yet they likewise can build their salary more effectively than those whom Hamermesh and Biddle depicted as plain in appearance. In any case, before continuing to discover proof or logical inconsistencies that will destroy their proposal, Hamermesh and Biddle went on an extensive conversation reinforcing their position that there is surely an approach to do an observational investigation of the said subject matter.MethodologyHamermesh and Biddle were flawless when they commented in the start of the paper that there is no going ahead without having set up the way that excellence can be estimated. The main thing that they did was to search for related writing that would bolster their case that excellence ca n be estimated statistically.They went further as to state that not exclusively does magnificence a characteristic that can be estimated experimentally yet more critically, recognition or guidelines of excellence is something that doesn't suddenly change or move effectively in a brief timeframe. As such an age or two of Europeans, Americans, and Canadians will have a similar standard of magnificence in any event in the twentieth century when the investigation was made.Then Hamermesh and Biddle examined the strategy utilized in the numerous tests to decide a â€Å"beauty standard†and they were happy with what they realized. Truth be told, in Part II of their examination they made the accompanying discovery:Within a culture at a point in time there is enormous concurrence on principles of beauty,and these measures change gradually. For instance, respondents running in age from seven to fifty who were solicited to rank the appearance from individuals delineated in photos demons trated high connection in their rankings (see Background segment of study).Now, so as to make their examination dependable and the outcomes solid Hamermesh and Biddle presented their defense impenetrable by taking a gander at their respondents and different factors that would influence their outcomes essentially. A case of this is the prohibition of the individuals who have flawed wellbeing status for this would without a doubt influence their exhibition and would have made the investigation untrustworthy to state the least.But the two men didn't stop there they additionally introduced different elements that would have made their examination inadmissible. They highlighted the way that there can be different powers associated with the recruiting of representatives having better than expected great looks. Furthermore, these are in particular: 1) there are ventures that require attractive individuals and 2) on account of congestion a chief may utilize the models of good hopes to pick among the numerous candidates going after restricted jobs.SignificanceThe universe of business is without a doubt obligated to Hamermesh and Biddle and the individuals who needed to offer something new to the developing collection of information concerning what might expand the efficiency of a specific undertaking. In the start of this investigation the two advocates were right in saying that in the zone of segregation in the work environment there is next to no if by any stretch of the imagination, a methodical examination on the impact of a person’s looks on the nature of occupation that the individual in question will get and consequently the level of progress that will be accomplished in their lifetime.This study is additionally useful in giving more information to those trying to determine issues concerning a businesses claimed biased activities concerning a worker unfit to ascend on the professional bureaucracy because of the hardship of being brought into the world wit h a somewhat unattractive appearance. This examination would shape the establishment of future requests concerning the job of excellence in the corporate world.AnalysisThe study was an extraordinary test for the two specialists since they chose to handle something as troublesome as attempting to get the breeze with uncovered hands. They focused on the unimaginable †to gauge excellence and grotesqueness. In the event that this isn't sufficient their examination was made progressively convoluted by putting another obstacle and it is to comprehend the relationship between's magnificence †or the scarcity in that department †and profitability in the workplace.It doesn't require further conversation to presume that excellence is entirely subjective and that what is alluring to one culture might be hostile to another. Actually a simple multi year hole in history is sufficient to thoroughly change principles of excellence. The specialists conceded at an opportune time when th ey refered to that works of art made in the seventeenth century portrayed a somewhat unique standard with regards to what highlight makes a delightful man or lady when being contrasted with what is commended today in the media and the arts.But they pulled off a fairly persuading contention utilizing an exceptionally controlled investigation where individuals from all ages †7 years of age to fifty years of age †where ready to exhibit that to be sure for a given age there is a standard of excellence that doesn't change considerably after the progression of time. Here is simply the start of their problem.They said so themselves that in the hour of the well known craftsman Rubens excellence is estimated by the stoutness of the woman and not by the reed dainty supermodels that are profoundly regarded in present day times. So how might they be sure that their standard doesn't change following thirty years or more? In addition, they have reasoned that either Canadians have a slig ht contrast in their standpoint with respect to excellent individuals or that they are not happy in being ruthlessly candid with regards to passing judgment on another person’s appearance. This shows subjectivity emerging from contrasts in culture etc.Now, for contention, this paper will permit that Hamermesh and Biddle were both right in their investigation that there is in fact a standard of magnificence that is both quantifiable and perpetual. At that point this will lead the conversation to another apparent shortcoming in their work which is the way that they directed their investigation inside European culture and there is no information to help the way that they considered the inclination of Asians.Another conceivable shortcoming in their approach is the way that they couldn't unmistakably set up the standard of magnificence such that their examination could be repeated later on and in various districts of the world. What happened was that all together for their outcome s to be acknowledged as logical then they would need to collect a comparative gathering of respondents each time they would attempt to duplicate their investigation in different areas outside the U.S. or on the other hand Canada.Another hazardous part of the examination is the way that an individual uses more than magnificence to finish an occupation. Mental abilities and social aptitudes assume a significant job in the improvement of a person’s vocation. The investigation isn't that perplexing to isolate IQ and magnificence. It is extremely unlikely to just watch magnificence in real life separated from the utilization of mental faculties.Throughout the course of the examination the pair were battling in assembling an exceptionally persuading contention that without a doubt marvel alone is the central point in making progress. There are simply an excessive number of factors engaged with the way toward carrying out a responsibility whatever it might be. At long last Hamermesh and Biddle were practically starting over from the beginning for they couldn't concoct whatever is profoundly new with the exception of fortifying the definitely known thought that there are a few occupations that require alluring individuals so as to be more productive.Hamermesh and Biddle attempted a departure course by saying that they don't need to show the legitimacy of their case in light of the fact that as per them individuals invest a ton of energy and cash in prepping helps and acquisition of good garments so as to improve their physical magnificence. In any case, it tends to be contended that preparing and magnificence are two unique things. A big name which many considers lovely can wear a plain shirt and still individuals would discover her attractive.Hamermesh and Biddle were both right in their last examination that there is a need to contemplate, â€Å"†¦relationships among glimpses and procuring inside specific barely †characterized occupations†(s ee Part VIII).  Moreover there is a need to broaden the course of events of their examination to decide whether appealing representatives had the option to support a significant level of achievement and that their expansion in pay isn't simply a consequence of a snappy advancement in light of the fact that the chief was one-sided to individuals with great looks however soon lamented his activities when he got some answers concerning their performance.Works CitedHamermesh, D. and Biddle, J. Magnificence and the LabourMarket. American Economic Review 84.5(1994): 1174-1194.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
When You Listen To A Piece Of Music You Usually Dont Think Of Math, B
At the point when you tune in to a bit of music you for the most part don't consider math, however the two are interlinked and music consistently includes math despite the fact that we don't generally acknowledge it. At the point when performers play music they are utilizing numerical equations to play. There are recipes for making strings, scales and an equation for the what notes they play. Melodic documentation additionally includes math, you use time marks while cooperating to a bit of music which are fundamentally just parts, 3/4,7/4, and 4/4 are unequaled marks. the base number in the portion gives you the kind of note to be played and the top gives you the measure of times it is played. There are five fundamental kinds of notes to be played in music, the sixteenth note, the eighth note, the quarter note, the half note, and the entire note. For every one of these notes you isolate the past note by two. The sixteenth note is isolated into two which gives us eight, the eight into four, etc (see graph). The least demanding note to begin with is the entire note there is one beat for each proportion of a melody, for the half there is two beats for every measure, etc until there is sixteen beats for every measure. ( Guitar harmonies are additionally made utilizing an equation, first you get the size of the sort of line you are attempting to shape, for instance lets state c-major the recipe for making a significant string would be tone, tone, semi-tone, which would mean the main note in the scale, the fourth, and the seventh. This is the means by which most artists make a line. The principal note in the scale is consistently a full tone similar to the last this is on the grounds that this is two octaves separated and they are the root notes. (guitar player, June 1996) There are twelve tones in an octave ex. C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, An, A#, B. A full octave would have another C toward the end however it is a similar pitch as the principal C with the exception of an octave higher so it is generally forgotten about. Old Greeks thought of this technique, they said in an octave each note was a number numerous of the first. There is definitely not an ideal octave anyway it is consistently two or three numbers off the first recurrence. log3/log2= proceeded fraction[1,1,1,2,2,3,1,5,2,23,...], is the best division to get nearest to the ideal octave. on the off chance that we take the notes frequencies, and manufacture fifths we get entirely precise to an ideal octave. Twelve is by a long shot the simplest number to get nearest to an ideal octave which is the reason there are twelve tones in an octave. An entire tone is as a rule from one entire note to the next or one # note to the next with the exception of on tow events: b-c and e-f there is no # n ote in the middle of those notes so from b-c and e-f is an entire tone yet anyplace else it is three notes ex. an a#-b ( Math is additionally significant while making a guitar. An ordinary guitar normally contains 21 frets, the spaces in the middle of the frets is generally found by getting the complete length of the neck, and afterward utilizing the standard of 18 which is 17.835. You isolate the length of the neck by this number and this gives you the length of the main fret. At that point you take away the length of the primary fret from the all out neck length and afterward isolate the length by 17.835. You do this until you have the full neck worried List of sources List of sources:, great spot for guitar hypothesis, great spot for time signature Book: Drum Basics, great hotspot for melodic notation] Guitar Theory, great book for melodic hypothesis
Friday, August 21, 2020
5 Essential Features for Social Media Dashboards
5 Essential Features for Social Media Dashboards Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!5 Essential Features for Social Media DashboardsUpdated On 04/03/2020Author : Charles MburuguTopic : Social MediaShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogNowadays, many businesses all over the world use social media to build their brands and market their products or services. A social media dashboard is a very important tool that can help you monitor all your analytics at a glance. However, with the numerous dashboards out there, choosing the right one for your business can be a very confusing affair.Here are some of the features you need to look out for when choosing a social media dashboard:1. Managing multiple accountsMost businesses have a presence on several social media platforms. Trying to manage your social media channels separately can be a very frustrating and time-consuming exercise. A good social media dashboard saves you the trou ble of having to log into different networks. You can analyze all your social media metrics from the same space. Comparing your results across different networks will help you create more effective campaigns in future.2. Monitoring hashtags and keywordsEvery social media manager needs to keep track of brand-specific hashtags and keywords their customers and prospects are using. Your social media dashboard needs to offer comprehensive insight on your hashtags and keywords. What are the most popular hashtags and keywords? Which ones are generating the most engagement? Monitoring such data will help you prepare better for future campaigns.3. Social media calendarPlanning content in advance frees your time and saves you the trouble of rushing to create content at the last minute. Therefore, the ideal social media dashboard should allow you to schedule content. You will be able to see your monthly, weekly or daily scheduled content at a glance. Having a social media calendar will help yo u publish content effectively without leaving gaps or having posts published too close together.READDisplay Your Social Media Profiles In Sliding Tabs4. Evaluating team performanceMany businesses have teams of people managing different social media accounts. Your dashboard should enable you to analyze and benchmark your team’s performance at a glance. For instance, you can monitor the response time to customer complaints and inquiries. Team members that are not performing optimally can be given further training or simply replaced with others. The dashboard should not give individual users access to all the features, but only what they require for their jobs. This means that you shouldn’t have a common password for the entire team since this will compromise your security.5. Capturing audience dataEvery business has a specific group of prospects they desire to target. A good social media dashboard will allow you to capture crucial audience data. Who are your fans on Facebook? Whic h people engage with you most on Twitter? Who is following you on Instagram? Having such data will show if you are targeting the right demographic. Your dashboard should also monitor audience growth over a specific duration. For example, if you are running a campaign lasting three weeks, the dashboard should show the growth within that period.
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Death Of A Mockingbird By Ernest Hemingway - 1333 Words
Whenever there is danger or difference, there are always people who are determined to stand up and face the challenge for the good of others. When Ernest Shackleton and his crew are stranded on Antarctica in The Endurance, he made it his duty to help them get home. Juror 8 from Twelve Angry Men fought against eleven other jurors who believed that they should imprison a boy without looking over the facts of the case. Then there s Atticus Finch, a lawyer in To Kill A Mockingbird who takes on the case of a Black man even though the town he lives in doesn t accept it. Ernest Shackleton, Juror 8, and Atticus Finch’s emphasize that determination in the face of adversity is what shapes a person the most. In Endurance, Lansing details the story of crew leader Sir Ernest Shackleton’s survival on the continent Antarctica and how he made it his duty to get his crew home, even though there was barely a chance of survival. Shackleton and his men are forced to fight off the worsening conditions in Antarctica if they want to survive. For the first few months of the voyage, the crew are able to survive on the ship, The Endurance, which has not yet sunk and was still barely afloat. One day, when the crew was having a meal on the ship, the boat started making loud noises, and Shackleton realized that the ship was sinking that they had to get off. The loss of the Endurance came as a shock to the crew, as they saw the boat as a symbol of their survival and one of the only possibilities ofShow MoreRelatedFahrenheit 451 Essay1076 Words  | 5 PagesAs renowned author Ernest Hemingway said, â€Å"There is no friend as loyal as a book†. This can be true at times, but in Ray Bradburyà ¢â‚¬â„¢s novel Fahrenheit 451, many people in the novel’s dystopian society think otherwise. In this essay I’ll be discussing the 5 books I’d save from the firemen if I was Guy Montag in Fahrenheit 451, and which of the 5 I’d choose to remember and â€Å"become†. The books I’d save would be Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, Markus Zusak’s The Book Thief, Jandy Nelson’s I’ll GiveRead MoreHarper Lee, The Sentry By Wilfred Owen, And Good Guys Dead By Ernest Hemingway Essay3751 Words  | 16 Pagesquestions and form relationships between authors and the reason(s) or any influence(s) as to why the following authors have developed their work: Harper Lee, Wilfred Owens, Ernest Hemingway. I decided to investigate the following texts: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, The Sentry by Wilfred Owen, To Good Guys Dead by Ernest Hemingway. If the aim is to find out whether early life experiences of these authors or the t ime setting when they grew up in promoted or influenced the development of their workRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn4280 Words  | 18 PagesFinn and his friend Tom Sawyer starting a band of robbers with their other friends. Huckleberry Finn has been adopted by a well to do widow Douglas and her sister Miss Watson. Finn is then kidnapped by his father and gets beaten so he fakes his own death and runs away. Huck runs away to Jacksons Island where he finds one of Miss Watsons slaves Jim. The two find a raft and drift down the Mississippi river when they hear that Jim is being hunted for. The plan for Jim and Huck is to float down to CairoRead MoreHow To Write Literary Analysis4174 Words  | 17 Pagesyou’ve been given? Conversely, is this a topic big enough to fill the required length? Good Questions â€Å"Are Romeo and Juliet’s parents responsible for the deaths of their children?†â€Å"Why do pigs keep showing up in Lord of the Flies?†â€Å"Are Dr. Frankenstein and his monster alike? How?†Bad Questions â€Å"What happens to Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird?†â€Å"What do the other characters in Julius Caesar think about Caesar?†â€Å"How does Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter remind me of my sister?†Step 2. CollectRead MoreBelonging Essay4112 Words  | 17 Pagesof the dog in the night-time AF, APB YA Hardy, Thomas Jude, the obscure AF Hardy, Thomas Tess of the D’Ubervilles AF Hawthorne, Nathaniel The scarlet letter AF Hemingway, Ernest, A clean well-lighted place, in Complete short stories AF Hinton, S.E. Outsiders YA Home and away: Australian stories of belonging and alienation ed. Bennett, Bruce AF Hosseini, Khaled The kite runner AF YA MoreEssay on Silent Spring - Rachel Carson30092 Words  | 121 Pages.......11 Chapter 1 A Fable for Tomorrow.........................................................................12 Chapter 2 The Obligation to Endure....................................................................14 Chapter 3 Elixirs of Death.....................................................................................16 Ch apter 4 Surface Waters and Underground Seas.............................................18 Chapter 5 Realms of the Soil..................................
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Discover the Distant, Frozen Oort Cloud
Where do comets come from? Theres a dark, cold region of the solar system where chunks of ice mixed with rock, called cometary nuclei, orbit the Sun. This region is called the Oà ¶rt Cloud, named after the man who suggested its existence, Jan Oà ¶rt. The Oà ¶rt Cloud From Earth While this cloud of cometary nuclei is not visible to the naked eye, planetary scientists have been studying it for years. The future comets it contains are made mostly of mixtures of frozen water, methane, ethane, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen cyanide, along with rock and dust grains. The Oà ¶rt Cloud by the Numbers The cloud of cometary bodies is widely dispersed through the outermost part of the solar system. Its very distant from us, with an inner boundary 10,000 times the Sun-Earth distance. At its outer edge, the cloud stretches into interplanetary space some 3.2 light-years. For comparison, the closest star to us is 4.2 light-years away, so the Oà ¶rt Cloud reaches almost that far. Planetary scientists estimate the Oort Cloud has up to two trillion icy objects orbiting the Sun, many of which make their way into solar orbit and become comets. There are two types of comets that come from the distant reaches of space, and it turns out they dont all come from the Oà ¶rt Cloud. Comets and Their Origins Out There How do Oà ¶rt Cloud objects become comets that go hurtling in orbit around the Sun? There are several ideas about that. Its possible that stars passing nearby, or tidal interactions within the disk of the Milky Way, or interactions with gas and dust clouds give these icy bodies a kind of push out of their orbits in the Oà ¶rt Cloud. With their motions changed, theyre more likely to fall in toward the Sun on new orbits that take thousands of years for one trip around the Sun. These are called long-period comets. Other comets, called short-period comets, travel around the Sun in much shorter times, usually less than 200 years. They come from the Kuiper Belt, which is a roughly disk-shaped region that spans out from the orbit of Neptune. The Kuiper Belt has been in the news for the past couple of decades as astronomers discover new worlds within its boundaries. Dwarf planet Pluto is a denizen of the Kuiper Belt, joined by Charon (its largest satellite), and the dwarf planets Eris, Haumea, Makemake, and Sedna. The Kuiper Belt extends from about 30 to 55 AU, and astronomers estimate it has hundreds of thousands of icy bodies larger than 62 miles across. It might also have about a trillion comets. (One AU, or astronomical unit, equals about 93 million miles.) Exploring the Parts of the Oà ¶rt Cloud The Oà ¶rt Cloud is divided into two parts. The first is the source of the long-period comets and may have trillions of cometary nuclei. The second is an inner cloud shaped roughly like a doughnut. It, too, is very rich in cometary nuclei and other dwarf-planet-sized objects. Astronomers also have found one small world that has a section of its orbit through the inner part of the Oà ¶rt Cloud. As they find more, they will be able to refine their ideas about where those objects originated back in the solar systems early history. The Oà ¶rt Cloud and Solar System History The Oà ¶rt Clouds cometary nuclei and Kuiper Belt objects (KBOs) are icy remnants from the formation of the solar system, which took place about 4.6 billion years ago. Since both icy and dusty materials were interspersed throughout the primordial cloud, its likely that the Oà ¶rt Clouds frozen planetesimals formed much closer to the Sun early in history. That occurred alongside the formation of the planets and asteroids. Eventually, solar radiation either destroyed the cometary bodies closest to the Sun or they were collected together to become part of planets and their moons. The rest of the materials were slingshotted away from the Sun, along with the young gas giant planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) to the outer solar system to regions where other icy materials were orbiting. Its also very likely that some Oà ¶rt Cloud objects came from materials in a jointly shared pool of icy objects from protoplanetary disks. These disks formed around other stars that lay very close together in the Suns birth nebula. Once the Sun and its siblings formed, they drifted apart and dragged along the materials from other protoplanetary disks. They also became part of the Oà ¶rt Cloud. The outer regions of the distant outer solar system have not yet been deeply explored by spacecraft. The New Horizons mission explored Pluto in mid-2015, and there are plans to study one other object beyond Pluto in 2019. Aside from those flybys, there are no other missions being built to pass through and study the Kuiper Belt and Oà ¶rt Cloud. Oà ¶rt Clouds Everywhere! As astronomers study planets orbiting other stars, they are finding evidence of cometary bodies in those systems, too. These exoplanets form largely as our own system did, meaning that Oà ¶rt clouds could be an integral part of any planetary systems evolution and inventory. At the very least, they tell scientists more about the formation and evolution of our own solar system.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Case Study On Ms. Belvie Mabika - 1625 Words
After looking over the case study on Ms. Belvie Mabika, I have located a number of strengths and weaknesses that Belvie has. As far as Belvie’s linguistic strengths, I believe that she s learning quickly. Looking at the progress from grade to grade, her teacher reviews praise her for how quickly she was picking up on things. Looking at her writing sample and looking at what the book says is â€Å"Generalized patterns of ESOL development stages†I would put Belvie at about a stage 4 to stage 5. One good example of why I would put her at a stage 3 to 4 is where she writes, â€Å" poor medical facilities compared to A there is are programs trying to help the less fortunate.†We think that her background with the education in French could been helping her with her writing. Looking at her speaking piece, she is a little bit behind her writing piece as far as in what developmental stage she is in. Reading over what she said and how she went about saying things, I would put her in stage 2 or stage 3. A good example of why I would put her in one of these stages is when she said, â€Å"Why would the favorite book be the Wrinkle in Time?†Looking at her OELPA scores, these would directly reflect with her Speak and Writing piece as well as she scored a high 2 for speaking and a high 3 on the writing. Looking at her test scores, I would say that her weakness is her is her academic language. It was said a few times by teachers in their notes on her, but it was confirmed within the writing and
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Learning a valuable lesson in life free essay sample
I came to know off lesson that was indeed learned the hard way. I was asked to leave my home and never return. This day was and still is the hardest day I have ever come to know. It was emotional and most of all, it opened my eyes to a world that I had not yet known. The day started out like any other day in my life. I was on vacation at the beach getting ready to come home. I packed my things and loaded up the car and started down the road. My car alarmed me with the gas light flashing so I pulled over at the nearest exit to fill up before continuing my drive back to the homestead. When I got back in the car, I noticed that my cell phone had no service and could only make an emergency call. I fiddled with it for a few minutes, then laid it down, thinking Im probably Just in a bad reception area and didnt touch it again until I got too friends house to drop her off from our vacation. We will write a custom essay sample on Learning a valuable lesson in life or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As I helped her unpack her things out of the car, her phone rang and she answered. I could hear a slight change of tone In her voice, so I stopped to see If I could find out what the conversation was about. When she got off the phone, she looked at me with fear In her eyes and said, Phillip, you may want to sit down, I have some bad news. Immediately my heart sank, thinking one of my family members was Injured or had passed while I was gone. She began to tell me that, that was Mitchell, my significant other at the time.He was calling to ask her If shed Inform me, that I all my longings were packed, all of the locks on the house were changed and that my cellular service had been suspended. After Initially hearing this, for a moment I became numb and tried to process everything that she was trying to tell me. I couldnt believe the things I was hearing. When the Initial shock wore off, I began sobbing, wondering what In the hell has happened. Where Is all of this coming from? When I pulled my together, I mustered up the nerve to finally give him a call and ask what has made him make this decision. As he started telling me where our relationship went wrong, I wept. I couldnt understand why these things were never brought up In conversations prior to this event unfolding right before me. Finally, as I got off the phone with Mitchell, every feeling, every emotion hit me all at once. The person I loved no longer wanted to share their life with me. I didnt know how or where I was going. How I was going to survive or even eat my next meal. But, every day I got a little stronger. A little more grounded and began to get my life back on track.This has been and continues to be the most learned lesson Ive yet to come to know. I will never forget It nor wall I ever make those same mistakes again. EVER! Learning a valuable lesson in life By Phillip-Robinson it again until I got to a friends house to drop her off from our vacation. As I helped a slight change of tone in her voice, so I stopped to see if I could find out what the conversation was about. When she got off the phone, she looked at me with fear in Immediately my heart sank, thinking one of my family members was injured or had other at the time.He was calling to ask her if shed inform me, that I all my cellular service had been suspended. After initially hearing this, for a moment I couldnt believe the things I was hearing. When the initial shock wore off, I began sobbing, wondering what in the hell has happened. Where is all of this coming from? Brought up in conversations prior to this event unfolding right before me. Finally, as I track. This has been and continues to be the most learned lesson Vive yet to come to know. I will never forget it nor will I ever make those same mistakes again. EVER!
Friday, April 10, 2020
Good evening everyone and welcome to our 10 th Ann Essays - Health
Good evening everyone and welcome to our 10 th Annual employee of the year ceremony. First I will like t o thank everyone for helping set up this ceremony and making this event possible. Every year our hospital recognize s one individual from each unit who has gon e above and beyond on work duty and w ho gives more than just 100% on their work ethic. As N urse ' s we all know how difficult it is to keep a straight face at work because of all the different kinds of emotional events that happen each day, whether it's a rude, unappreciative and demanding patient, to a patient who is critically ill and just found out they hav e couple months to live. In these kind of moments it is hard to rem ain calm and not let our emotions be reflected towards our patient and peers. On the daily basis, nurses do so much, whether it's helping patients, comforting family members, teaching students, your day is always packed. No matter where you work or what type of nursing you do, it all contributes to making a difference. Thank you all for everything!! One pe rson out of 80 employees in the ICU unit has stood out among the rest. This individual has shown love and compassion to her patients and including her coworkers since day one. She has proven to be humanitarian by always being her patient's advocate. She always has a smile on her face regardless of how hectic the day might be going . Not a day goes by, that coworkers recognize and comment on her, for example: " working with her makes the day go by smoother " or "she brings warmth and peace to the unit". She is highly respected by her peers and appreciated by her patients because she goes above and beyond on patient care. She is the epitome of teamwork, always willing to help her the other nurses even when she is busy, she somehow manages to make time for others . Patient care is her mission. Bringing a smile to her patient s is her obsession. She is a true angel and a role model for everyone. Now with pleasure I will like to present this award for employee of the year to Marcel Santos. Now shall we all give her a round of applause.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Dawn Kills Animals
Dawn Kills Animals Proctor and Gamble tests on animals, they dont want to stop, but they want the public to think they are animal-friendly. Last night, I saw a very disturbing commercial for Dawn dishwashing liquid. The commercial claims that thousands of animals caught in oil spills have been saved by being washed in their dishwashing liquid. The video depicts a penguin, a duckling and an otter, all covered with oil, being bathed with their dishwashing liquid. In the before video, you can see how the duckling stumbles and struggles to walk. In tiny letters at the bottom of the screen, it says, simulated demonstration. This was not footage of an actual rescue. They intentionally covered at least three animals with tempera paint and corn syrup to simulate oil, just so they could wash them on camera. If Dawn really is used to wash oil off of animals, why couldnt they use footage of an actual rescue? The company then has the audacity to put up a website at, extolling their role in wildilfe rescue. Meanwhile, Proctor and Gamble, the parent corporation that owns Dawn, continues to test on animals and defends animal testing: We must conduct research involving animals to ensure materials are safe and effective. Not to be branded monsters, they have joined with The Humane Society of the United States in a partnership committed to the elimination of animal use for consumer product safety evaluation. Im guessing that this guarantees that HSUS will not target PG in any campaigns. PG, if you were really committed to the elimination of animal testing, you would stop it. Today. Now. Stop the lip service. Stop pretending. What you can do: Boycott Proctor Gamble products. Contact Proctor Gamble at 513-983-1100 or via email at (Update: It appears that PG has now disabled this email address), to tell them you are boycotting all of their products until they stop testing on animals. Its not always easy to tell which brands are owned by PG and the list is always changing, so try to familiarize yourself with this list, from the official PG website. Dozens of brands are part of the PG corporation, including Dawn, Gillette, Cover Girl, Pampers, Tampax, Clairol, Febreeze, Tide, Mr. Clean, ​Crest and others. Iams and Eukanuba are also owned by PG and sponsor the Iditarod, so there are at least two reasons to boycott these two brands. Even better, boycott all companies that test on animals. Two apps available on iTunes make it easy to carry around a list of companies that dont test on animals. Cruelty-Free and BNB (short for Be Nice to Bunnies) are both compatible with the iPhone or the iPod touch. July 21, 2009 Update: I just spoke to Cory, a representative at PG, and told him that Im not swayed by the Dawn Saves Wildlife campaign, and if PG really cared about animals, they would stop animal testing. Cory was very nice and said that he would pass along my comment. He also said that PG is required by law to conduct animal testing. I told him that was not true. Federal law requires drugs to be tested on animals, but no law requires household products to be tested on animals. Cory said that the EPA requires new chemicals to be tested on animals. But thats not the same as requiring all household products to be tested on animals. A dishwashing liquid can be made using known, reliable ingredients, without creating new chemicals. There are lots of cruelty-free companies making the same types of cleaning products that PG makes, without animal testing. Our very civil conversation ended with my accepting Corys offer to send me a pamphlet about PGs animal testing, but turning down his of fer of coupons for PG products. Regardless of the certification from AHA, the animal rights position is that animals should not be used for entertainment or commercials, and should not be covered with paint or corn syrup. Correction, July 22, 2009: The original postincorrectly stated that during the filming of the commercial live animals were covered with oil. However, according to American Humane Association, the animals were covered with a mixture of tempera paint and corn syrup designed to simulate oil. The original post also suggested that animals may have been injured or killed during the filming of the commercial. American Humane Association was on set to supervise the filming of the commercial and certified that No animals were harmed during the taping.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Letter to parliament Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Letter to parliament - Essay Example This however does mean its policies are perfect in regard to meeting social needs. This discussion focuses on the various ways by, which United States’ social and Health policy has been ineffective the Comparing it with Canadian Social and Health Policy. It suggests ways through which its standards can be raised to favour the entire society. Recommendation are thereby given and conclusion as to introduction of new policies into the industry to facilitative it efficient and smooth running while reducing costs are highlighted. Background Understanding Canada's Medicare Debate Medicare including social care in Canada is a success story. Not to the perfection, but good enough to be admired by better part of the world. Canadians therefore receive high standard healthcare whenever they need it as there are no financial constrains or any other obstacles, therefore they take the care for granted. In comparison with everything that happens in USA, they get surprised yet pleased to real ize they have a well-designed health program that delivers better results and care, to a huge population, and a considerably lower cost than in the USA. Faced with these realities, media and policy makers have come up with a predictable conclusion: Canadian healthcare is in a deep crisis, probably in deathbed. Collapse of health sector has been predicted and urgent overhaul is needed to bring it back to track. High care debate has become a philosophical battle ground, in which predetermined economic and political assumptions are more evidential and where tale is received as a fact. Considerations Out of Control Costs Reality: Health care expenses are under very tight control, to a point where spending in a pubic funded health facility isn’t keen on keeping track with the population growth rate. Being a percentage of Gross National Product, spending on health care has leveled at approximately 9%.Healthcare became national program in 1971, when the proportion of GNP rose to 9 % from 7.5%.This rising share going to health care in 1980’s was not as a result of spiraling costs but due to shrinking economy and started at the introduction of free trade agreements .If the GNP did not slump then, the spending on healthcare would still be at 7% just like they did in 1971. While discussing costs on healthcare, it’s crucial to put on mind that spending on health in public sector accounts for 72%.The costs are rapidly growing in private sector unlike the public sector e.g. dental services and drugs. Instituting user fees and abolishing free system Reality: It’s illogical to say that if costs are too high, the solution is to further raise them. To the contrary user fees do not reducing rather it increases costs. Premium insurance, taxes or user fees the money is dug from the same pocket. The actual advantage to the advocates of user fees is that they discourage the poor from seeking the medical care. Ones the poor is denied care, the rich can the n avoid assisting to cater for their care. In 1970’s under the Liberals, Saskatchewan introduced the fee which saw the poor shy ff from seeking the care, physician visits by the poor decreased by 18%.Inspite of this, the overall costs rose, due to changes in mix services and utilization patterns. Actually the doctors maintained their salaries by encouraging the high income patients to make more visits and take more tests. At the end of it, more was being spent while providing care to fewer people. Health care Cost
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Case Study 2 -part 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Case Study 2 -part 2 - Essay Example The average for the machine type one is the highest at 639.093 parts per minute with the highest standard deviation at 60.481, meaning that it also has the highest variability in machine production. Machine type two on the other hand has the lowest average rate at 120.765 ppm and the lowest standard deviation at 13.73011 attributing to its lower variability in machine production per minute. Machine type three has an average of 156.48 in the sample, a close rate in the production rate of 155 ppm as noted earlier. On the production per day sampling, machine type 2 had an average of 120.765 ppm, while its official rating is 200 ppm. Having the number of observation, the production levels, and the time period worked by each machine type as one block of independent variables, and the machine type as the dependent variable, the p-value of the summary table shown above, that t-statistic is negative for observation and time period worked by the machine, but 0.558 for observation. This indicates that the level of significance is favorable for obtaining the observed results when the null hypothesis is true. As shown by table 4 above, we shall reject the null hypothesis which states that machine type 1= 700, as accept the alternative hypothesis which states that machine type one is not equal to 700. This is because the calculated value of p= 0.0000002 is less than p value=0.05. For the machine type 2, the value of calculated p is close to zero which means that we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis which states that Machine type 2 (rated 200 ppm) not equal to 200. While for the case of machine type 3 (rated 155 ppm) the value of calculated P=0.8258 which is greater than p=0.05 this prompt us not to reject null hypothesis and conclude that Machine type
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Internet gambling Essay Example for Free
Internet gambling Essay This document will inform you about the history of internet gambling, the existing issues, and a number of concerns involved with online gambling. Prior to the launching of the World Wide Web in 1993 which changed the setting of gambling, people had to travel great distances to gamble. The worlds first virtual online casino, Internet Casinos, Inc. (ICI) commenced operation on August 18, 1995 with 18 different casino games. Most of these online gambling companies are located outside of the U. avoid government prosecution. ICI operates out of the Turks and Caicos Islands (Kish, 1999). One of the main reasons internet gambling started was because of costs. The value to start up an internet gambling site is around 1. 5 million dollars, which is half of what it costs to actually construct a casino. ICI estimates that the company averages about a twenty four percent profit margin, versus the typical United States casino, which ranges from eight percent to sixteen percent of each dollar wagered (Kish, 1999). An estimated twenty million people are currently online with a projected 160 million online by the year 2020. The overall market for online gambling is estimated to be approximately $49 billion worldwide (Kish, 1999). The history of internet gambling is only a decade old, however, its history will hold on for several more. There are several existing issues facing internet gambling. The first issues we will discuss are how to regulate internet gambling. The question raised by the emergence of Internet gambling is whether old lawsbased mainly on a world of atomsare still viable, and if not, in which way the Internet should be regulated (Walther, 2000). Some scholars believe that internet gambling needs to be regulated, and of course there are those that say let the owners of the sites regulate themselves. Regulatory procedures can be targeted at either or both of the providers and the consumers of gambling services. In the case of consumers, regulation is usually implemented by age, through prohibition of the participation of minors. Procedures might also be contrived to prohibit problem gamblers or undischarged bankrupts from engaging in gambling (Clarke, 2000). Another existing problem with internet gambling is The Wire Act which was intended to assist the states, territories and possessions of the United States, as well as the District of Columbia, in enforcing their respective laws on gambling and bookmaking and to suppress organized gambling activities. Subsection (a) of the Wire Act, a criminal provision, provides: Whoever being engaged in the business of betting or wagering knowingly uses a wire communication facility for the transmission in interstate or foreign commerce of bets or wagers or information assisting in the placing of bets or wagers on any sporting event or contest, or for the transmission of a wire communication which entitles the recipient to receive money or credit as a result of bets or wagers, or for information assisting in the placing of bets or wagers, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both (Rodefer, 2003). During the House of Representatives debate on the bill, Congressman Emanuel Celler, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee stated [t]his bill only gets after the bookmaker, the gambler who makes it his business to take bets or to lay off bets. . . It does not go after the causal gambler who bets $2 on a race (Rodefer, 2003). What the government is having a problem with is that most internet gambling sites are run ran in foreign countries, and they cannot enforce this act against them. What they are trying to do is change the act to include these third parties. An example of this is the introduction of the Internet Gambling Prohibition Act of 1997 (Walther, 2000). The bill would have prohibited Internet gambling by extending the Wire Acts prohibitions on traditional forms of gambling by phone or wire to the Internet (Walther, 2000). This amendment would provide penalties for online bets and wagers. This so far seems to be the best solution, however ethical and moral dilemmas still rest in the hands of our lawmakers today. The next issue facing internet gambling is taxes. This seems to be the governments biggest issue. This is because of the billions of dollars we mentioned for profit by these online sites, government can gain significant amount of money from it. The legalization of Internet gambling may cause states to lose some revenue generated from legalized gambling operations because many gamblers would spend their money online (Lassani, 1998). Moreover, states lose revenue by not being able to tax gamblers who win over the Internet. Gamblers who win over the Internet have an incentive not to pay taxes on their winnings because the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) lacks the resources to track online gamblers (Lassani, 1998). The likelihood of addiction to Internet gambling among both children and adults is an extremely important concern. In relation to addiction, children are more likely to become addicted to something new than adults (Smith, 2004). For example, the video game-like nature of virtual casinos, labeled the crack cocaine of gambling, could make online gambling a temptation difficult to resist. Furthermore, the fact that the Internet gambler need not leave the comfort and privacy of his or her home could mean that an individual might become easily addicted. This is the worst thing about internet gambling, because there will not be anyone to detect if a person is addicted or not. Consequently the only aid they will get is their selves, and that leaves the player defenseless against the dependence of gambling. Having to go to the casino to gamble has better chances of knowing who is addicted and who is not, they have hired hands to detect this problem, unlike the home atmosphere. Kevin ONeill, Deputy Director of New Jerseys Council on Compulsive Gambling says The real threat comes from the isolation and secrecy of the betting activity itself. I call this threat the cave syndrome due to the gamblers isolated behavior and hidden activity (Wharry, 2001). In closing the short lived World Wide Web as created pandemonium with our lawmakers. The dilemma of how everyone interprets the Wire Act is a major concern. The efforts to amend it to make all users liable for using the websites are tiresome, and stopping foreigners from creating internet gambling sites seems never-ending since the United States cannot control them. In just over a decade there are over twenty million users, expected to increase to 160 million in the next 14 years. Its revenue is over 49 billion dollars and increasing. There are more profit margins with online gambling than the traditional casino. The cost to create a gambling web is 1. 5 million dollars compared to the 300 million to build a casino, this creates profit and increases attendance because of its trouble-free access. One important concern with internet gambling is addiction. Children are easily addicted to new things than adults and it will make it harder to control and detect gambling addiction. Internet gambling is a good creation for those people who can control themselves, but for those who cannot have a greater chance to end up bankrupt. Thus we can see from this example alone, why lawmakers are having such problems to secure the problem, do they let it carry on or let people put themselves in jeopardy of losing everything. Michael Bolcerek the President of The Poker Group said, Its a personal liberty issue with regard to how you spend your money and what you see over the Internet(Roth, 2006). References: Clarke, R. (2000, December). The feasibility of regulating gambling on the internet . Retrieved May 5, 2006, from Regulations of internet gambling Web site: http://www. anu. edu. au/people/Roger. Clarke/II/FeasIGR. html Kish, S. (1999). An analysis of the governments role in addressing internet gambling. Betting on the Net, 51(no 2), 449-6. Lessani, A.M. (1998, May). How much do you want to bet that the internet gambling prohibition act of 1997 is not the most effective way to tackle the problems of online gambling. Retrieved May 4, 2006, from The Internet Gambling Prohibition Act: An Analysis Web site: http://www. gseis. ucla. edu/iclp/alessani. html Rodefer, J. (2003). Federal wire wager act. Retrieved May 5, 2006, from Gambling-Law- US. com Web site: http://www. gambling-law-us. com/Federal-Laws/wire-act. htm Roth, B. (2006, April 25). Foes try to squelch online gambling. Knight Ridder Tribune Business News, [1]. Smith, A. (2004). Controversial and emerging issues associates with eybergambling (e-casinos). Online Information Review. 28(6), 435-443. Walther, F. M. (2000). A comparative u. s. -swiss perspective. Retrieved May 5, 2006, from Internet Gambling Related Regulatory Questions and Enforcement Problems Web site: http://stlr. stanford. edu/STLR/Events/gambling/contents_f. html#note5 Wharry, S. (2001). E-Gambling threat worries addiction experts. You Bet Your Life, 165,325.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Research Critique of Study on Newborn Temperature Regulation Essay
Abstract      The authors (Chiu, Anderson, & Burkhammer, 2005) of the article present all the essential components of the research study. There will be a decrease in temperature in the newborn if having difficulties breastfeeding while having skin-to-skin contact with the mother. That was the inferred hypothesis. The method used to gather the information was a pretest-test-posttest study design and the sample consisted of 48 full-term infants. The key findings showed most infants reached and maintained temperatures between 36.5 and 37.6 degrees Celsius, the thermo neutral range, with only rare exceptions. Problem Statement      The research problem is thermoregulation in newborn infants. The purpose of the research study is to find out if Kangaroo, or skin-to-skin contact, facilitates safe temperatures in newborn infants during the first few minutes and hours after birth, specifically during breastfeeding. In this article the problem statement is written clearly and it expresses a relationship between two or more variables, specifically temperature and skin-to-skin contact. In this study the problem statement is testable and states a specific population being studied (full-term newborns). The significance to nursing is apparent in the problem statement. It is important for newborns to maintain a body temperature within a normal range so that â€Å"caloric expenditure and oxygen consumption are minimal. If excessive effort is needed to produce heat when cold stress persists, newborn infants may experience adverse metabolic events such as hypoxemia, acidosis, and hypoglycemia†(Chiu et al., 2005. p. 115 as cited in Kenner, 2003). Literature Review      The literature review is comprehensive and makes explicit the relationship among the variables and discusses the relevant concepts. All sources are relevant to the study topic and are critically appraised. Both classic and current sources are included ranging in date from 1977 to 2004. Most sources are primary sources but only supporting research is presented. Chiu et al states that one gap in knowledge about the problem identified is that â€Å"temperature has not been reported in studies of skin-to-skin contact with a focus on the breastfeeding process.†This study intends to fill the gaps by studying mothers and newborns that are having tro... ...sing Practice      The temperature results provide solid evidence that this study is valid. According to Chiu et al (2005), â€Å"When mother-infant couples breastfeed skin-to-skin using a safe technique, concern for hypothermia is unfounded†(p. 120). Patients benefit from the research findings because, â€Å"healthy full-term infants, with or without breastfeeding difficulties, could safely breastfeed in skin-to-skin contact with their mothers†(Chiu et al., 2005. p.120). Direct application of the research findings is feasible in terms of time, money, and legal/ethical risks. These findings indicate that nurses no longer need to worry that infants will become cold during skin-to-skin contact especially during breastfeeding. The results of this study should be applied to nursing practice because skin-to-skin contact facilitates a bond between mother and baby and because it helps regulate baby’s temperature. References Chiu, S., Anderson, G.C., & Burkhammer, M.D. (2005). Newborn Temperature During      Skin-to-Skin Breastfeeding in Couples Having Breastfeeding Difficulties. BIRTH,      32(2), p 115-121.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Why Women Should Not Be Assigned to Combat Positions
Throughout history, women have played a role in the defense of their nations. In 1429, Joan of Arc successfully led the French Army into battle against the English at age 17. In 1588, Queen Elizabeth I traveled to Tilbury, Essex to fight beside her Army during the Spanish raid. And in 1788 at the Battle of Monmouth, Mary Ludwig Hayes, also known as â€Å"Molly Pitcher†, took over her husband’s cannon position and continued to engage the enemy after he had fallen in battle. While these are extraordinary accomplishments made by these most admirable women, should this level of close combat be expected, or possibly even required of women in the military? Many will argue that the ban on women in combat is a discrimination issue, and that it creates a structural barrier that can hurt their chances of promotion or advancement. The Defense Department Advisory Committee on Women in the Services actually found that â€Å"women serving in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan have had a positive impact on mission accomplishment. But these women were not assigned to an actual combat position in a unit that has a primary mission of direct ground combat engagement of the enemy. They were either assigned to a combat support unit that was engaged by the enemy, or they were attached to the combat arms unit. There is a vast difference, and this essay will explore why placing women in direct combat roles in the military would have a negative impact on combat readiness. All male units in the field experience bonding that enhances readiness and cohesion. When women are introduced, men stop relating to each other and begin trying to attract the women. This puts them in direct competition with each other and becomes a severe distraction from the mission at hand. Morale cannot be maintained if accusations of harassment are a threat, and Commanders are unable to keep the males focused on the mission when they are at war with each other over a female unit member. â€Å"Helen of Sparta was perhaps the most inspired character in all literature, ancient or modern. A whole war, one which lasted for ten years, was fought over her†(Bell, 1991, p. ). King David of Israel ordered Uriah the Hittite into battle to fight in order to commit adultery with Uriah’s wife in his absence. He would even wage war against another nation in order to eliminate any competition for his women. But a relationship with a supervisor or a co-worker is detrimental to teamwork and fairness in the workplace. A lack of trust or possible resentment toward another soldier can possibly result in poor judgment in the heat of battle when someone decides they are mad at the man that got the girl. Disrespect among the ranks, mistreatment of fellow unit members, and destruction of professional reputations will surely affect the career progression of everyone involved. And what happens to the effectiveness of the unit when a female combat soldier gets pregnant? Naval ships at war must return to shore because of the pregnancy of female sailors, thus hindering the combat mission. Infantry units must evacuate the female soldier out of the war zone and reassign her to a support position back in the States. The disruption to combat readiness is extreme and can be costly. Chivalry is not dead. The basic, instinctual nature of males is to protect females. This is true of any species of animal. Parents raise their sons to protect women, and to ensure their safety because they are less capable of protecting themselves. While this may not be true of all women, it is certainly true of all men. In the New York Times article, Female POW is Abused, Kindling Debate, by Ellaine Sciolino, Army Major Rhonda Cornum was interviewed regarding her captivity during the Persian Gulf War. She said â€Å"Everyone's made such a big deal about this indecent assault,†she said, in her first interview since the war. But the only thing that makes it indecent is that it was nonconsensual. I asked myself, ‘Is it going to prevent me from getting out of here? Is there a risk of death attached to it? Is it permanently disabling? Is it permanently disfiguring? Lastly, is it excruciating? ‘ If it doesn't fit one of those five categories, then it isn't important. †But the male so ldier that was with her had a different opinion. The 22-year-old specialist from Fort Rucker whom Iraqis slapped and beat during interrogations said he had not changed his opinion that omen should not be in combat, despite what he described as Major Cornum's stoicism. â€Å"I worried about her all the time,†he said, â€Å"and being a P. O. W. and going through the torture, the pain, you shouldn't also have to worry about what's happening to the female soldier all the time. †While the women may be able to endure such atrocities that come with war, the men are not psychologically prepared to deal with listening to the screams of their women being raped, sodomized, and tortured by the enemy. Then there is the moral question behind women in combat units. The question isn’t necessarily whether a woman can do it, but whether she should do it. Assigning them into these positions would â€Å"require training men and women to regard the brutalization of women, and a woman’s brutalization of others, as normal and acceptable†(Kirkwood, 2003, p. 1). According to Vietnam War hero Ron Ray, â€Å"Women should only be used in combat if national security depends on it. †This means that all of our men have been killed or captured, and the only possibility of survival is left with the women and children. Even then it should be a last resort. There is something unsavory in the mouths of society in turning a woman into the kind of person that is capable of performing such heinous actions that are required in close ground combat against another human being, while being expected to nurture our children once she returns from such brutal actions. Women by nature are the nurturing gender. What will this do to our society of civilized humans if we turn our women into barbaric warriors? Women certainly play a significant role in today’s armed forces. On a grand scale they have been instrumental in improving the readiness of their organizations, better enabling them to perform on the asymmetrical battlefield. But placing them into close ground combat positions will not improve the readiness or performance of the armed forces. The presence of women in combat units creates sexual tension that eventually puts one man against another in direct competition for her, thus affecting morale and cohesion. As prisoners of war, women will put their male counterparts at risk because a man’s instinct is to protect the woman rather than complete his mission and overcome the enemy. As a civilized society, it is morally wrong to place a woman into a position where she could be brutalized, or where she would have to brutalize another. They simply are not emotionally or psychologically equipped to do that, and nor should they be. But in the quest for equality of the sexes, placing women in combat units isn’t the answer. It should still remain more important to maintain military tradition and combat effectiveness than it is for social experimentation.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Essay on Exploring the Effects of Exercise on Depression
â€Å"Eleven percent of Americans aged 12 years and over, take antidepressant medication,†â€Å"antidepressants were the third most common prescription drug †¦ in 2005 – 2008,†and from 1988 to 2008, the rate of antidepressant use in the US increased nearly 400% (Pratt). The first step to treating many of these new cases of depression is the prescription and use of antidepressant medication, however this has cause a mass flooding of our society with unnecessary prescription drugs. Due to the ease of treatment, primarily with prescription drugs, and the large range of severity in depression is often over diagnosed, adding to the problem. The persons whom are misdiagnosed will then be receiving drugs, all of which have side effects, and can take†¦show more content†¦Normally side effects are mild; with more impairing side effects being less frequent. According to the same pamphlet, the most common side effects are â€Å"constipation, daytime sleepiness, diarrhea, dizziness, dry mouth, headache, nausea, sexual problems, shakiness, trouble sleeping, and weight gain.†Also mentioned elsewhere are â€Å"Serotonin syndrome†which can include â€Å"confusion, hallucinations, loss of coordination, fever, rapid heart rate, and vomiting†and that the medication can worsen your depression and can increase the risk of suicide or self-mutilation. Having any of these would be very intrusive upon a person’s normal functioning. Antidepressants also usually take â€Å"at least 6 full weeks to begin to get the full effect†(United States) of their depression lessening. This long lag time bet ween when treatment begins and when depression alleviation starts is another concern, as alternative methods can begin working right away and if you need to switch antidepressants, it takes another 6 weeks for the next one to work. The long treatment time is another drawback of using antidepressants as â€Å"most people need to keep taking these medicines for 6 to 9 months,†(United States) yet later in the same pamphlet it is stated that not much is known about the long term use of antidepressants because the â€Å"research studies generally onlyShow MoreRelatedDoes Participating in Sports Help Reduce the Levels of Stress in College Students?708 Words  | 3 Pagesfind out the depression levels of the participants and see if physical activity effects all participants with different levels of depression or only participates of low levels of depression, we will use a beck depression scale to test the levels of the participants throughout the study. 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