Monday, May 25, 2020
The Death Of A Mockingbird By Ernest Hemingway - 1333 Words
Whenever there is danger or difference, there are always people who are determined to stand up and face the challenge for the good of others. When Ernest Shackleton and his crew are stranded on Antarctica in The Endurance, he made it his duty to help them get home. Juror 8 from Twelve Angry Men fought against eleven other jurors who believed that they should imprison a boy without looking over the facts of the case. Then there s Atticus Finch, a lawyer in To Kill A Mockingbird who takes on the case of a Black man even though the town he lives in doesn t accept it. Ernest Shackleton, Juror 8, and Atticus Finch’s emphasize that determination in the face of adversity is what shapes a person the most. In Endurance, Lansing details the story of crew leader Sir Ernest Shackleton’s survival on the continent Antarctica and how he made it his duty to get his crew home, even though there was barely a chance of survival. Shackleton and his men are forced to fight off the worsening conditions in Antarctica if they want to survive. For the first few months of the voyage, the crew are able to survive on the ship, The Endurance, which has not yet sunk and was still barely afloat. One day, when the crew was having a meal on the ship, the boat started making loud noises, and Shackleton realized that the ship was sinking that they had to get off. The loss of the Endurance came as a shock to the crew, as they saw the boat as a symbol of their survival and one of the only possibilities ofShow MoreRelatedFahrenheit 451 Essay1076 Words  | 5 PagesAs renowned author Ernest Hemingway said, â€Å"There is no friend as loyal as a book†. This can be true at times, but in Ray Bradburyà ¢â‚¬â„¢s novel Fahrenheit 451, many people in the novel’s dystopian society think otherwise. In this essay I’ll be discussing the 5 books I’d save from the firemen if I was Guy Montag in Fahrenheit 451, and which of the 5 I’d choose to remember and â€Å"become†. The books I’d save would be Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, Markus Zusak’s The Book Thief, Jandy Nelson’s I’ll GiveRead MoreHarper Lee, The Sentry By Wilfred Owen, And Good Guys Dead By Ernest Hemingway Essay3751 Words  | 16 Pagesquestions and form relationships between authors and the reason(s) or any influence(s) as to why the following authors have developed their work: Harper Lee, Wilfred Owens, Ernest Hemingway. I decided to investigate the following texts: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, The Sentry by Wilfred Owen, To Good Guys Dead by Ernest Hemingway. If the aim is to find out whether early life experiences of these authors or the t ime setting when they grew up in promoted or influenced the development of their workRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn4280 Words  | 18 PagesFinn and his friend Tom Sawyer starting a band of robbers with their other friends. Huckleberry Finn has been adopted by a well to do widow Douglas and her sister Miss Watson. Finn is then kidnapped by his father and gets beaten so he fakes his own death and runs away. Huck runs away to Jacksons Island where he finds one of Miss Watsons slaves Jim. The two find a raft and drift down the Mississippi river when they hear that Jim is being hunted for. The plan for Jim and Huck is to float down to CairoRead MoreHow To Write Literary Analysis4174 Words  | 17 Pagesyou’ve been given? Conversely, is this a topic big enough to fill the required length? Good Questions â€Å"Are Romeo and Juliet’s parents responsible for the deaths of their children?†â€Å"Why do pigs keep showing up in Lord of the Flies?†â€Å"Are Dr. Frankenstein and his monster alike? How?†Bad Questions â€Å"What happens to Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird?†â€Å"What do the other characters in Julius Caesar think about Caesar?†â€Å"How does Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter remind me of my sister?†Step 2. CollectRead MoreBelonging Essay4112 Words  | 17 Pagesof the dog in the night-time AF, APB YA Hardy, Thomas Jude, the obscure AF Hardy, Thomas Tess of the D’Ubervilles AF Hawthorne, Nathaniel The scarlet letter AF Hemingway, Ernest, A clean well-lighted place, in Complete short stories AF Hinton, S.E. Outsiders YA Home and away: Australian stories of belonging and alienation ed. Bennett, Bruce AF Hosseini, Khaled The kite runner AF YA MoreEssay on Silent Spring - Rachel Carson30092 Words  | 121 Pages.......11 Chapter 1 A Fable for Tomorrow.........................................................................12 Chapter 2 The Obligation to Endure....................................................................14 Chapter 3 Elixirs of Death.....................................................................................16 Ch apter 4 Surface Waters and Underground Seas.............................................18 Chapter 5 Realms of the Soil..................................
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Discover the Distant, Frozen Oort Cloud
Where do comets come from? Theres a dark, cold region of the solar system where chunks of ice mixed with rock, called cometary nuclei, orbit the Sun. This region is called the Oà ¶rt Cloud, named after the man who suggested its existence, Jan Oà ¶rt. The Oà ¶rt Cloud From Earth While this cloud of cometary nuclei is not visible to the naked eye, planetary scientists have been studying it for years. The future comets it contains are made mostly of mixtures of frozen water, methane, ethane, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen cyanide, along with rock and dust grains. The Oà ¶rt Cloud by the Numbers The cloud of cometary bodies is widely dispersed through the outermost part of the solar system. Its very distant from us, with an inner boundary 10,000 times the Sun-Earth distance. At its outer edge, the cloud stretches into interplanetary space some 3.2 light-years. For comparison, the closest star to us is 4.2 light-years away, so the Oà ¶rt Cloud reaches almost that far. Planetary scientists estimate the Oort Cloud has up to two trillion icy objects orbiting the Sun, many of which make their way into solar orbit and become comets. There are two types of comets that come from the distant reaches of space, and it turns out they dont all come from the Oà ¶rt Cloud. Comets and Their Origins Out There How do Oà ¶rt Cloud objects become comets that go hurtling in orbit around the Sun? There are several ideas about that. Its possible that stars passing nearby, or tidal interactions within the disk of the Milky Way, or interactions with gas and dust clouds give these icy bodies a kind of push out of their orbits in the Oà ¶rt Cloud. With their motions changed, theyre more likely to fall in toward the Sun on new orbits that take thousands of years for one trip around the Sun. These are called long-period comets. Other comets, called short-period comets, travel around the Sun in much shorter times, usually less than 200 years. They come from the Kuiper Belt, which is a roughly disk-shaped region that spans out from the orbit of Neptune. The Kuiper Belt has been in the news for the past couple of decades as astronomers discover new worlds within its boundaries. Dwarf planet Pluto is a denizen of the Kuiper Belt, joined by Charon (its largest satellite), and the dwarf planets Eris, Haumea, Makemake, and Sedna. The Kuiper Belt extends from about 30 to 55 AU, and astronomers estimate it has hundreds of thousands of icy bodies larger than 62 miles across. It might also have about a trillion comets. (One AU, or astronomical unit, equals about 93 million miles.) Exploring the Parts of the Oà ¶rt Cloud The Oà ¶rt Cloud is divided into two parts. The first is the source of the long-period comets and may have trillions of cometary nuclei. The second is an inner cloud shaped roughly like a doughnut. It, too, is very rich in cometary nuclei and other dwarf-planet-sized objects. Astronomers also have found one small world that has a section of its orbit through the inner part of the Oà ¶rt Cloud. As they find more, they will be able to refine their ideas about where those objects originated back in the solar systems early history. The Oà ¶rt Cloud and Solar System History The Oà ¶rt Clouds cometary nuclei and Kuiper Belt objects (KBOs) are icy remnants from the formation of the solar system, which took place about 4.6 billion years ago. Since both icy and dusty materials were interspersed throughout the primordial cloud, its likely that the Oà ¶rt Clouds frozen planetesimals formed much closer to the Sun early in history. That occurred alongside the formation of the planets and asteroids. Eventually, solar radiation either destroyed the cometary bodies closest to the Sun or they were collected together to become part of planets and their moons. The rest of the materials were slingshotted away from the Sun, along with the young gas giant planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) to the outer solar system to regions where other icy materials were orbiting. Its also very likely that some Oà ¶rt Cloud objects came from materials in a jointly shared pool of icy objects from protoplanetary disks. These disks formed around other stars that lay very close together in the Suns birth nebula. Once the Sun and its siblings formed, they drifted apart and dragged along the materials from other protoplanetary disks. They also became part of the Oà ¶rt Cloud. The outer regions of the distant outer solar system have not yet been deeply explored by spacecraft. The New Horizons mission explored Pluto in mid-2015, and there are plans to study one other object beyond Pluto in 2019. Aside from those flybys, there are no other missions being built to pass through and study the Kuiper Belt and Oà ¶rt Cloud. Oà ¶rt Clouds Everywhere! As astronomers study planets orbiting other stars, they are finding evidence of cometary bodies in those systems, too. These exoplanets form largely as our own system did, meaning that Oà ¶rt clouds could be an integral part of any planetary systems evolution and inventory. At the very least, they tell scientists more about the formation and evolution of our own solar system.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Case Study On Ms. Belvie Mabika - 1625 Words
After looking over the case study on Ms. Belvie Mabika, I have located a number of strengths and weaknesses that Belvie has. As far as Belvie’s linguistic strengths, I believe that she s learning quickly. Looking at the progress from grade to grade, her teacher reviews praise her for how quickly she was picking up on things. Looking at her writing sample and looking at what the book says is â€Å"Generalized patterns of ESOL development stages†I would put Belvie at about a stage 4 to stage 5. One good example of why I would put her at a stage 3 to 4 is where she writes, â€Å" poor medical facilities compared to A there is are programs trying to help the less fortunate.†We think that her background with the education in French could been helping her with her writing. Looking at her speaking piece, she is a little bit behind her writing piece as far as in what developmental stage she is in. Reading over what she said and how she went about saying things, I would put her in stage 2 or stage 3. A good example of why I would put her in one of these stages is when she said, â€Å"Why would the favorite book be the Wrinkle in Time?†Looking at her OELPA scores, these would directly reflect with her Speak and Writing piece as well as she scored a high 2 for speaking and a high 3 on the writing. Looking at her test scores, I would say that her weakness is her is her academic language. It was said a few times by teachers in their notes on her, but it was confirmed within the writing and
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Learning a valuable lesson in life free essay sample
I came to know off lesson that was indeed learned the hard way. I was asked to leave my home and never return. This day was and still is the hardest day I have ever come to know. It was emotional and most of all, it opened my eyes to a world that I had not yet known. The day started out like any other day in my life. I was on vacation at the beach getting ready to come home. I packed my things and loaded up the car and started down the road. My car alarmed me with the gas light flashing so I pulled over at the nearest exit to fill up before continuing my drive back to the homestead. When I got back in the car, I noticed that my cell phone had no service and could only make an emergency call. I fiddled with it for a few minutes, then laid it down, thinking Im probably Just in a bad reception area and didnt touch it again until I got too friends house to drop her off from our vacation. We will write a custom essay sample on Learning a valuable lesson in life or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As I helped her unpack her things out of the car, her phone rang and she answered. I could hear a slight change of tone In her voice, so I stopped to see If I could find out what the conversation was about. When she got off the phone, she looked at me with fear In her eyes and said, Phillip, you may want to sit down, I have some bad news. Immediately my heart sank, thinking one of my family members was Injured or had passed while I was gone. She began to tell me that, that was Mitchell, my significant other at the time.He was calling to ask her If shed Inform me, that I all my longings were packed, all of the locks on the house were changed and that my cellular service had been suspended. After Initially hearing this, for a moment I became numb and tried to process everything that she was trying to tell me. I couldnt believe the things I was hearing. When the Initial shock wore off, I began sobbing, wondering what In the hell has happened. Where Is all of this coming from? When I pulled my together, I mustered up the nerve to finally give him a call and ask what has made him make this decision. As he started telling me where our relationship went wrong, I wept. I couldnt understand why these things were never brought up In conversations prior to this event unfolding right before me. Finally, as I got off the phone with Mitchell, every feeling, every emotion hit me all at once. The person I loved no longer wanted to share their life with me. I didnt know how or where I was going. How I was going to survive or even eat my next meal. But, every day I got a little stronger. A little more grounded and began to get my life back on track.This has been and continues to be the most learned lesson Ive yet to come to know. I will never forget It nor wall I ever make those same mistakes again. EVER! Learning a valuable lesson in life By Phillip-Robinson it again until I got to a friends house to drop her off from our vacation. As I helped a slight change of tone in her voice, so I stopped to see if I could find out what the conversation was about. When she got off the phone, she looked at me with fear in Immediately my heart sank, thinking one of my family members was injured or had other at the time.He was calling to ask her if shed inform me, that I all my cellular service had been suspended. After initially hearing this, for a moment I couldnt believe the things I was hearing. When the initial shock wore off, I began sobbing, wondering what in the hell has happened. Where is all of this coming from? Brought up in conversations prior to this event unfolding right before me. Finally, as I track. This has been and continues to be the most learned lesson Vive yet to come to know. I will never forget it nor will I ever make those same mistakes again. EVER!
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