Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 Misinterpreted Essay
Reading Fahrenheit 451 one can only wonder on somewhat naà ¯ve, but nevertheless terrible prophecy of the dark future to come, brought on us by Ray Bradbury. Often seen as a work of fiction or anti-utopia, in fact this is just a social horror story, if such a genre can be invented for its description. The technologies depicted in Fahrenheit are rather primitive compared to modern times. Sure, Bradbury had extrapolated the TV screens of 50’s and predicted the invention of giant TV walls, with â€Å"presence effect†that allows the viewer to feel himself in the center of action. Bradbury had expressed the fears that TV means death of media of a previous generation, being the books. But, as McLuhan stated, the technologies of past ages don’t die so easily, â€Å"The dominant technologies of one age become the games and pastimes of a later age†(McLuhan, p99). As fears that cinema would mean the death of theatre had proved themselves to be incorrect, thus a larger-scale fear that TV means the end of books had proved itself to be false too. On the other hand, Bradbury hadn’t predicted the invention of a new media which would outscore the TV as much as TV outscores the books: the Internet. The TV had no chance to progress into totally-enveloping media reality depicted in the book, losing the race to more modern media. While Bradbury’s technology prediction hadn’t been correct, his social predictions had proved to be uncannily true, if somewhat optimistic. The all-world media programming is here, broadcasted by orbiting satellites, â€Å"turns the globe into a repertory theater to be programmed†(McLuhan, p9). And the news brought to us by every source – from TV to Internet and even to Radio – are apt to be manipulated simultaneously, as was shown brilliantly in â€Å"Wag the Dog†. The censorship depicted by Bradbury isn’t here; instead, we have a total media coverage that produces fake events undistinguishable from real. People do not need to follow instructions told to them on TV; instead, we follow the views and ideas presented to us daily. The Electric Dog doesn’t roam the streets: the society is our Electric Dog that doesn’t kill nonconformists in real sense but effectively blocks ‘them’ from ‘us’. What brings salvation and hope in Bradbury’s world after the holocaust are Bible words. It doesn’t mean that he relies on religion to carry us through the new Dark Ages – rather, he tells us about our inner faith, which isn’t expressed but felt and understood. But as no holocaust had happened yet, only those who really feels in need seek salvation, others are content with what they’ve got. Bradbury’s views on government in Fahrenheit border with clear accusations of fascism, the burning of books being the most obvious historical reference. But fascism in US had became such a popular scare since the end of WWII that we don’t fear it as much anymore. After all, if government would ever decide to apply a ‘stricter’ views to economics like Roosevelt’s New Deal in 30’s, (which is quite possible now because of economics crisis), most voices would be raised in its defense rather than in its critics. People feel the government to be controlled by them, not the other way round. In Fahrenheit society education of youth program them to see their world as unquestionably right, defies critical thinking and praises the conformity instead. This is not only an exaggerated, but also a distorted picture of modern education, depicted just to scare us even more, to create a sense of further isolation of Guy Montag from the world. Bradbury doesn’t give much attention to the youth; this is sensible, for what he longs for is the past. Fahrenheit’s ending can be seen as a longing for â€Å"Golden Age†, the times that never were real but always in our eyes seem to be brighter than today. It is a hymn to nostalgia. But one cannot contemplate his past too long – he must consider the future. We should look ahead and be brave, no matter what dangers are waiting for us there. Works Cited Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451. Published by Del Rey Books, Random House Publishing Group, 1953, renewed 1981. McLuhan, Marshall, From Clichà © to Archetype, Published by Viking Adult, 1970. Wag the Dog, by Barry Levinson, 1997 (the movie).
Poland Spring’s Advertisement Campaign Failure Essay
Poland Spring’s recent advertisement puts its viewers in a serene natural environment; a nice sunny day overlooking a crystal clear spring on a green field. In the center of this field is a giant plastic bottle, one that is â€Å"environmentally friendly.†The bottle is praised and pointed out for using â€Å"less plastic,†â€Å"less paper,†and the very important â€Å"dye-free cap.†The bottle is called the â€Å"Eco-Shaped bottle†and is designed to have less impact on the earth. The entire scene is under the giant caption that tells of how Poland Spring is doing â€Å"less†to the environment. The company is selling water in a disposable plastic bottle yet the advertisement seems to be trying to convince people that by consuming their disposable product they are some how helping the environment; that because they drink Poland Spring water they are doing â€Å"less to the environment. This advertising strategy however is not uncommon. According to Julia B. Corbett â€Å" ‘green advertising’ has focused on ads that promote environmental sensitivity toward†¦ a corporate image of environmental sensitivity†(Corbett 148). The recent ad campaign may seen to be about Poland Spring’s new â€Å"Eco-Shaped†bottle, but it is really about diverting attention from the pollution the bottle generates to instead creating a pro-environmental view of the company and its product. The Eco-Shaped bottle by Poland Spring is marketed with a few selling points the company points out directly in their advertisement. The bottle uses â€Å"30% less plastic†, â€Å"less paper†and a â€Å"dye-free cap†. These improvements are better for the environment then the original bottle used by Poland Spring. However the problem lies in the fact that the product is still harmful to the environment. Last time I checked less of a bad thing is still a bad thing. According a recent article by Hope Molinaro, the California Department of Conservation (CDOC) stated, â€Å"in California, more than a billion plastic water bottles wind up in the trash each year†and that total is only the amount of bottles in the state of California (Molinaro, 64). The total amount equates to 3 million empty water bottles per day disposed of in just one state (Molinaro, 64). That large amount of plastic has many detrimental effects to the environment. The materials used to make the bottles consist of a tremendous amount of resources and are difficult to dispose of if not recycled. There is an overwhelming amount of evidence to make the claim that a good portion of the plastic bottle waste generated in the United States is produced by the Poland Spring Company. Not only is the plastic filling our landfills, but there is evidence that the water bottle company is polluting its own town. According to a 2008 study of pollution demographics of Androscoggin County in Maine, where Poland Spring’s headquarters is located, the particulate matter is 62% higher there than the United States average (Unknown). It’s also 61% higher then the state of Maine’s average particulate matter found (Unknown). Particulate matter is a complex mixture of extremely small particles and liquid droplets. Particle pollution is made up of a number of components, including acids (such as nitrates and sulfates), organic chemicals, metals, and soil or dust particles. Poland Spring’s advertisement does not show any of this particulate matter when depicting how green and lush the springs it gets its water from are. One aspect of the Poland Spring’s advertisement that I find different and contradictory to traditional green thinking is that in the ad the plastic Poland Spring water bottle, is shown in nature. Normally when a plastic water bottle is found laying in a field or any natural setting for that matter, it is viewed upon as pollution. In this ad the bottle is sitting in nature and is supposed to be appealing to the human eye. The bottle is shown in a way that it blends into the natural setting and tries to convince people that it almost belongs there, in the midst of nature; that the unnatural belongs with the natural. It is easy to relate the bottle as being positive to the environment however as it blends in with the incredible sunrise in the background on a beautiful day with a clear sky. The bottle is featured sitting in a field where the growth of the field is doing outstanding and there is not one dead or even one imperfectly grown plant. The land is doing so well it is almost portrayed as being happy and at peace with a giant, unnatural, plastic water bottle sticking out of it. This scene does not just occur in the ad however as pollution is a huge issue when there is a â€Å"disposable†factor to the product. A second contradiction in the ad is that Poland Spring is a water bottle company whose ad features more lush, green field then the body of water in which their product comes from. The ad is trying to make the product fall into the American consumers mind as a green product hence the green field is more affective then a view of the lake or spring containing the water Poland Spring is selling. Poland Spring is really trying to hammer in the point that it’s product is green and eco-friendly, and the more green in the picture the more green the consumer sees. Contradiction number three this ad uses is the slogan that titles it. In the current green revolution sweeping across America the constant theme is doing more for the environment. Under Poland Springs fancy, flower-laden font reads the words â€Å"doing less†. This is a clear indication that Poland Spring is not being beneficial to the environment by saying they are â€Å"doing less†harm to the planet we live on. Over the serene sunset, over laying the clear blue sky, and lush green field, lies an admission of pollution and guilt by the company. Poland Spring’s methods however are not so uncommon in today’s advertising market. Many advertising campaigns are seen now featuring nature in one way or another and one of the more common ways to do this is through and advertisements backdrop. According to Julia B. Corbett, â€Å"Using nature merely as a backdrop whether in the form of wild animals, mountain vistas or sparkling rivers-is the most common use of the natural world in advertisements.†(Corbett 150) So when Poland Spring sets it’s water bottle in the green field, with little purple flowers swaying in the wind, the peaceful sunset over looking the bluest clear sky the world has to offer, followed by beautiful green hills rolling off to the distance there is a purpose to it. The purpose according to Julia could be that the company is trying to promote a â€Å"corporate image of environmental responsibility.†(Corbett 148) This is very well one if not the main initiative of the advertisement and it is even so less of an advertisement as it is a rebuttal. Recently, as our country starts to become more â€Å"green†and environmentally aware, there has been some recent campaigns against the consumption of bottled water. One major campaign against bottled water has been â€Å"Think outside the bottle†. Even the mayor of Miami, Manny Diaz along with a dozen or so mayors, is calling on municipal governments to phase out bottled-water purchases in a resolution to be presented at the U.S. Mayors Conference (Barnes). Poland Spring is trying to distract the average consumer from believing the hype that the bottle are bad for the environment and tries to prove that they are doing something about it. Poland Spring’s advertisement is focusing on green aspects of its product and is trying to make the company appear to have a green initiative, however the Poland Spring’s target audience is not the hardcore environmentalist. Any person who puts some research into what they buy and cares about the environment is going to know that consumption of disposable plastic water bottles is not going to help the environment. The ad however does target the average consumer who does sort of care about the environment but does not research into what they consume. A consumer might see the recent anti-water bottle campaigns and generate a negative view of the disposable, plastic water bottles that Poland Spring sells. That is why Poland Spring’s ad was created in the first place, to turn the average consumer’s view of the water bottle and the Poland Spring Company from a negative one to a positive one. In times of environmental awareness that the United States is currently facing, many unenvironmentally friendly companies are finding it harder and harder to promote sales for their products. Poland Spring is no different in that respect but tries a different approach that is gaining in popularity, green advertising. Poland Spring uses nature to show a pristine and beautiful backdrop for their hazardous product. The ad is focusing on deterring the public’s view of Poland Spring from environmentally damaging to environmentally caring. As shady and undermining the ad is to not only the people but the earth its self, the ad creates a pro-environmental image of a company that does not practice what is preaches. Works Cited Barnes, Tayler. â€Å"Anti Bottled Water Campaign Enlists Mayors to Cause.†Corporate Accountability International. Miami Herald. Web. 07 Nov. 2011. . Corbett, Julia B. †Faint†Green: Advertising and the Natural World.†Communicating Nature: How We Create and Understand Environmental Messages. Island, 2005. Web. Molinaro, Hope. â€Å"Plastic Water Bottles Go to Waste, Says Calif. Conservation Agency.†Plastics Engineering 59.7 (2003): 64-. ProQuest Research Library. Web. 7 Nov. 2011. Unknown. Poland Spring Pollution Indexes. Raw data. Androscoggin County.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
The Illustrated Man
In the 1 ass's science fiction collection of stories The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury, there are two stories that express the main idea of revenge and they are The Other Foot and The Veldt. In The Other Foot, revenge is seen when Willie takes revenge on the white people because of how they treated his parent's and the other black people on Earth. In The Veldt the children, Wendy and Peter, take revenge on their parent's when they don't let them take their rocket to New York, this revenge builds up until it takes over the children's minds and they become unhealthily obsessed over It.There re many differences between these two types of revenge that are Important to the reader In many different ways. In The Other Foot revenge Is sought by the black people. When they lived on earth the white people treated them very badly. They were forced to sit In the back of buses and theaters, they were shoe-shiners, slaves and many were even hanged for no real reason. When the black people all mo ved to Mars their lives were drastically changed as they could now live in peace and happiness. When the news spread of a white man coming to Mars in a rocket the Martians prepared themselves and their owns for the arrival.They gathered their weapons, ropes and set up the back of buses and theaters for white people, ready to get their revenge for how their ancestors had been treated. However when everyone saw the frail, old white man and listened to his story of Earths destruction they realized that there was actually no need for revenge. â€Å"Willie Jerked his head and his mouth opened, Hattie saw the recognition in his dark eyes†the black people understood that the white people had already suffered enough during Earths extermination and so the situation was over, everybody was equal.This theme of revenge is a big part of The Other Foot and is important to the reader because it teaches how revenge can be resolved in a fair and legitimate manner and also to always treat peo ple how you would like to be treated because you never know when the shoe could be on the other foot. The idea of revenge in The Veldt is a very important part of the story. Wendy and Peter are the twin children of George and Lydia Hadley; they are very loved and spoilt children.When the parent's begin to threaten to turn off the children's nursery room the children decide to get revenge on their parent's to fix the situation so they are able to keep the nursery. They devise a plan to create an African veldt In the nursery however they want it so badly that the room actually comes to life with real live animals. It is when George and Lydia entered the nursery that they became faced with their deaths, the giant lions killed them and the children experienced the sweet taste of revenge.Wendy and Peter Hadley responded to the situation by carrying on with their day, this Is shown when David McLean arrives and Wendy asks â€Å"A cup to tea? †This quote shows the reader that the c hildren had no emotional attachment to heir parent's and this Is Important In showing how revenge Is not always the best solution for everyone. Revenge can end In very bad ways and the Idea of It In this short story shows its importance to the reader by giving a better understanding of lasting bitter feelings and anger which does not affect anyone but the person harboring the grudge.It can also have a negative impact on your health. The Veldt and The Other Foot are very similar in both showing the major idea of revenge. Equally the revenge in these stories was both between two groups of people ever things that they thought were very important to their lives. In The Veldt the revenge was needed because the children wanted to have the nursery room kept on, and in The Other Foot the revenge was concerning people's rights and how the black people think they should have been treated better.However there were differences in the way the characters went about getting revenge. Wendy and Pete r devised their own little plan and kept it between themselves only, they did not act suspiciously towards their parent's and created the African veldt when their parent's were not eying attention. In The Other Foot Willie needed the help of all the Martians so he drove around town seeking other people who held grudges and collecting weapons.He spread the word of his revenge and made it very obvious to the opposition, when Hattie asks Willie what he is doing, he shouts back â€Å"Roping off the whites! †This quote expresses to the reader how badly Willie wanted revenge and how he got himself into such a state that he was completely focused on achieving that. His mind changed in the end and the revenge in The Other Foot was finished in a calm way but he ending of The Veldt was a surprise because it was not expected of the children to go as far as killing their own parent's.The idea of revenge is compared in many ways between the two stories, it is important that the reader no tices these as they give more detail into the traits of the characters and what they set out to achieve. Revenge is a main idea present in the short stories The Veldt and The Other Foot written by Ray Bradbury. In The Veldt the revenge was aimed at the parent's by their children because their most prized possession is being threatened, and The Other Foot shows revenge between two different races about their history together.There are many similarities and differences between the short stories about the way the revenge was dealt out and the reason for it. From the readers perspective The Veldt was a better story to read because of the twist at the end that leads to a much unexpected death. The theme of revenge is important to the reader by giving more detail of the character traits, showing how revenge can be good or bad and by expressing to the reader what the characters are setting out to achieve.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Strategic Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1
Strategic Management - Case Study Example The marketing projection is done by taking into consideration the entire products of Fujifilm and its market growth in the past years. The operational estimation is conducted by considering the set marketing plan. The outer and inner environment of the company and the competitors’ strength, as well as weakness, facilitates to estimate the operational prediction. The financial analysis is done by examining the marketing and operations of the company and their performance along with income statement of the previous years. The paper also covers the process of implementation of major objectives in order to achieve success. Finally, the paper is completed with a brief conclusion. The sales projection relates to the estimation of potential sales of a company at a certain time period. The sales projection of Fujifilm’s products and services can be prepared for the coming five years. The marketing projection of Fujifilm for successive five years from the present scenario is based on several factors. There may be external or internal factors that affect sales projection (Sane Jose State University, â€Å"Process for Sales Projection†). The marketing and sales of the product of Fujifilm have helped to increase its market share and proper planning will enhance its growth in the coming years. The various factors that are responsible for Fujifilm’s future projection are seasonability aspect prevalent in business, comparative situation of the economy, fashions of new products, changing population and productivity, income of consumer, present market share, innovative product lines, inventory shortage, recent trend in sales and price changes among others (Sane Jose State University, â€Å"Process for Sales Projection†). The various marketing products of Fujifilm are ‘electronics products’, ‘highly functional materials’, ‘medical imaging’, ‘life science’, ‘graphic arts’, ‘optical devices’ and ‘documents’. These products are expanding globally and are in huge demand in the market. To maintain its demand in future, the company needs to develop various marketing techniques. The market share of LCD FUJITAC in a global market is 80% and for WV film it acquires 100%.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Nintendo Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Nintendo - Case Study Example Apart from this, the ease with which customers can adapt to the games is also a driving force and making the competition more intense within the industry. 4. Nintendo is focusing on delivering products which are unique and are not being used in the industry by others. As such, it is focusing on the differentiation strategy by producing gaming consoles which are radically different from the competitors. Nintendo has been using differentiation strategy however, it is using it relatively defensive manner. 6. One of the key strengths of the firm is its ability to manufacture technologically simple gaming consoles and other products. However this not guarantees the competitive position for the firm as big giants like Sony and Microsoft. Though it has a competitive advantage in producing handheld gaming consoles however, its advantage is not sustainable as it requires consistent improvements in technology to dominate the market. 8. It needs to further develop its existing markets by diversifying into other and related products in the existing markets. It needs to improve its existing markets by launching new products in the same markets it is serving
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Managing the patient assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Managing the patient assignment - Essay Example Even though no evidence exists to the effect that survival rate drops after the first one hour, giving care during this time ensures that most forms of injuries and traumas are still fresh for informed decisions to be made. Right after identifying haemorrhage in patient’s brain, the most immediate action to take is to stabilise the blood pressure and breathing of the patient (Kool and Blickman, 2007). This is because, the haemorrhage, which represents breeding in the patient’s brain may deteriorate with deteriorating blood pressure level. The stabilisation can be done by the radiographer using breathing assist machine, which is a ventilator. This is because a ventilator can guarantee sufficient oxygen supply to the brain and other organs, which will be a very important intervention to ensuring that the haemorrhage is brought to stable conditions. The radiographer can also choose intravenous access, especially where the patient came in unconscious. In the giving situation, as much as early x-ray procedures are important, it is also very important to ensure that procedures are carried out in a manner and in a way that is successful and less restricting. Achieving this however depends on how the radiographer will deal with the patient during x-ray procedure. One of the most acceptable interventions in such situations of trauma and vehicular accident is the use of backup radiography. This means that the radiographer must first admit to the need for other people to assist. Such assistance should be focused on accurate diagnosis, which can be achieved when immobilisation techniques are used to ensure that the patient stays in place as expected for the processes to take place (Victorino, Battistella and Wisner, 2003). Where the patient is conscious, communication will be very important in ensuring that the right information is had pertaining to specific activities that cause particular injury patterns in the patient (Battistella, 19 98). During the
Friday, July 26, 2019
Child observation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Child observation - Essay Example The boy is in a white short-sleeved shirt that has black stains on the breast pocket and beige shorts. The stains are fresh, and they are oily and greasy. The mall is spacious, stocked with different accessories including electronics, toys for children, foodstuffs, oils and perfumes. As the mother passes along the department stocked with toys, the boy scratches and attempts to bite the mother’s hand and she immediately releases him, cursing silently but loud enough for the nearest shop attendant to hear. The boy mischievously glances at his mother, and he dashes across the alley, towards a big yellow toy car. However, as he attempts to retrieve it from a higher shelf, he stumbles and falls, hitting the floor head first, and the nearby toys and accessories fall on his body. His mother quickly goes to his rescue rubbing his head to alleviate the pain from the fall and warns him to stop or else she will not buy him a present. As the mother and son moves along an electronic depart ment, the boy notices a small girl almost his age accompanied by a male adult. The girl is riding a small bicycle and the boy leaves his mother and joins the girl, apparently wanting to snatch the bicycle from her. Observation sheet of the interactions and behaviors observed in the boy Interactions observed comments The most notable interactions are with his mother, and the environment, both within and outside the shopping mall.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Nursing Quality Improvement Action Plan Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Nursing Quality Improvement Action Plan - Article Example The use of models like cultural competency, as designed by Campinha-Bacote, enable healthcare provider to continue striving towards attainment of the desired qualities necessary for working effectively in the context of individuals, clients, family as well as the entire community (Brathwaite 2003). Some of the quality improvement issues identified included lack of technology to engage patients as well as to transform healthcare into a more effective, efficient and patient centered. Also, many health institutions do not have adequate information technology tools to aid in documentations as well as monitoring quality improvements. In addition leadership support provided to nurses needed to be reviewed. There is also inadequate use of scorecards to highlight key strategies and tactics towards improvement of quality service delivery to the patients (Kaplan 1992).There are various issues that can be used to measure the quality of healthcare services being offered to patients. For instance nurses need to be engaged in the entire nursing process so as to boost his or her morale and trust in the system. Relevant information should be provided to the patient through proper communication. In case there is a communication breakdown between nurses and patients of among nurses, a lot of time will be required to gather relevant information about the patient. Spending much to acquire information about a patient reduces the effective time for providing health care services to patients.
SWOT Analysis of Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
SWOT Analysis of Organization - Essay Example Opportunities are those external environmental conditions favorable towards the organization. This can help the organizational to achieve its objectives. Whereas, threats are also external factors which may act as a preventing measure against achieving organizational growth. SWOT analysis is a technique that helps in identifying key factors. It also helps the organization in developing plans to tackle such scenario in future. Apple, Inc. is one of the oldest companies in field of designing and manufacturing computers. In the present day, they also manufacture and design mobile phones, portable music players, and also related accessories. Apple, along with their manufacturing part also provides Macintosh operating system software, internet software, multimedia software, business application software and also wireless connectivity services. The motto of Apple is ‘Think Different’. It was founded in the year 1976. It’s headquarter is situated in Cupertino, California. Apple’s operation focuses mainly on software products, computer products and communication products. Its retail business generation is carried forward through 215 retail business stores and also their dedicated website. Apple always backs innovation and its strengths have been the creation of integrated products and along with the development of user friendly software. The high quality of the product makes a big positive difference for Apple. Unique design, stylish looks like iPod Nano, light weight materials are all diverse feature of Apple. Ease of use is also a bright feature of Apple. Aggressive campaigning and commercials are also part of Apple’s strengths. Apple has a competitive advantage by embedding a closed community. Apple has other strengths as well like strong and healthy balance sheets, integration of their entire solution, innovation like iPod, iPhone,
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Socrates on Unexamined Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Socrates on Unexamined Life - Essay Example Socrates insistence on this claim portrays that human beings are born or called to reflect upon their beliefs, speak to seek out, account for what they do not know and know, live accordance to their views and defend those beliefs that make a meaningful and well-lived life. Socrates was right to make this claim (Plato, 2015). It follows human nature to live examined lives. For instance, we naturally live by the directions of pain and pleasure. Human beings are naturally drawn to the forces of wealth, power, and reputation. Socrates’ call to live an examined life does not necessarily show insistence to reject such inclinations and motivations (Plato, 2009). Instead, his claim was an injunction to appraise the true worth of the human soul. He believed that people should live by reflections upon their everyday values and motivations, and most importantly, to inquire knowledge into the real world and worth. Subsequently, if there is any. In case there is no value, it is upon the pe ople to pursue the things that they believe are truly valuable.Socrates’ thoughts on examining life prepare one to be as good, as he or she could. During his jurisdictions, he examines the lives of the juror. Socrates, who awaited prosecution at that time, ends up being the prosecutor when he surreptitiously accuses those behind his conviction and sentences him of failing to live a good life that respects humanity (Plato, 2009). He challenges them that they would never escape from self-examination just by executing him.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Comparative politics and Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Comparative politics and Governance - Essay Example France is taken to be the birthplace of liberal democracy in the modern era, sharing leadership culturally in the development of democratic society internationally with Britain and the USA. The ideals of democracy can be found in literature and transported to any location, but their implementation as a system of government is most strong in the USA and France today. Britain still has the House of Lords and Monarchy which illustrate the feudal patterns of society which liberal democracy replaced, and Spain also has a Constitutional Monarchy and King. The patterns of democratic liberalism found in the USA and France are used as a basis for development of similar systems in nation-states around the world in the process of modernization that relates to democratization internationally. Jurgen Habermas (1994) discusses the process of democratization as it aligns with modernization in his work, â€Å"Three Normative Models of Democracy,†relating the different stages a nation may ent er into as the people emerge from feudal power relations. (Habermas, 1994) Following this theory, liberal democratic structures will increase in a society as the culture develops economically and through education, adopting scientific standards, and becoming globalized. This theory would suggest that the world’s most advanced economies, such as the U.S., France, and Spain, would be also the most free historically, or have the highest advocacy for democratic institutions. Yet, China has the second largest economy globally, and it is often found to be lacking in liberal democratic openness on these standards. Similarly, Russia replaced the Soviet regime with a technically democratic system, and still has a strong economy today, yet international watchdogs regularly report human rights abuses and undemocratic processes in the country. This leads to the conclusion that there is not a direct relation between the size or advancement of an economy and liberal democracy as a politica l system inherently, as seen particularly in Russia and China today, but also in historical examples from around the world. Nevertheless, the relationship between modernization and democratization does proceed together in many nations historically, as Barber and other show in their studies on political sociology. (Barber, 2003) 2: The separation of executive and legislature is a fundamental requirement of democratic government’. Discuss. The separation of the legislature and executive is not the fundamental characteristic of democratic government, because the Parliamentary system of government links the Prime Minister directly to the ruling party and its control of the majority of legislators. What is more important than the relationship of separation of powers and indicative of a liberal democracy historically is the use of a constitution in the establishment of the system of government itself. Habermas, in such works as â€Å"On the Internal Relation between the Rule of La w and Democracy†(1995), describes the existence of a constitution as a foundation document in a system of government as characteristic and a predictor of democratic liberalism. (Habermas, 1995) Yet, France, Spain, US, Russia and Nigeria all have constitutions and make claims to political liberalism, but in practice display
Monday, July 22, 2019
When Socrates meets Confucius Essay Example for Free
When Socrates meets Confucius Essay When Confucius met Socrates It is world-renowned that Confucius and Socrates are the top-ranking philosophers. They are both authorities in their own field of their countries. Nevertheless, there have been some arguments about the conflicts between the Chinese culture and Western thoughts. Speaking of the differences between the Chinese and the west, there must be some reasons for it. Initially, in my book, the conflicts stem from the different history. We all know that European civilization consists of immigration culture, that is to say, Europe is a mixture of people around the world and diverse customs. Wildness is their nature. Another factor I reckon attributing to the differences is the different life styles they lead. For instance, it is plain to see that people in Europe often go traveling or camping with their family, even if they have to loan. Hence, enjoying the present may be their first choice. Chinese, on the contrary, can work diligently first in order to make enough money and enjoy their life. See, here’s the difference. So, what should be our attitudes towards the conflicts? From my perspective, we can learn part of the western culture. Cuz we know that the world is becoming increasingly globalizing, so, we need to prosper our culture to catch up with the western culture. Meanwhile, we ought to spread our culture to the world. Since we have splendid culture, we are obliged to make it known to others. No matter whether it is Confucius or Socrates, what we need to do is to treat them objectively and equally. And that’s my opinions about the topic. Thanks.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Recommendation For Cimb Group Finance Essay
Recommendation For Cimb Group Finance Essay Maybank Bhd is the largest financial services provider in Malaysia since its incorporation. It has been leading in the banking industry for several years. Maybank was founded by Khoo Teck Puat on 31 May 1960 and commenced operations on 12 September 1960. On 17 February 1962, Maybank was listed on the Bursa Malaysia. The Maybank Group today has over 46,000 employees serving more than 22 million customers globally. Maybank offers a full range of commercials, corporate and private services including commercial banking, Islamic banking, investment banking, insurance, stock broking, offshore banking, leasing and hire purchase, factoring, nominee services, trustee services, asset management, venture capital and Internet banking. Maybank has an international network that covering in 20 countries namely Cambodia, Vietnam, Uzbekistan, Indonesia, Bahrain, China, Papua New Guinea, Philippines and Pakistan of over 2200 braches. Maybank also enlarged its network to New York and London. Furthermore, Maybank was the first bank from Malaysia that success granted the right to establish a branch office in China. The groups key operating subsidiaries including Maybank Investment Bank Berhad, Kim Eng Holdings Ltd, Maybank Islamic Berhad, Etiqa, Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk. In addition, the key overseas unit subsidiaries of Maybank include PT Bank international Tbk (BII), Maybank Philippines Inc., Maybank (PNG) Ltd in Papua New Guinea and Maybank International (L) in Labuan. (Maybank Overview) 1 Background of CIMB Group The creations of CIMB Group take more than 75 years since year 1924. It has merged few banks in Malaysia and finally forms CIMB Group until now. CIMB Bhd was listed on Bursa Malaysia in January 2003. And in year 2006, CIMB Group was launched as a Regional Universal Bank by the merger of Commerce International Merchant Bankers, Bumiputra-Commerce Bank and Southern Bank. Nowadays, CIMB Group is the second largest financial services provider in Malaysia. (History of CIMB Group) Headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, CIMB Group retail network of over 1100 branches are covering 18 countries in ASEAN with over 43000 employees. CIMB Groups main markets are Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia by across the following areas which are Wholesale Banking, Consumer Banking, Treasury Markets, Group Strategy Strategic Investments, and comprising Investment Banking and Corporate Banking. (Profile of CIMB Group) CIMB Group offers a full range of financial products and services, covering corporate and investment banking, consumer banking, treasury, insurance and assets management. CIMB Group have operates under several corporate entities including CIMB Bank, CIMB Investment Bank, CIMB Niaga, CIMB Islamic, CIMB Securities International and CIMB Thai. (Profile of CIMB Group) 2 Ratio of Maybank and CIMB Group May Bank CIMB Group Return on Equity Capital (ROE) 61.78% 15.17% Return on Assets (ROA) 1.12% 1.36% Net Interest Margin 1.74% 2.22% Net Non interest Margin 1.00% 1.32% Net Operating Margin 1.49% 3.55% EPS 61.4sen 54.2sen Earning Spread 2.17% 3.12% Return on equity capital (ROE) is the amount of net income returned as a percentage of shareholders equity. Return on equity capital measures a corporations profitability by revealing how much profit a company generates with the money shareholders have invested. The ROE of CIMB group is 15.17% in 2011 and the ROE of May Bank is 61.78% in 2011. In this number shown that the CIMB Group have a greater ROE compare to May Bank. This shows that CIMB Group has more shareholders invested and it generate more profit than May Bank. As a result, shareholder able to receive more return from their money invested in CIMB Group. As the net profit increases, dividend pay to the shareholder will also increases since corporation had make a great profit for the year. CIMB Group had shown a good financial position of company based on the high return on common stock equity (ROE). They had spent wisely on their investment during the year. It is worth to invest as the higher stoc k price hold by the company. It had success to maximize shareholder wealth. 3Return on asset (ROA) is an indicator of how profitable a company is relative to its total assets. ROA gives an idea as to how efficient management is at using its assets to generate earnings. In year 2011, ROA of CIMB Group and May Bank is 1.36% and 1.12% respectively. That indicating CIMB Group earning about RM 0.014 for each ringgit in assets and May Bang earning about RM 0.011 for each ringgit in assets. Comparing the numbers, CIMB Group have a bit higher of ROA compare to May Bank. This mean the CIMB Group gets higher return generated in relative to the total capital provided than May Bank. Thus, CIMB Group is doing better in investment to generate profits than May Bank. Net interest margin is a performance metric that examines how successful a corporations investment decisions are compared to its debt situations. The net interest margin of CIMB Group is 2.22% and interest margin for May bank is 1.7%. Both of them have generated positive value of net interest margin. It denotes that the firms make an optimal decision, because the amount of returns generated were greater than interest expenses by investments. The figure also show CIMB Group have a higher net interest margin compare to May Bank. This mean CIMB Group is more optimal in making decision. Net non-interest margin is the measurement of the amount of non-interest revenues of the financial firm has been able to collect relative to the amount of noninterest cost incurred. In 2011, the net non-interest margin of CIMB Group and May Bank is 1.32% and 1% relatively. The result shown that, CIMB Group has higher net non-interest margin. This mean CIMB Group shows better performance in the non-interest revenue compare to May Bank. Net operating margin is a measurement of what proportion of a companys revenue is left over after paying for variable costs of production. The net operating margin for CIMB Group is 3.55% and net operating margin for May Bank is 1.49% in 2011. This means that CIMB Group makes RM 0.036 for every ringgit of sales and May Bank makes RM 0.015 for every ringgit sales. In the calculation show CIMB Group have better operating performance compare to May Bank. 4Earnings per share are a portion of a corporations profit allocated to each outstanding share of common stock. EPS for CIMB Group is 54.2sen and EPS for May Bank is 61.4sen.Both companies have the positive value of EPS which indicates that they are earning profit. According to the EPS between these two banks, we found that May Bank has higher EPS compare to CIMB Group. This indicated that May Bank has higher profitability and performance compare to CIMB Group. Earning spread is measurement of the effectiveness of a financial firms intermediation function in borrowing and lending money and also the intensity of competition in the firms market area. In 2011, CIMB Group has 3.12% of earning spread and May Bank has 2.17% of earning spread. According to the calculation, CIMB Group has higher earning spread compare to May Bank. This mean CIMB Group is more effective in borrowing and lending money and also the intensity of competition in the firms market area compare to May Bank. 5 Risk Analysis for Maybank Malayan Banking Berhad (Maybank) is the largest bank in Malaysia. Maybank provides a wide range of service and product to their customers. Over the decades, just like other financial institutions, Maybank had undergone technologic revolution. Nowadays, customer can made transaction or payment through bank electronic support system (maybank2u). However, this system may not operate or function well. For example, some users have experience of unable to receive Maybank TAC number through their phone. It causes inconvenience to Maybanks customer because they cannot made payment via Maybank2u. There was an announcement on Maybank website. It stated, We are experiencing a general issue with TACs from Maybank2u at the moment. Some users may experience delays in receiving it. The bank is exposed to operation risk. Besides that, public receive fraudulent telephone calls, emails or SMS claiming to be from Maybank. Those fraudulent telephone calls, emails or SMS will request personal and confidential account details such as personal identification number, passwords, conformation of credit card transaction, and so on from Maybank user. Consequently, their money or credit card will be embezzled. There are a few cases happened and it caused public unconfident to bank. Public will start panic and withdraw money from bank. The banks liquidity condition will decrease and be exposed to liquidity risk. According to Perbadanan Insurance Deposit Malaysia (PIDM), on May 2010, the Prime Minister Dato Sri MohdNajib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak, who is also our Finance Minister, had announced the increase in deposit insurance limit to RM 250,000 from previous RM 60,000 with effective from 31st December 2010. This will create credit risk, management risk and liquidity risk. Increase of deposit insurance limit cause moral hazard problem to rise. Maybank may invest in through those risky investments or holding risky asset. Maybank will be less incentive to protect banks benefit and does not mind to hold high risky asset because PIDM will pay off insurance limit up to RM 250,000. 6Next, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) announces to raise Statutory Reserve Requirement (SRR) Ratio from 3.00% to 4.00%, effective from 16 July 2011. Increased in Reserve Requirement Ratio causes Maybank ability to lending out decreased. Thus, Maybank become more prudent in approving loan with appropriate review and documentation. It can be seen by nonperforming loan ratio of 1.30% in 2011 compare with 1.63% in 2010. When nonperforming loan ratios of Maybank decrease, it will cause credit risk to reduce too. Risk weighted capital ratio of Maybank in 2011 is 15.36% (assuming full investment of Dividend Reinvestment Plan). Thus, it will expose to liquidity risk and credit risk. Risk weight also known as the capital adequacy framework. The minimum regulatory of capital adequacy requirement for the risk weighted capital ratio is 8% according to BNM rules. Since risk weighted capital ratio of Maybank exceed minimum requirement of capital adequacy, we can know that Maybank is well-capitalized. Maybank has good liquidity condition and Maybank can loan this amount of money to generate more outcome. However, it will increase the credit risk. Maybank may lend loan to those customer who has high risk. Furthermore, The star in 2011 stated that Maybank had issue RM 1 billion of subordinated notes under its notes programmer of up to RM 3 billion. Maybank said the subordinated notes including two tranche. Tranche 1 is RM 750million with tenure of 10 years on a 10 non-called 5 basis and Tranche 2 is RM 250 million with tenure of 12 years on 12 non-called 7 basis. The subordinated notes received a strong support from investors. Capital of Maybank will increase by issuing RM 1 billion of notes. Hence, Maybank will not be facing capital risk.Maybank may face market risk due to change of market risk. Maybank may be able to determine the interest rate. Consequently, Maybank will face significant losses. 7From 11 May 2011, Maybank announced to increase its deposit and base lending rates (BLR). Deposits rate will be risen up to 30 basis points. However BLR will increase by 30 basis to 6.60% p.a from previous 6.30% p.a. It will give impact to capital risk, liquidity risk and market risk. BLR is the cost of borrowing money. Increasing BLR causes addition payment added on shoulder on borrower. Deposit rate increase will attract depositors keep their money in Maybank. From Maybank annual report 2011, the Groups customer deposit grew 19.0% to RM 282.0billion while it increased 14.9% to RM 201.5billion at the Bank level. Last but not least, Maybank also exposed to market risk. In June 2011, Board of director of Maybank had declared that they had stopped the plan that take over RHB Capital Bhd and would not to pursue the possible merger at this movement. When this merger negotiations breakdown, Maybank share price had decline 2 sen to close at RM 8.82. It is due to great disappointment from investors. Risk Analysis for CIMB Group As we know, every business will contain risk while for CIMB Group will also wont be in the exception. To prevent those losses, CIMB Group had employed Enterprise-Wide Risk Management Framework to manage the risk that might face by CIMB Group since year 2008. At first, the most common risk that will face by a bank is credit risk. Credit risk is the risk which means the declining of assets value for a firm while the loan is one of the important assets that will face this type of risk for a bank. For CIMB Group, they had done some analysis to analyst the credit risk and try to figure out the way to reduce the increasing of the credit risk such as geographic distribution. Geographic distribution is the way of managing the portfolio differently according each country and the value of the loan that provide for each country also will be different. For example the CIMBBG in Malaysia and Singapore, due to headquartered for CIMB Group is in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia therefore the main credit exposure is much higher for Malaysia which is RM191435925000 compare to Singapore which only have RM16373165000. Besides that, the group risk management will monitor the establish credit limits by daily in tend to reduce the credit risk that will take by CIMB too . 8 Next is about the liquidity risk. Liquidity risk is about the probability of firm cant transform the assets into fund in order to make profit or other purpose. From the risk weighted capital ratio that stated by CIMB Group in year 2011 is around 16.8% which shows the increase of value compare to year 2010 which only have 15%. The announcement of the amount will cause reduce of chance for CIMB Group expose to the liquidity risk and also credit risk as well. According the rule set by Bank Negara Malaysia which is the minimum regulatory of capital adequacy requirement for the risk weighted capital ratio is 8%. By comparing, we will know that the liquidity of CIMB Group is in good condition which will reduce the liquidity risk and credit risk too. This will increase the confident of customers and investment towards CIMB Group in the same time. On April year 2011, one of the articles from The Star state out that CIMB Group had earlier secured several US dollar term loan facilities but will all-in pricing of 0.9%-0.98% per annum which is above the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR). This situation tends let CIMB Group get reduce for liquidity risk but will increase the debt of CIMB Group. On 30 September 2011, CIMB Group announced that they had a market capitalisation of approximately RM51.8 billion. With this high amount of market capitalisation, the liquidity risk that will face by CIMB Group will be greatly reduced at the same time CIMB Group also been proved that dint face the capital risk as well. Besides that, markets risk also one of the risks that might face by CIMB Group. Market risk is about the probability that the firm loss the position in the market which is the value of firms investment portfolio declining due to economic changes or some of the events that will impact the market. In year 2011, the Dato Sri NazirRazak, Group Chief Executive of CIMB Group stated Our primary disappointment was our share price which significantly underperformed benchmarks. This situation will cause CIMB Group expose to the market risk. Public or investor might lose confidence toward CIMB Group. 9At 2nd February year 2011, one of the article stated that CIMB said industrial production in emerging markets is growing faster than these developed countries, and this will support liquidity flows into the emerging markets. Furthermore, on April year 2011, CIMB Group had involve in sukuk issue and in the same time CIMB Group deputy CEO and treasurer, Datuk Lee K Kwan come out with a statement The current market environment remains very conducive for corporate issuers including banks to tap the fixed income markets. This kind of statements will tend to reduce the market risk that face by CIMB Group Reputation risk is about the negative publicity impact that might cause the customers of the firm not to use the services of the firm. For CIMB Group, in order to reduce this kind of risk, some of the activities were carry out in tend to maintain good relation with public. In year 2011, Breakthrough brought a van for benefit of 10 farming families in a remote village near Lundu in Sarawak by getting the fund that provide by CIMB Foundation. This activity had reduced the chance that CIMB Group expose in reputation risk. Operational risk is about the losses that cause by the failures happen in organisations internal activities. Basel II Pillar 3 disclosures for year 2011 stated that in July 2011,CIMB Group had strengthened their infrastructure and the operational risk management department had been created to taking care the measure of operational risk for CIMB Group. Therefore CIMB Group has greater chance to reduce the operational risk. 10 Recommendation for Maybank Market risk Market risk composes by 4 elements which are interest rate risk, foreign exchange rate risk, commodity price risk and equity price risk. In order to reduce the risk, Maybank need to determine whether Maybank has interest-sensitive assets or interest-sensitive liabilities in the period. Market rate of interest is determined by the market and bank only can become price taker and accept the interest rate given. If Maybank has interest-sensitive asset, Maybank will suffer losses if the interest rates decrease. While if Maybank has interest-sensitive liabilities, Maybank will suffer losses if the interest risk increase. From the annual report of Maybank, we can know that Maybank has a negative gap of cumulative interest rate. In order to reduce the risk, Maybank should try to increase interest-sensitive assets and reduce interest-sensitive liabilities. Besides that, Maybank can use various hedging tools to reduce the effect of the currency exposure in the appropriate circumstance. In addi tion, Maybank can reduce the exposure to market risk through swaps and features or offset it from the on and off balance sheet activities. Operating risk Fraud management is the main cause of increase operating risk. In year 2011, there are many cases about fraudulent telephone calls, SMS or emails requiring bank users personal financial information. Many people had been cheated and lost a huge amount of money. This cases increase the fear of public. To minimize the fraud, announcement made on the website of Maybank is insufficient. Maybank should undertake a series of initiatives to ensure that the risk arising from the fraud can be reduced as lower as possible. Maybank can implement Anti-Fraud Road show, Awareness Programme and Introduction of Fraud rules to reduce the fraud. It can increase the awareness from public about fraud and criminal activities. Besides that, it also can prevent Maybank employees cooperate with those criminal group by disclose Maybank users information. 11 Credit Risk Maybank need to have strong emphasis in creating and enhancing credit risk awareness to reduce the exposure of credit risk. Besides that, Maybank also need to maintain weighted capital ratio at 8%. In order to minimize the credit risk, Maybank should be more prudent on screening borrowers application, repayment ability of borrower, credit standing, valuable of collateral and guarantor of borrower. If the borrower unable to offset the loan, the collateral may reduce the credit risk as much as possible. Furthermore, Maybank can use debt restructuring to reduce non-performance loan. Banks balance sheet may be burden and facing credit risk due to increase bad loan. Those borrowers who are unable to repay the loan can negotiate with Maybank. Debt restructuring can reduce the bad loan and provide a win-win situation for Maybank and borrower who unable to offset the loan or mortgage. Liquidity Risk Basically liquidity risk can be defined as funding liquidity risk and market liquidity risk. If bank has a high level of liquidity risk, the bank will face short-of cash and bank run. According to annual report of Maybank 2011, exposure to liquidity risk can be reduced through contracting derivatives where the underlying items are widely traded. Maybank should not hold too much high risky assets because heavier use of purchased funds will cause a shortage of liquidity. Maybank also can diversify funding source to raise the fund. In the point of view, Maybank will have sufficient amount to meet those daily transaction. Furthermore, Maybank can implement a plan or strategy to handle different liquidity crisis scenarios especially during economic crisis. 12 In conclusion, those various risks that exposed in Maybank are influencing to each other. If the management is inefficiency, it will increase the management risk. The management risk will create market risk. Maybank unable to determine the market interest rate, Maybank will face significant losses and affect bank capital. Credit risk may increase and the liquidity conditions of Maybank reduce. Reduce in liquidity condition causes Maybank in ability to fully approve loan demand. Asset quality may decrease and affect the earning performance of Maybank. Recommendation for CIMB Group Credit Risk In order for CIMB Group get expose into the credit risk, CIMB Group can try to strengthen up the condition for their customer to get the loan. The detail of financial statement of customers should be checked clearly before lending out the loan. Training for the staff should carry out, so the staff can know the way how to keep follow up with the customer if the loan haven pays back on time. With this way the chance getting the charge-offs will be reduce and the losses of firm will tend to reduce too. Those analyses that done before should be carry on so that CIMB Group can easily figure out those problem customers and avoid getting into the risk. CIMB Group can even try to have the credit insurance so that they can claim from the insurance for to cover the losses. Liquidity Risk As we know, a firm with high liquidity risk will bring the firm get into bad situation. Therefore CIMB Group should try their best in managing their assets in tend to reduce the liquidity risk. By maintain or keep increasing the risk weighted capital ratio will be helpful to CIMB Group. High risk weighted capital ratio would means the firm will had large amount of cash to carry out the activities. CIMB Group can try to come out with a small group that only deal with liquidity of the firm. This might help CIMB Group to know more the liquidity status for their firm. Besides that, by not holding too much of the high risk assets can reduce the liquidity risk too. This is due to high risk assets will cause firm get losses and the fund will be stuck with those high risk assets. Maintain a good relationship with other competitors also a way to prevent increase the risk. For example, CIMB Group and May Bank maintain a good relationship. When something went wrong for CIMB Group, May Bank migh t willing to help CIMB Group in order to solve the problem. Market Risk 13Market risk had involved two types of risk which is price risk and interest rate risk. For price risk, market survey can be always carrying out for get to know the need of the market. Market survey might let CIMB Group get to know the trend of the market and the reason or fraud might affect the market price. So CIMB Group can react faster to capture the market before others. While for interest risk, CIMB Group has no choice but to be aware with the economic changes or the event that might affect the market. This can help CIMB Group to avoid suffer from the losses due to the changes of interest rate. Operational Risk For CIMB Group to avoid the operational risk, one of the solutions is training for the staff. After training, those staffs will be knows well for the whole operating system of CIMB Group. Therefore the human mistake can be lower down. For those data and networking system should be always been taking care by those qualify skilled worker. This will be lower down the system error that might occur. Even got error occur, those qualify skilled worker can try to fix it in time to prevent the huge amount of losses. For those ATM machine should always been taking care for time to time to prevent error occur and can repair in time if any problem with the machine. Reputation Risk CIMB Group should always be aware when dealing with public. This is because if misunderstanding or problem occur will tend bring negative impact to the image of CIMB Group. When this situation happen, the confident of customer towards CIMB Group will be pulling down and CIMB Group will expose in the reputation risk as well. Therefore those activities such as raising fund for people who needed be carry out in order to build up a good image for the public. As conclusion, to prevent CIMB Group get into different type of risks, the risk management department in CIMB Group had played the important role. Risk measurement should be done time by time so that when problem occur, the series of actions can be taken just in time. While for the insurance is to cover the losses when something unexpected occur so that the firm can be more focus on their main business. 14
Requirements Engineering and the Agile Approach
Requirements Engineering and the Agile Approach Yangqing Lu   With the evolution of Project Management (PM) methodology, Requirements Engineering (PE) has experienced huge change, especially when Agile is adopted by projects increasingly. However, no matter how the PM approach develops, the importance of PE is unshakable. Based on the Qualitative Research Approach, three articles has been viewed to introduce requirements issues regarding requirement elicitation, consensus, prioritization, user story. In the first article, the author introduced concepts of traditional RE and some changes in Agile approach. The second article demonstrates criteria of how to build qualified user stories. Ten requirement prioritization methods are compared in the third paper. These three articles are sound fundamentals for readers to gain basic skill for requirement management. Requirements Engineering and Agile Software Development This article discusses the difference and similarities between traditional Requirements Engineering (RE) and agile approaches. RE is a process comprising Requirements Elicitation, Requirements Analysis, Requirements Documentation, Requirements Validation, and Requirements Management. RE have a high dependency on documents for communications and the manner of prediction of future needs often leads to over documentation. (Paetsch F., Eberlein A., Maurer F., 2003) During Requirements Elicitation, approaches concerning the closed or open interviews of stakeholders, use cases and scenarios, observation and social analysis, focus group, brainstorming, and prototyping are often conducted during the period of the Requirement Elicitations. Based on this phase, in phase Requirements Analysis, information gathered is checked prioritized regarding necessity, consensus, completeness, consistency, and feasibility. Requirements are discussed by stakeholders and developers before write them down in requirement documents which are verified to be acceptable to organizational standards and organizational knowledge. (Paetsch F., Eberlein A., Maurer F., 2003) By contrast, the Agile approach is preparing to cater to continuous requirement changing and close collaboration so much that it has been adjusted to deliver upgraded products frequently. The mission of Agile determines that it cannot precisely follow the standards of RE. In fact, Agile never prepare to include a formal RE process: people cannot clearly separate a phase regarding Requirements Elicitation or Requirements Analysis from Agile process. Whereas, most RM methodologies are embedded into the Agile process: such as elicitation methods concerning interviews, brainstorming, and prioritization are also adopted in Planning Game a phase designed in Extreme Programming(XP). (Paetsch F., Eberlein A., Maurer F., 2003) It is highlighted that requirement document is both essential for RE and Agile. However, Agile, as the lazy approach, do only the right thing by eliciting, analyzing, validating, and documenting only when needed (Paetsch F., Eberlein A., Maurer F., 2003). Improving Agile requirements: the Quality User Story framework and tool This article introduces the concept of User Story and thirteen items of criteria towards creating Quality User Stories (QUS). Basing on the introduction, a software tool called Automatic Quality User Story Artisan (AQUSA) is introduced and its function has been assessed too. According to (Lucassen, G., Dalpiaz, F., van der Werf, Jan Martijn, E. M., Brinkkemper, S., 2016), User stories are a concise notation for expressing requirements that are increasingly employed n agile requirements engineering and in agile development. As explanations of requirements, user stories are used to discuss ideas with stakeholders and also act as criteria for acceptance. A user story should be able to state who it is for, what it does, and optionally why does that. Thus, an accepted user story format is As a, , I want , [so that, some reason/end]. Whereas in Scrum a specific Agile pattern, Epic and Themes also involved into user story design with the former one identifies a list of smaller, implementable user stories and the later one defines a set of user stories who are in the same criterion such as authorization. To qualify a user story, thirteen criteria are separated into three categories regarding Syntactic, Semantic, and Pragmatic. Those standards are used to guideline the creation of user stories and aim to make user stories clearly defined, focus on a single feature, able to be estimated, etc. The article also gives out a table of ill-defined user stories to explain what regulation is broken. Such as I want to see an error when I cannot see recommendations after I upload an article, this user story breaks the law of well-formed since the role is missing in the story. (Lucassen, G., Dalpiaz, F., van der Werf, Jan Martijn, E. M., Brinkkemper, S., 2016) User stories inside a specific user story set must be unique without confliction (no similar stories can exist in one set, the scope of work items must be consistent), uniform (most stories in the set use same format), independent (stories must not rely on the implementation of another case), and complete (a story cannot use an undefined term without reference. the undefined term or dependency should be stated in terms of relationship). (Lucassen, G., Dalpiaz, F., van der Werf, Jan Martijn, E. M., Brinkkemper, S., 2016) Both those 13 single-user-story criteria and four user-story-set criteria are guideline for agile project engineer to follow when they want to create agile requirements in high quality. Comparison of Requirement Prioritization Techniques to Find Best Prioritization Technique This article introduces ten techniques for requirement prioritization and compares them to find the best method. Some methods are using grouping approach by assign requirements with different group level then those requirements in the same group will be in the same priority. One of the famous grouping methodologies is Museum of Soviet Calculators on the Web (MoScoW) who provides four prioritization groups concerning MUST have, SHOULD have, COULD have, and WONT have. Based on the research result demonstrated in this article, grouping approaches feature low effort, low difficulty, consistent, and high confidence from the users. Especially, MoScoW can help to handle a large number of changes. (Javed, A. K., Rehman, I. U., Yawar, H. K., Iftikhar, J. K., Rashid, S., 2015) Bubble Sort, Minimal Spanning Tree, and Binary Search Tree provide methods for sorting requirements into a requirements list from the most important requirement down to the least important one. When these approaches are adopted, stakeholders and software engineers should be able to compare requirements pair by pair then adjust the location of their importance one by one until all requirement have been put into the correct position. The sorting approach needs the most number of decisions although this method is easy to use. (Javed, A. K., Rehman, I. U., Yawar, H. K., Iftikhar, J. K., Rashid, S., 2015) Hundred Dollar Method and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) are typical methods using ratio to identify priorities of requirements. During these processes, stakeholders should either balance importance among several requirements or mark out between requirements to what extent one is important than the other. AHP is considered to be the most reliable approach for its fault tolerance, consistency, ratio feature. However, to get the final results, AHP needs the most effort regarding decision making and time-consuming. (Javed, A. K., Rehman, I. U., Yawar, H. K., Iftikhar, J. K., Rashid, S., 2015) Requirements are the baseline for specific IT product or service since they define what the product/service is, regulate development scope, provide background for discussion and negotiation between stakeholders and project engineers, and most importantly, act as a guideline for newly hired engineers to understand the product/service. Thus, requirements management are essential for all kind of IT project. To elicit requirements, interview, brainstorming, and observation is often adopted. While to reach consensus, negotiation and team-decision are often valuable to be considered. (Paetsch F., Eberlein A., Maurer F., 2003) However, Traditional RE approaches cannot fulfill the current project management approaches. With more and more project adopt Agile methodology, engineers use user stories to replace traditional requirement document, and the way they elicit requirement has also changed: they document what exactly needed only when needed; more collaborations are involved whenever they need, but they only discuss what are needed; traditional requirements tend to explain what customer need or want while user story focuses on interaction between role and object user to machine, user to user, machine to user, machine to machine. (Paetsch F., Eberlein A., Maurer F., 2003) Since user stories are as important as traditional requirement document, the quality of user stories become equally important. To define high qualifies user stories, a set of guideline consisting of 13 criteria concerning syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic are required to adopt. (Lucassen, G., Dalpiaz, F., van der Werf, Jan Martijn, E. M., Brinkkemper, S., 2016) Before start iterations or springs, choosing specific requirements or user stories out of the whole repository on the basis of requirement prioritization technology is a must. To mark priority of each requirement or just sort them in order, the customers must make most of the decisions such as a case is a must or just what they want. Project engineers also need to estimate time effort and provide to what extent they think the estimation is accurate or not (risk aspect). Sometimes, stakeholders are asked to group these requirements (grouping requirements) or to vote 100 dollars to several requirements(buy requirements). Some prioritization methods are easy to use and reasonably accurate (MoScoW) while some are the most reliable but very difficult to use regarding (AHP). (Javed, A. K., Rehman, I. U., Yawar, H. K., Iftikhar, J. K., Rashid, S., 2015) Requirements: conditions or capabilities that must be met by the project or present in the product, service, or result to satisfy an agreement or other formally imposed specification Requirements engineering (RE): is a traditional software engineering process with the goal to identify, analyze, document and validate requirements for the system to be developed. Requirements Prioritization: to deliver the most valuable feathers as early as possible under a tight schedule, limited resources, and high customer expectations, the customer should decide which requirements are more urgent than others to be implemented. Javed, A. K., Rehman, I. U., Yawar, H. K., Iftikhar, J. K., Rashid, S. (2015). Comparison of requirement prioritization techniques to find best prioritization technique. International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science,7(11), 53-59. doi: Abstract: This paper describes an assessment of different requirement prioritization techniques (binary search tree, AHP, hierarchy AHP, spanning tree matrix, priority group/Numerical Analysis, bubble sort, MoSoW, simple ranking and Planning Game) on the basis of previous literature. Five research papers and thesis are critically reviewed, in order to select best requirement prioritization method. The study of literature shows that AHP is the best requirements prioritization technique amongst all the requirements prioritization techniques. It provides the most efficient and reliable results which are on ratio scale. It is fault- tolerant and provides a consistency check. Lucassen, G., Dalpiaz, F., van der Werf, Jan Martijn, E. M., Brinkkemper, S. (2016). Improving agile requirements: The quality user story framework and tool. Requirements Engineering. 21(3), 383-403. doi: Abstract: User stories are a widely adopted requirements notation in agile development. Yet, user stories are too often poorly written in practice and exhibit inherent quality defects. Triggered by this observation, we propose the Quality User Story (QUS) framework, a set of 13 quality criteria that user story writers should strive to conform to. Based on QUS, we present the Automatic Quality User Story Artisan (AQUSA) software tool. Relying on natural language processing (NLP) techniques, AQUSA detects quality defects and suggest possible remedies. We describe the architecture of AQUSA, its implementation, and we report on an evaluation that analyzes 1023 user stories obtained from 18 software companies. Our tool does not yet reach the ambitious 100 % recall that Daniel Berry and colleagues require NLP tools for RE to achieve. However, we obtain promising results and we identify some improvements that will substantially improve recall and precision. Paetsch F., Eberlein A., Maurer F. (2003). Requirements engineering and agile software development. International workshop on enabling technologies: infrastructure for collaborative enterprises,IEEE.308-313. doi: 10.1109/ENABL.2003.1231428 Abstract: This article compares traditional requirements engineering approaches and agile software development. Our paper analyzes commonalities and differences of both approaches and determines possible ways how agile software development can benefit from requirements engineering methods.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Should Church and State be Separate Essay -- essays research papers
Abstract There has been much debate on whether or not the United States has been doing the right thing by keeping church and state as separate entities rather than keeping them entwined as had been the standard for centuries prior to the country’s founding. The list of influences this law could affect is substantial, ranging from the workplace to school functions. Even the way people decorate their offices and houses has come into question from time to time. However, remarkably, every person has a different style of argument and a different way of looking at the available facts. I intend to compare two very different argument styles on both sides of this issue, and how two capable writers use completely different methods of research, facts, and interpretations to propose their opinions. Should Church and State be Separate? Alan Wolfe (2002) speaks about many of the implied hypocrisies during the centuries-long debate over separation of church and state. While most people are brought up to question hypocrisy, Wolfe claims that some level of it is necessary to allow for compassion from the audience. â€Å"Surely we should want our anti-clericalists to have a touch of belief about them, especially when compared to the truly cynical.†Wolfe ( ¶ 14, 2002). In his book, Separation of Church and State, Philip Hamburger called many of the politicians â€Å"†¦opportunistic†however; their type of behavior is often seen throughout our society today. In his article, â€Å"Church and State Should be Separate,†Wolfe (2002) uses lawyers as an example; The history of American jurisprudence is filled with examples of lawyers seeking to build the strongest possible cases for their clients or causes, dropping one argument and employing another if it promises a greater chance of success, even if it seems to contradict the first. ( ¶ 13). Throughout his argument, Wolfe also cites the court case, â€Å"Everson vs. Board of Education,†which placed separation of church and state into constitutional law in 1947. Prior to this case, the set of rules and ethics, God’s or Man’s, that should guide us, the citizens, had been debated but never determined. On the other side of the spectrum stands Steve Bonta. Bonta contends that separation of church and state is a historical mistake waiting to happen. He uses examples from the French Revolution, in which they attempted the same ideal--giving the power to ... ...selves. Favoritism of one religion over another would also lead to more prejudice and unethical happenings in everything from school and businesses to career paths and job security. I also believe that when one religion stands above another, there is always a risk of another holocaust, even if on a smaller scale. Any of the above events would completely negate our Constitution and lead to the utter destruction of our foundation. Americans have come to rely on and trust their freedoms, even if they take them for granted from time to time, and while some would be thrilled to have a religious establishment placed in an area of power, the majority would see it as a lie from the get-go that this country stands for freedom, and all trust in the government would falter, leading to either another American Revolution or tyrannical rule. â€Å"Church and State Should be Separate†Alan Wolfe. Books and Culture September/October, 2002. Retrieved January 08, 2005 from the Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center Database. â€Å"Church and State Should not be Separate†Steve Bonta. New American July, 09, 2002; vol. 18, p. 1. Retrieved January 08, 2005 from the Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center Database.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Death Penalty Essay: Barbaric Capital Punishment -- Argumentative Pers
Barbaric Capital Punishment    During the past three decades the issue of capital punishment has been very controversial inside the United States. During 1972 the U.S. Supreme Court decided in Furman v. Georgia that the death penalty was unconstitutional because it was a form of "cruel and unusual punishment." However, this decision did not last long; in July 1975 the Supreme Court ruled that capital punishment did not violate any parts of the Constitution. Executions as they had before 1972 resumed again. Since then 180 prisoners have been executed. The United States Supreme Court should abolish the death penalty because it is a form of "cruel and unusual punishment."  Under our current U.S. Constitution which has been around for over 200 years, prisoners of the government cannot be subjected to any kind of punishment which is deemed cruel and unusual. However all the forms of capital punishment that the government uses are questionable as to whether or not they are legal according to the Constitution. Forms of capital punishment that are still used in the United States include hanging, firing squad, electrocution, gas chamber, and lethal injection. With hangings a rope is attached to a persons neck proceeded with them being dropped from a certain height with the other end of the rope attached to something higher than them. The result is either strangulation which can take a while or complete decapitation. With the firing squad option a prisoner is tied to a chair and blinded. After this a firing squad composed most of the time of five individuals fires gun shots at a target attached to the prisoners chest (ACLU).  The most widely used form of execution has been electrocution. With this method of elect... ... obtain its goal. Because the death penalty fails its main objective and because of the reason stated above it should be abolished.  Works Cited American Civil Liberties Union. "Briefing Paper Number 8." gopher:// Associated Press. "PD Chiefs: Death Penalty Fails"., 23 Feb 95 4:40:09 PST. Bedau, Hugo Adam. "The Case Against The Death Penalty". gopher:// Blumstein, Alfred and Jacqueline Cohen. Deterrence and Incapacitation: Estimating the Effects of Criminal Sanctions on Crime Rates. National Academy of Sciences: Washington, D.C., 1978. Van den Haag, Ernest. Punishing Criminals: Concerning a Very Old and Painful Question. Basic Books, Inc.: New York, 1975.  Death Penalty Essay: Barbaric Capital Punishment -- Argumentative Pers Barbaric Capital Punishment    During the past three decades the issue of capital punishment has been very controversial inside the United States. During 1972 the U.S. Supreme Court decided in Furman v. Georgia that the death penalty was unconstitutional because it was a form of "cruel and unusual punishment." However, this decision did not last long; in July 1975 the Supreme Court ruled that capital punishment did not violate any parts of the Constitution. Executions as they had before 1972 resumed again. Since then 180 prisoners have been executed. The United States Supreme Court should abolish the death penalty because it is a form of "cruel and unusual punishment."  Under our current U.S. Constitution which has been around for over 200 years, prisoners of the government cannot be subjected to any kind of punishment which is deemed cruel and unusual. However all the forms of capital punishment that the government uses are questionable as to whether or not they are legal according to the Constitution. Forms of capital punishment that are still used in the United States include hanging, firing squad, electrocution, gas chamber, and lethal injection. With hangings a rope is attached to a persons neck proceeded with them being dropped from a certain height with the other end of the rope attached to something higher than them. The result is either strangulation which can take a while or complete decapitation. With the firing squad option a prisoner is tied to a chair and blinded. After this a firing squad composed most of the time of five individuals fires gun shots at a target attached to the prisoners chest (ACLU).  The most widely used form of execution has been electrocution. With this method of elect... ... obtain its goal. Because the death penalty fails its main objective and because of the reason stated above it should be abolished.  Works Cited American Civil Liberties Union. "Briefing Paper Number 8." gopher:// Associated Press. "PD Chiefs: Death Penalty Fails"., 23 Feb 95 4:40:09 PST. Bedau, Hugo Adam. "The Case Against The Death Penalty". gopher:// Blumstein, Alfred and Jacqueline Cohen. Deterrence and Incapacitation: Estimating the Effects of Criminal Sanctions on Crime Rates. National Academy of Sciences: Washington, D.C., 1978. Van den Haag, Ernest. Punishing Criminals: Concerning a Very Old and Painful Question. Basic Books, Inc.: New York, 1975. Â
Thursday, July 18, 2019
IMC and ethical concerns Essay -- essays research papers
IMC and Ethical Concerns With the constant advances in technology, the business world has become global. Companies compete with the business across the street as well as the business halfway around the globe. Organizations must be innovative to not only thrive but also just to survive. They must be aware of the internal and external factors both locally and globally that can affect their business. Internal Factor and External Factors Internal factors are within the organization. They encompass the marketing mix, ethics, corporate culture, and diversity. The company should ensure that the internal factors are conducive to and support the marketing message that they are trying to convey. If a company’s advertised benefit is excellent customer service, employees need to be empowered to take care of customer concerns quickly. If the organizational structure is vertical, the internal factors may not be in line with the message and will create dissatisfaction among consumers. External factors are factors such as the culture or social standards in a community, the economic status of the nation, technological advances, legal parameters, the competitive landscape, and ethics. These factors are not within the control of the company. Businesses should be flexible and be able to react to changes in the business environment and implement necessary changes internally. In order to do this, research is essential. A compan y must know all that they can about their product or service, the loca...
Healthy People 2010: Obesity and Policy Essay
Obesity is a condition that affects more than one-quarter of adults and one out of five children according to the American Obesity Association (AOA). The effects of obesity are disease, death, disabilities and morbidity. This disease does not receive the attention that it deserves from the government and insurance companies. America spends billions on health care each year. Yet, obesity is on the rise. The diseases that obesity can contribute to are part of the leading death rates. The objective of Healthy People 2010, concerning obesity, involves many issues and attributes. A few objectives are reducing overweight adults, healthy weight in children, food intake and nutrition, school nutrition, nutrition counseling and food security. All of these issues would help reduce chronic diseases and promote health with diet and exercise. To reduce obesity a policy would be adopted by the government. Insurance companies would give a discount to people who would fit the criteria of obesity. If a person were within weight limits, a discount would be given to them through insurance rates. Prevention is the key and the goal of controlling obesity in adults and children. Also, providing activities for families, through city agencies, that would not be a financial burden to the people that are considered low-income. This information needs to be measured in such a way that nationally, state and local entities can access such information. Strengthen state and community monitoring systems that will link nutrient and exercise (Healthy People 2010). Also, receiving commitments from the public and private entities that will be involved, including government, physicians and insurance companies. Obstacles may get in the way of reducing obesity in the United States. Income status, none or little activity, race, gender or family genetics are all barriers that could increase the probability of staying obese. If Americans, as a whole, fight this up coming disease with full force and the backing of the government then the reduction of obesity will happen. Education of nutrition and what is enough for our children will decrease the amount of obesity as adults in the future. The goal is to have a healthier and stronger America. Formulation. There is a proposal for health insurance companies be liable for the education and implementation of programs that will help reduce obesity in America. Americans spend over 60 billion dollars a year on weight reduction plans or pills (AOA). Inadequate reimbursements from the insurance companies make it difficult for Americans to gain control of weight loss. Weight can be a target of discrimination in a person’s personal and professional life. Obesity can cause heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancers, arthritis and death. All of which can seriously jeopardize your health. A policy must be in place to hold insurance companies responsible for providing programs for obese people. If medically diagnosed with obesity by two or more physicians then the insurance company will provide reimbursement for the reduction of weight. This will include a discounted price for a membership in a gym, which will be contracted with the specific insurance company. To pay for or equal the costs to the insurance companies, they can increase premiums for persons who are diagnosed by two or more doctors with the disease of obesity. In addition, insurance companies and/or agencies will be taxed accordingly. The tax will be set aside locally to provide activities to the community and the surrounding areas. Physical activities will be set up for a practical amount of money, which will promote and educate people in the community on weight loss and reduction of obesity in America. This will include, but not limited to, the public schools and any private division. Implementation. Once the policy is clearly written and easily understood, the local government will appoint leadership to the appropriate entities. In this case, the Health and Human Services, American Obesity Association, the state health department and the public should be aware of the policy that is being proposed into legislation. Costs will be an issue in implementing this policy. If insurance companies negotiate with local gyms, there will be a cost reduction. If the companies advertise together as a unit that provides insurance to promote a â€Å"healthy tomorrow†then the costs to the insurance company will be minimal. In addition, the premiums will be higher for the individuals who are medically obese. That will provide a balance to the insurance company for the costs of the reimbursements to the gym. The taxation of the insurance companies will provide extra money to the surrounding community. The local government will set programs to target individuals who are overweight and want to lose it. Programs such as basketball, bicycling, soccer, baseball, aerobics, swimming, tennis and other activities that will promote a healthy America will be paid by the taxes. Evaluation. There are different ways we can evaluate this policy once it has been through the legislation process. There needs to be a specific goal, which has been obtained. A measurement and analysis of information needs to be acquired. Then a recommendation to better the policy would be the conclusion. The political process does offer many channels which perceptions of a policy’s value feeds back into the policy making process. Committees will be set up to oversee and investigate agencies. Interest group intervention can also make or break a policy being introduced in legislation. If proper media exposure were to happen, then you would know the publics point of view and possibly know what will advance the bill or policy into law. Conclusion. This policy process will take time and many efforts by the supporters and agencies involved. Having support from doctors, employers and perhaps the government officials can be helpful when fighting for reimbursements for weight loss treatments. The goal and objective is to encourage individuals with obesity to obtain the best possible medical care for their disease. This policy will also help overcome the stigma that is attached to obesity. Finally, this will urge health insurance companies and the government agencies to be responsible for programs to treat obesity as they do with other diseases. References American Obesity Association: Preventing Weight Gain (2002). Retrieved on June 27, 2005 from American Academy of Pediatrics: Prevention of Pediatrics Overweight and Obesity (2003) Retrieved on July 4, 2005 from;112/2/424 Defining Policy Formulation. The Public Policy Web (2001) Retrieved on July 4, 2005, from Hayes, Wayne. Good Implementation (2002) Retrieved on July 4, 2005 from Healthy People 2010: Leading Health Indicators. (2001) Retrieved on June 27, 2005 from Healthy People 2010: Nutrient and Overweight (2001) Retrieved on June 27, 2005 from
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Liquidity Ratio Essay
In this case study, our master(prenominal) purpose is to analyze the high society fiscal statements and investigate the effects of financial compend announcements on the stock price from 2000 to 2004. anyhow that, we concerned about the financial way or strategy in the association and how are they sustaining their troupe growth and expect earnings in the stock market. We in addition discuss about the fol offset financial analysis and competition in the industry. 2. 0Case learning Summary Krispy Kreme Doughnut operation was started in 1937 when the founder of Kripsy Kreme, Vernon Rudolph began making doughnuts from a supernumerary recipe he bought from a excommunication chef.Then, Krispy Kreme was so salutary-known and it expanded from a wholesale commemorateprise to an addition of Krispy Kremes retail operations and franchising. Rudolph focused on excellent role of doughnuts and customer service. The expiry was always good when it was under the function of Rudolph. After Rudolphs death, Krispy Kreme was acquired by Beatrice Foods and its precedence was to earn profit. Beatrice encouraged additions to the menu and changed the superior recipe and logotype of Krispy Kreme to cut live. Unfortunately, the vocation went down Beatrice decided to sell it.In 1982, the wise owner of Krispy Kreme, Joseph McAleer bought Krispy Kreme by use leverage. Joseph brinytained back the original logo and recipe of Krispy Kreme. One of the priorities of Joseph and Krispy Kreme focused on hot and rattling doughnut. In 1989, Kripsy Kreme was extra from debt and began to expand. In 1996, doughnuts and added branded coffee were their main focus. In year 2000, Kripsy Kreme went public and the initial share price reached $40. 63. After waiver public, the pile was planning aggressively to summation the number of stores and enter international markets. The revenues of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts were generated from n-premises sales, off-premises sales, manufacturing and dispersion of intersection point mix and machinery and privilege royalties and fees. In May 2004, Krispy Kreme proclaimed three major adverse results for the first time as a public corporation. Firstly, the company suffered evil referable to the trend of low-carbohydrate diet. Secondly, it planned to take Montana Mills and would be supercharged. Thirdly, the company planned to close three of its new Hot Doughnut and Coffee Shops. These announcements make the shares closed down by 30%. In year 2003, SEC announced that Kripsy Kreme was too aggressive in acquiring franchise.The practice of Krispy Kreme acquiring Michigan franchise was so wrong. The company recorded the pertain income on past-due loan from Michigan as immediate profit and the purchase cost on Michigan as impalpable asset and did not pay off. In the same time, the company was being charged due to the quitting of the Michigans height executive. The shares of Krispy Kreme fell for few other 15% due to th e announcement from SEC. SEC published another report stated that Krispy Kreme was facing the trouble of growing too fast and the company was too rely on the mesh made from manufacturing and distribution of franchise equipment.Strengths Krispy Kreme is a well-established and long running company. It has a untouchable and consistent consumer base in join State and abroad.Krispy Kreme is a nationally well known consumer brand because the company offers product that is second to none regarding on the taste, freshness and the finest ingredients. The company has consistent expansion and growth. Currently, the corporation has 395 stores with the presence in 40 states in United State and in 16 external countries. Krispy Kreme gains the most popularity in grocery, public lavatory stores and retail outlets due to easy availability to the product. The corporation offers more than 20 distinct types of doughnuts and other menu items including of coffee and bakery items.They are excess ively selling those collectable memorabilia such as mugs, hats and toys. Besides that, Krispy Kreme introduced the atomic number 10 sign of Hot Doughnuts Now because it offers sorting of freshly made doughnuts with high quality everyday. Krispy Kreme is also the first corporation that cut a hole in its pulverizations wall to sell its fresh doughnuts directly to the customers. Krispy Kreme is a vertically intergrated company with three business units which are company store operations, franchise operations and provision chain operation. They heighten doughnuts in a cost effective manner because of the victimisation of an accelerated approach.Thus, Krispy Kreme has a high power of production because each factory stores could produce 4000 dozen to 10000 dozen of doughnuts in a single day. In addition, Kripsy Kreme also differentiated itself with the others by offering customers an fuck to see the production of doughnuts. 3. 1. 2Weaknesses Krispy Kreme has the following weaknesse s which is the low inventory turnover ratio. If not attended to quickly the firms supply line forget continue to cost more currency and reduce future profits. Next, the financial agree of Krispy Kreme is better compared to its competitors but does have some areas that need improvement.Krispy Kremes young worry is showing that they want to be alerting and have employed an almost zero(a) tolerance policy regarding debt. Poor instruction or financial practices hurt record and stock prices of this company. Limited amount of well-grounded menu selections, limited non-breakfast menu items 3. 1. 3Opportunities outside(a) expansion gives better returns to company. Krispy Kreme can snap fastener the chance to expand its business and enter into new markets like Asia countries because Asians love sweet-smelling goods and they are open to trying foreign foods. The popularity of Western brands in these markets is quiet high.
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